The Motoko Programming Language
Last updated: 2025-03-13
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Written by @SamerWeb3
Special thank you to OpenAI's ChatGPT for helping me learn quickly and assisting me with writing this text!
"Democratize access to the tech economy and make everyone industrious"
~Dominic Williams
Motoko is a programming language developed by DFINITY for writing advanced blockchain programs (smart contracts) on the Internet Computer.
Blockchain programs are a new kind of software that runs in the form of canisters on the Internet Computer blockchain instead of a personal computer or a data center server. This has several advantages:
- Security: Blockchain programs are guaranteed to run the way they are programmed and are therefore tamper-proof.
- Autonomy: Blockchain programs can run 'on their own' without an owner or controller.
- Programmable scarcity: Digital valuable items like currencies and tokens are just numbers in computer code.
- Reduced Complexity: Eliminates the need for traditional IT stack
- Scalability: Asynchronous message passing between actors allows for scalable systems
Motoko allows writing a broad range of blockchain applications from small microservices to large networks of smart contracts all interacting to serve millions of users. In this book we review the Motoko language features and describe how to use them with examples.
We start with common programming concepts found in any language. We then move on to special features for programming on the Internet Computer. We also review the Motoko Base Library and tackle advanced programming concepts. And finally, we go over common canisters (smart contracts) in the Internet Computer ecosystem and also describe common community standards within the context of Motoko Programming.
Along the way, we will develop ideas and techniques that allow us to build a Tokenized Comments section that demonstrates many cool features of Motoko and the Internet Computer.
Getting Started
Motoko Playground is the easiest way to deploy a Hello World example in Motoko.
Motoko Playground is an online code editor for Motoko. It allows us to use Motoko without having a local development environment. It simplifies the process of deploying Motoko code to the Internet Computer.
Hello World!
Open Motoko Playground and click on
Hello, world
in the list of examples. -
Then click on the
file in the files list on the left. -
Checkout the code and hit the
button on the top right. -
Finally, click the
button in the popup window.
Motoko Playground will now deploy your code to the Internet Computer!
You should see a Candid UI
on the right hand side of your screen. Write something in the text box and click the QUERY
button. The output should be displayed in the OUTPUT LOG
Next steps
Exploring the Motoko Playground will help you gain familiarity with the basics of Motoko and related concepts.
It is recommended to explore the example projects. Taking the time to read every line, instead of just skimming through the code, will greatly increase your understanding.
While exploring you will encounter things you don't understand. Be comfortable with that and continue exploring carefully.
Whenever you feel ready, consider installing the Canister Development Kit.
How it works
When you deploy code in Motoko Playground, a couple of things happen:
- The Motoko code is compiled into a Webassembly module.
- A new canister is created on the Internet Computer.
- The Webassembly module is installed in the canister.
- A candid interface file will be generated
- The Candid UI allows you to interact with the actor that is defined in the Motoko code
Common Programming Concepts
This chapter covers the fundamental building blocks of Motoko. If you are coming from another language, you are likely familiar with many of these concepts and you may want to skip this chapter.
Important topics in this chapter are (amongst other basic topics):
A variable is a value that has a name. It is defined by a declaration.
A variable is declared as follows:
let myVariable = 0;
The let keyword indicates we are declaring a variable. The name of the variable is myVariable
. The value that is named is 0
Variable names must start with a letter, may contain lowercase and uppercase letters, may also contain numbers 0-9 and underscores _
The convention is to use lowerCamelCase
for variable names.
declarations declare immutable variables. This means the value cannot change after it is declared.
Some examples of immutable variables:
let x = 12;
let temperature = -5;
let city = "Amsterdam";
let isNotFunny = false;
A declaration ends with a semicolon ;
The convention is to use spaces around the equals sign.
The declarations above all span one line but a declaration may span several lines as long as it ends with a semicolon.
Variables that can change their value after declaring them are called mutable variables. They are declared using a var
var x = 1;
is now the name of a mutable variable with the value 1
. If we want to change the value, in other words mutate it, we assign a new value to it:
x := 2;
now has the value 2
The :=
is called the assignment operator. It is used to assign a new value to an already declared variable.
We can change the value of a mutable variable as many times as we like. For example, we declare a mutable variable named city
with text value "Amsterdam"
var city = "Amsterdam";
And we also declare two immutable variables.
let newYork = "New York";
let berlin = "Berlin";
Now we mutate city
three times:
city := newYork;
city := berlin;
city := "Paris";
The last mutation was achieved by assigning a string literal to the variable name. The first two mutations were achieved by assigning the value of other immutable variables. It is also possible to assign the value of another mutable variable.
A one-line comment is written by starting the line with //
// This is a comment
It's always recommended to clarify your code by commenting:
// A constant representing my phone number
let phoneNumber = 1234567890;
A comment could start at the end of a line:
var weight = 80; // In kilo grams!
And comments could span multiple lines by enclosing it in /** **/
Multiline comment
A description of the code goes here
A type describes the data type of a value. Motoko has static types. This means that the type of every value is known when the Motoko code is being compiled.
Motoko can in many cases know the type of a variable without you doing anything:
let x = true;
In the example above the true
value of variable name x
has the Bool
type. We did not state this explicitly but Motoko infers this information automatically for us.
In some cases the type is not obvious and we need to add the type ourselves. This is called type annotation. We can annotate the name of the variable like this:
let x : Bool = true;
With the colon :
and the name of the type after the variable name, we tell Motoko that x
is of type Bool
We can also annotate the value:
let x = true : Bool;
Or both:
let x : Bool = true : Bool;
In this case it is unnecessary and makes the code ugly. The convention is to leave spaces around the colon.
The type
We can always rename any type by using the type
keyword. We could rename the Bool
type to B
type B = Bool;
let boolean : B = true;
We defined a new alias for the Bool
type and named it B
. We then declare a variable booelan
of type B
Primitive types
Primitive types are fundamental core data types that are not composed of more fundamental types. Some common ones in Motoko are:
See the full list of all Motoko data types
We can define arbitrary names for any type:
type Age = Nat;
This creates an alias (a second name) Age
for the Nat
type. This is useful for writing clear readable code. The convention is to use type names that start with a capital letter.
The variable name age
is of type Age
The unit type
The last type we will mention in this chapter is the unit type ()
. This type is also called the empty tuple type. It's useful in several places, for example in functions to indicate that a function does not return any specific type.
For now let's just look at one ugly, strange and useless, yet legal Motoko code example for the sake of learning:
let unitType : () = () : ();
We declared a variable named unitType
and type annotated this variable name with the unit type. Then we assigned the empty tuple value ()
to it and also annotated this value with the unit type.
Observe that we type annotate twice, once on the left hand side of the assignment and the other on the right hand side, like we did for variable x
A tuple type is an ordered sequence of possibly different types enclosed in parenthesis:
type MyTuple = (Nat, Text);
Here is a variable with the MyTuple
let myTuple: MyTuple = (2, "motoko");
We can access the values of the tuple like this:
let motoko = myTuple.1;
By adding .1
to myTuple
we access the second element of the tuple. This is called tuple projection. The indexing starts at 0.
Another example:
let profile : (Text, Nat, Bool) = ("Anon", 100, true);
A tuple type is created and used without using an alias. The variable name profile
is annotated with the tuple type. The value assigned to the variable is a tuple of values ("Anon", 100, true)
We access the first element like this:
let username: Text = profile.0;
Records are like a collection of named values (variables). These values could be mutable or immutable. We assign a record to a variable name peter
let peter = {
name = "Peter";
age = 18;
The record is enclosed with curly brackets {}
. The example above is a record with two field expressions. A field expression consists of a variable name and its assigned value. In this case name
and age
are the names. Peter
and 18
are the values. Field expressions end with a semicolon ;
We could annotate the types of the variables like this:
let peter = {
name : Text = "Peter";
age : Nat = 18;
The record now has two type annotated fields. The whole record also has a type. We could write:
type Person = {
name : Text;
age : Nat;
This type declaration defines a new name for our type and specifies the type of the record. We could now start using this type to declare several variables of this same type:
let bob : Person = {
name = "Bob";
age = 20;
let alice : Person = {
name = "Alice";
age = 25;
Another example is a record with mutable contents:
type Car = {
brand : Text;
var mileage : Nat;
let car : Car = {
brand = "Tesla";
var mileage = 20_000;
car.mileage := 30_000;
We defined a new type Car
. It has a mutable field var mileage
. This field can be accessed by writing car.mileage
. We then mutated the value of the mutable mileage
variable to the value 30_000;
Note, we used an underscore _
in the natural number. This is allowed for readability and does not affect the value.
Object literal
Records are sometimes referred to as object literals. They are like the string literals we saw in earlier chapters. Records are a 'literal' value of an object. We will discuss objects and their types in an upcoming chapter.
In our examples above, the literal value for the bob
variable was:
name = "Bob";
age = 20;
A variant is a type that can take on one of a fixed set of values. We define it as a set of values, for example:
type MyVariant = {
The variant type above has two variants: #Black
and #White
. When we use this type, we have to choose one of the variants. Lets declare a variable of this type and assign the #Black
variant value to it.
let myVariant : MyVariant = #Black;
Variants can also have an associated type attached to them. Here's an example of variants associated with the Nat
type Person = {
#Male : Nat;
#Female : Nat;
let me : Person = #Male 34;
let her : Person = #Female(29);
Note the two equivalent ways of using a variant value. The #Male 34
defines the Nat
value separated by the variant with a space. The #Female(29)
uses ()
without a space. Both are the same.
Variants can have different types associated to them or no type at all. For example we could have an OsConfig
variant type that in certain cases specifies an OS version.
type OsConfig = {
#Windows : Nat;
#Linux : Text;
let linux = #Linux "Ubuntu";
In the case of the #Linux
variant, the associated type is a Text
value to indicate the Linux Distribution. In case of #Windows
we use a Nat
to indicate the Windows Version. And in case of #Mac
we don't specify any version at all.
Note that the last variable declaration is not type annotated. That's fine, because Motoko will infer the type that we declared earlier.
Immutable Arrays
Arrays in Motoko are like an ordered sequences of values of a certain type. An immutable array is an ordered sequence of values that can't change after they are declared.
Here's a simple array:
let letters = ["a", "b", "c"];
We assigned an array value to our variable letters
. The array consists of values of a certain type enclosed in angle brackets []
. The values inside the array have to be of the same type. And the whole array also has an array type.
type Letters = [Text];
let letters : Letters = ["a", "b", "c"];
We declare an array type [Text]
and named it Letters
. This type indicates an array with zero or more values of type Text
. We did not have to declare the type up front. We could use the array type to annotate any variable:
let letters : [Text] = ["a", "b", "c"];
We used the type [Text]
to annotate our variable. The array values now have to be of type Text
We can access the values inside the array by indexing the variable. This is sometimes called array projection:
let a : Text = letters[0];
Indexing the variable letters
by adding [0]
allows us to access the first element in the array. In the example above, the variable a
now has text value "a"
which is of type Text
But we have to take care when we try to access values inside an array. If we choose an index that does not exist in our array, the program wil stop executing with an error!
// WARNING: this will throw an out of bounds error
let d = letters[3];
To avoid indexing into an array outside its bounds, we could use a method that is available on all array types called size()
. A method is just a function that is called on a named value.
let size : Nat = letters.size();
We now declared a variable named size
which is of type Nat
and assign the value returned by our method .size()
. This method returns the total length of the array. In our case, this value would be 3
WARNING: Be careful, the last element of the array is size - 1
! See example in mutable arrays.
Arrays and mutable variables
An immutable array could be assigned to a mutable variable. The array values are still immutable, but the value of the variable (which is an immutable array) could change.
var numbers : [Nat] = [5, 3, 7];
numbers := [2, 6, 7, 4, 7];
We declare a mutable variable numbers
of type [Nat]
and assign an array of Nat
values to it. We could not change any of the values if we wanted, but we could assign a whole new array to the variable.
In the second line, we assigned another value of type [Nat]
to our variable numbers
. The variable numbers
could be mutated many times as long as it's assigned value is of type [Nat]
Mutable Arrays
Mutable arrays are a sequence of ordered mutable values of a certain type. To define a mutable array, we use the var
keyword inside the array.
let letters = [var "a", "b", "c"];
let a : Text = letters[0];
We declared an immutable variable named letters
and assigned an array value to it. Our array has the keyword var
inside of it after the first bracket to indicate that the values are mutable. The var
keyword is used only once at the beginning.
Notice, that array indexing works the same as for a immutable array.
We could be more explicit about the type of our variable by annotating it:
let letters : [var Text] = [var "a", "b", "c"];
Our mutable array is of type [var Text]
. We could now mutate the values inside the array, as long as we assign new values of type Text
letters[0] := "hello";
We can mutate values as many times as we like. Lets change the last value of our array:
let size = letters.size();
letters[size - 1] := "last element";
We used the .size()
method to obtain a Nat
and used that to index into the array, thereby accessing the last element of the array and giving it a new Text
value. The last element is size - 1
because array indexing starts at 0 and the .size()
method counts the size of the array starting at 1.
Our array has now the following value:
[var "hello", "b", "last element"]
Mutable arrays and mutable variables
We could also assign a mutable array to a mutable variable.
var numbers : [var Nat] = [var 8, 8, 3, 0];
numbers[2] := 10; // mutate the value inside the array
numbers := [var 1]; // mutate the value of the variable
numbers := [var]; // mutate the value of the variable
We declared a mutable variable named numbers
. We annotated the type of the variable with [var Nat]
indicating that the value of this variable is a mutable array of Nat
values. We then assigned a mutable array to the variable name. The array has the keyword var
inside of it.
In the second line we access the third element by indexing and mutate the Nat
value at that index.
In the third line, we mutate the value of the variable, which is a whole new mutable array with one single value.
In the last line, we mutate the value of the variable again, which is a whole new mutable array with zero values.
We could mutate the variable again, but the new value has to be of type [var Nat]
Operators are symbols that indicate several kinds of operations on values. They consist of one, two or three characters and are used to perform manipulations on typically one or two values at a time.
let x = 1 + 1;
The +
character in the example above serves as an addition operator, which performs an arithmetic operation.
In this chapter we will cover several kinds of operators, namely numeric, relational, bitwise, and assignment operators. We will also cover text concatenation, logical expressions and operator precedence.
Numeric operators
Numeric operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on number types like Nat
, Int
or Float
. Here's a list of all numeric operators:
An example:
let a : Nat = (2 ** 4) / 4;
We used parentheses (2 ** 4)
to indicate the order in which the operations need to be performed. The exponentiation happens first and the result is then divided by 4. The end result will be a value of type Nat
The order in which the operations are performed is called operator precedence.
Relational operators
Relational operators are used to relate or compare two values. The result of the comparison is a value of type Bool
is equal to!=
is not equal to<=
is less than or equal to>=
is greater than or equal to<
is less than (must be enclosed in whitespace)>
is greater than (must be enclosed in whitespace)
Some examples:
let b : Bool = 2 > 3;
let c : Bool = (2 : Int) >= 2;
let d : Bool = 1.61 == 1.61;
In the first line we compared two Nat
values. The result is the value false
of type Bool
Notice how we type annotated the value itself in the second line, therefore telling Motoko that we are now comparing two Int
values. The result is the value true
of type Bool
In the last line we compared two Float
values. The result is the value true
of type Bool
Assignment operators
We already encountered the most common assignment operator in mutability, which is the :=
operator. There are many assignment operators in Motoko. Lets just focus on some essential ones here:
assignment (in place update)+=
in place add-=
in place subtract*=
in place multiply/=
in place divide%=
in place modulo**=
in place exponentiation
Lets use all of them in an example:
var number : Int = 5;
number += 2;
var number : Int = 5;
number -= 10;
var number : Int = 5;
number *= 2;
var number : Int = 6;
number /= 2;
var number : Int = 5;
number %= 5;
var number : Int = 5;
number **= 2;
We started by declaring a mutable variable named number
, we annotated its name with the type Int
and set its value equal to 5
. Then we mutate the variable multiple times using assignment operators.
Text concatenation
We can use the #
sign to concatenate values of type Text
let t1 : Text = "Motoko";
let t2 : Text = "Programming";
let result : Text = t1 # " " # t2;
In the last line we concatenate the two Text
variables t1
and t2
with a text literal " "
representing a space.
Logical expressions
Logical expressions are used to express common logical operations on values of type Bool
. There are three types of logical expressions in Motoko.
The not
expression takes only one operand of type Bool
and negates the value:
let negate : Bool = not false;
let yes : Bool = not (1 > 2);
In the first line negate
has boolean value true
. It is set by negating the boolean literal false
. In the second line, we negate the boolean expression (1 > 2)
Both negate
and yes
are of type Bool
. This type is inferred.
The truth table for not
x | not x |
true | false |
false | true |
The and
expression takes two operands of type Bool
and performs a logical AND operation.
let result : Bool = true and false;
is now false
according to the truth table.
x | y | x and y |
true | true | true |
true | false | false |
false | true | false |
false | false | false |
The or
expression takes two operands of type Bool
and performs a logical OR operation.
let result : Bool = true or false;
is now true
according to the truth table.
x | y | x 0r y |
true | true | true |
true | false | true |
false | true | true |
false | false | false |
Bitwise operators
Bitwise operators are used to manipulate the bits of number values.
Bitwise AND &
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = 6; // binary: 0000_0110
let c : Nat8 = a & b; // binary: 0010 (decimal: 2)
Bitwise OR |
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = 6; // binary: 0000_0110
let c : Nat8 = a | b; // binary: 0000_1110 (decimal: 14)
Bitwise XOR ^
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = 6; // binary: 0000_0110
let c : Nat8 = a ^ b; // binary: 0000_1100 (decimal: 12)
Bitwise Shift Left <<
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = a << 2; // binary: 0010_1000 (decimal: 40)
Bitwise Shift Right >>
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = a >> 2; // binary: 0000_0010 (decimal: 2)
Bitwise Rotate Left <<>
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = a <<> 2; // binary: 0010_1000 (decimal: 40)
Bitwise Rotate Right <>>
let a : Nat8 = 10; // binary: 0000_1010
let b : Nat8 = a <>> 2; // binary: 1000_0010 (decimal: 130)
Wrapping Addition +%
let a : Int8 = 127; // maximum value for a 8-bit signed integer
let b : Int8 = 1;
let c : Int8 = a +% b; // wraps around to -128
Wrapping Subtraction -%
let a : Int8 = -128; // minimum value for a 8-bit signed integer
let b : Int8 = 1;
let c : Int8 = a -% b; // wraps around to 127
Wrapping Multiplication *%
let a : Nat8 = 2;
let b : Nat8 = 128;
let c : Nat8 = a *% b; // wraps around to 0
Wrapping Exponentiation **%
let a : Nat8 = 2;
let b : Nat8 = 8;
let c : Nat8 = a **% b; // wraps around to 0
Operator precedence
Consider the following example:
let q : Float = 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5;
We used 4 common arithmetic operations in one line. The result is a value of type Float
and will be named q
If we would perform the operations from left to right, we would do the following:
- We add 1 to 2 giving us 3
- We then subtract 3 from 3 giving us 0
- We multiply 0 with 4 giving us 0
- We divide 0 by 5 giving us 0
But if we run this code in Motoko, the value of q
will be 0.6
! The reason for this is that the operations are not performed from left to right. Multiplication and division are performed first, followed by addition and subtraction.
Multiplication and division have a higher precedence than addition and subtraction. Every operator has a certain 'priority' compared to other operators. To see all the precedence rules of which operators are applied before others, checkout the official docs.
To ensure an operation happens first before any other, we can enclose the values and the operator inside parenthesis.
let q : Float = ((1 + 2) - 3) * 4 / 5;
The value of q
is now 0
Pattern Matching
When we discussed tuples, records and variants, we were building up structured data types. With pattern matching we are able to decompose structured data into its constituent parts.
Lets use pattern matching to decompose a tuple into its constituent parts. We first construct a tuple and assign it to a variable. Then we deconstruct it by naming its values one by one and bringing them into scope:
let individual = ("Male", 30);
let (gender, age) = individual;
The tuple ("Male", 30)
has a "Male"
value and a 30
value. The second line binds these values to newly created variable names gender
and age
. We can now use these variables in this scope.
We could also type annotate the variable names to check the type of the values we are decomposing.
let (gender : Text, _ : Nat) = individual;
In this last example, we only brought gender into scope. Using the wildcard _
indicates that we don't care about the second value which should have type Nat
When we decompose individual
into gender
and age
we say that the variable is consumed by the pattern (gender, age)
Lets look at an example of pattern matching on a record:
let person = {
name = "Peter";
member = false;
let { name; member } = person;
In the example above, we define a record. We then decompose the record fields by using the names of the fields, thereby bringing these variables into scope.
Note we use the {name; member}
pattern to consume the variable.
We don't have to use all the fields. We could use only one for example:
let { name } = person;
We could also rename the fields:
let { name = realName; member = groupMember } = person;
Type annotation within the patterns is allowed and recommended when its not obvious what the type should be.
Pattern matching is a powerful feature of Motoko with many more options and we will revisit it later in this book. For more info check the official docs.
We begin our treatment of functions in this chapter by discussing a subset of possible functions in Motoko, namely private functions. We will explain private function arguments, argument type annotation, return type and the type of the function itself.
Private functions in Motoko may appear in Records
, Objects
, Classes
, Modules
, Actors
and other places as well.
Other possible functions will be discussed in upcoming chapters:
Objects and Classes
public and private functions inside an object or classModules
public and private functions inside a moduleActors
update, query and oneway shared functionsActors
functionsPrincipals and Authentication
caller-identifying functionsUpgrades
system upgrade functions
Private functions
Lets start with most simple function in Motoko:
func myFunc() {};
The func
keyword is indicating a function declaration. myFunc
is an arbitrary name of the function followed by two parenthesis ()
and two curly brackets {}
. The ()
are used for function arguments (inputs to the function) and the {}
are used for the function body.
Note: The ()
in this context is not the same as the unit type!
We could explicitly tell Motoko that this is a private function by using the private
keyword in front of the func
keyword. This is not necessary though, because a function declaration defaults to a private function in Motoko unless declared otherwise.
Lets be more explicit about our private function, add one argument as an input and expand the body:
private func myFunc(x : Nat) {
// function body
The function is now marked private. All arguments must be annotated. Type inference doesn't work here. In this case we take in one argument and name it x
. We also type annotate it with Nat
Lets proceed by adding a return type to this function and actually returning a value of that type:
private func myFunc(x : Nat) : Nat {
return x;
After the function arguments we annotate the return type of this function with : Nat
. If we don't annotate the return type of a private function, it defaults to the unit ()
return type.
Inside the body we return x
, the same variable that was passed to the function. This is allowed because x
also has type Nat
, which is the expected return type for this function.
Lets simplify this function:
func myFunc(x : Nat) : Nat {
We removed the private keyword and simplified the return expression to just x
. Even the semicolon ;
is gone. But note that we can't leave out the type annotations, like we did with variables. Type inference doesn't work on function declarations except for the defaulting unit type behavior mentioned above.
Lets write a useful private function and call it:
func concat(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Text {
let result = t1 # t2;
let output = concat("Hello", "world");
Our function concat
takes two arguments of type Text
. It also returns a Text
We use the text concatenation operator #
to concatenate the two arguments and assign the result to a new variable. Concatenation with #
only works for Text
The result of the concatenation t1 # t2
is another Text
. We did not type annotate the variable result
. Motoko automatically infers this for us.
We return result
by placing it at the last line of the function without a return
keyword and semicolon ;
. You could be explicit by adding the return keyword and even type annotate the result
variable with a : Text
type, but in this case it is not necessary.
Lastly, we call this function with two text literals as the arguments and assign its result to the variable output
. Again, we don't have to annotate the type of this output
variable, because this is obvious from the context and Motoko will infer this information for us.
Function type
The last concept for this chapter is the type of the whole function. A function's typed arguments and return type together are used to define a type for the function as a whole. The type of the function concat
above is the following:
type Concat = (Text, Text) -> Text;
let ourFunc : Concat = concat;
We used the type name Concat
to define a new type (Text, Text) -> Text
. This is the type of our function concat
. The function type is constructed by joining three things:
- a tuple of types for the function argument types
- the
keyword - the return type of the function
We use the Concat
type to annotate the type of another variable ourFunc
and assign the function name concat
to it without the parenthesis and arguments like we did when we called the function. We basically renamed our function to ourFunc
Options and Results
In this chapter we discuss the Option type and the Result variant type.
They are different concepts but they are generally used for the same purpose, namely specifying the return type of functions. Options are used more widely beyond function return types, where as Results mostly appear as function return type.
An option type is a type that can either have some value or have no value at all.
An option type is a type preceded by a question mark ?
An option value is a value preceded by a question mark ?
Some examples:
let a : ?Nat = ?202;
let b : ?Text = ?"DeFi";
let c : ?Bool = ?true;
Variable a
is annotated with option type ?Nat
and assigned the option value ?202
. The option value must be of the same type as the option type, meaning the value 202
is of type Nat
Every option value can have the value null
, which is a special 'value' indicating the absence of a value. The null
value has type Null
. For example:
let x : ?Nat = null;
let y : ?Text = null : Null;
We assign the value null
to variable x
which has option type ?Nat
. In the second line we type annotated the null
value with its Null
Lets use an option type as the return type of two functions:
func returnOption() : ?Nat {
func returnNull() : ?Nat {
The two functions both have ?Nat
as their return type. The first returns an option value and the second returns null
In the next chapter about control flow we will demonstrate how we can use option types in a useful way.
To fully understand Results we have to understand generics first, which are an advanced topic that we will cover later in this book. For now we will only cover a limited form of the Result variant type to give a basic idea of the concept.
A Result type is a variant type. A simple definition could be:
type Result = {
A value of this type may be one of two possible variants, namely #ok
or #err
. These variants are used to indicate either the successful result of a function or a possible error during the evaluation of a function.
Lets use the Result type in the same way we used Options above:
func returnOk() : Result {
func returnErr() : Result {
Both functions have Result
as their return type. The one returns the #ok
variant and the other return the #err
In the next chapter about control flow we will demonstrate how we can use the Result variant type in a useful way.
Control Flow
Control flow refers to the order in which a program is executed. We discuss three common control flow constructs in Motoko: if
expressions, if else
expressions and switch
These constructs are called expressions because they evaluate to a value of a certain type.
If Expression
An if expression is constructed with the if
keyword followed by two expressions. The first expression is enclosed in parenthesis ()
and the second is enclosed with curly braces {}
. They both evaluate to a value of a certain type.
The first expression after the if
keyword has to evaluate to a value of type Bool
. Based on the boolean value of the first expression, the if
expression will either evaluate the second expression or it doesn't.
let condition = true;
var number = 0;
if (condition) { number += 1 };
// number is now 1
The first expression evaluates to true
so the second expression is evaluated and the code inside it is executed. Note we used the +=
assignment operator to increment the mutable variable number
If the first expression evaluates to false
, then the second expression is not evaluated and the whole if
expression will evaluate to the unit type ()
and the program continues.
If Else Expression
The if else
expression starts with the if
keyword followed by two sub-expressions (a condition and its associated branch) and ends with the else
keyword and a third sub-expression:
if (condition) 1 else 2;
The condition has to be of type Bool
. When the condition evaluates to the value true
, the second sub-expression 1
is returned. When the condition evaluates to the value false
, the third sub-expression 2
is returned.
When the branches are more complex expressions, they require curly braces:
if (condition) {} else {};
Unlike if
expressions that lack an else
, when the first sub-expression of an if else
evaluates to false
, the entire if else
expression evaluates as the third sub-expression, not the unit value ()
For example, this if else
expression evaluates to a value of a certain type Text
, and we assign that value to a variable named result
let result : Text = if (condition) {
"condition was true";
} else {
"condition was false";
Generally, the second and third sub-expressions of the if else
expression must evaluate to a value of the same type.
Switch Expression
The switch
expression is a powerful control flow construct that allows pattern matching on its input.
It is constructed with the switch
keyword followed by an input expression enclosed in parenthesis ()
and a code block enclosed in curly braces {}
. Inside this code block we encounter the case
keyword once or several times depending on the input.
switch (condition) {
case (a) {};
The case
keyword is followed by a pattern and an expression in curly braces {}
. Pattern matching is performed on the input and the possible values of the input are bound to the names in the pattern. If the pattern matches, then the expression in the curly braces evaluates.
Lets switch on a variant as an input:
type Color = { #Black; #White; #Blue };
let color : Color = #Black;
var count = 0;
switch (color) {
case (#Black) { count += 1 };
case (#White) { count -= 1 };
case (#Blue) { count := 0 };
We defined a variant type Color
, declared a variable color
with that type and declared another mutable variable count
and set it to zero. We then used our variable color
as the input to our switch
After every case
keyword, we check for a possible value of our variant. When we have a match, we execute the code in the expression defined for that case.
In the example above, the color is #Black
so the count
variable will be incremented by one. The other cases will be skipped.
If all expressions after every case (pattern)
evaluate to a value of the same type, then like in the example of the if else
expression, we could assign the return value of the whole switch
expression to a variable or use it anywhere else an expression is expected.
In the example above, our switch
expression evaluates to ()
A little program
Lets combine some concepts we have learned so far. We will use a Result
, an Option
, a mutable variable, a function
and a switch
expression together:
type Result = {
#ok : Nat;
#err : Text;
type Balance = ?Nat;
var balance : Balance = null;
func getBalance(bal : ?Nat) : Result {
switch (bal) {
case (null) {
#err "No balance!";
case (?amount) {
#ok amount;
We started by defining a Result
type with two variants #ok
and #err
. Each variant has an associated type namely Nat
and Text
Then we define an Option
type called Balance
. It is an optional value of type ?Nat
We then declare a mutable variable called balance
and annotate it with the Balance
And lastly, we define a function that takes one argument of type ?Nat
and returns a value of type Result
. The function uses a switch
expression to check the value of our variable balance
The switch
expression checks two cases:
- In the case the value of
, it returns the#err
variant with an associated text. This is returned to the function body, which is then treated as the return value of the function. - In the case the value of
is some optional value?amount
, it returns the#ok
variant with an associated valueamount
In both cases we used pattern matching to check the values. In the last case we defined a new name amount
to bind our value, in case we found some optional value of type ?Nat
. If so, then that value is now available through this new name.
Lets now call this function.
let amount : Result = getBalance(balance);
balance := ?10;
let amount2 : Result = getBalance(balance);
The first call will yield #err "No balance!"
telling us that the balance is null
. We then mutate the value of our balance to a new optional value ?10
. When we call the function again, we get #ok 10
Note, we didn't have to annotate the amount
variable with the Result
type, but it does make it more clear to the reader what the expected type is of the function.
Objects and Classes
When we looked at records we saw that we could package named variables and their values inside curly braces, like { x = 0 }
. The type of such a record was of the form { x : Nat }
In this chapter, we will look at objects, which are like an advanced version of records. We will also look at classes, which are like 'factories' or 'constructors' for manufacturing objects.
Objects, like records, are like a collection of named (possibly mutable) variables packaged in curly braces {}
. But there are four key differences:
- We define an object by using the
keyword. - We specify the visibility of the named variables with either the
keyword. - We specify the mutability of the named variables with either the
keyword. - Only
variables are part of the type of an object.
Here's a simple example:
let obj = object {
private let x = 0;
We declared an object by using the object
keyword before the curly braces. We also declared the variable x
with the let
The type of this object is the empty object type { }
. This is because the x
variable was declared private
A typed object with a public field could look like this:
type Obj = { y : Nat };
let obj : Obj = object {
private let x = 0;
public let y = 0;
We defined the type beforehand, which consists only of one named variable y
of type Nat
. Then we declared an object with a public
variable y
. We used the object type to annotate the name of the variable obj
Notice that x
is not part of the type, therefore it is not accessible from outside the object.
The values of the variables inside objects (and inside records as well) could also be a function. As we saw in functions, functions also have a type and they could be assigned to a named variable.
let obj = object {
private func f() {};
private let x = f;
Inside the object, we first define a private function and then assign that function to a private
immutable variable x
. The type of this object is the empty object type { }
because there are no public variables.
Lets change the visibility of our x
let obj = object {
private func f() {};
public let x = f;
This object now has the following type:
{ x : () -> () }
This is the type of an object with one field named x
, which is of function type () -> ()
. We could access this public field like this:
let result = obj.x();
let f = obj.x;
The first line actually calls the function and assigns the result to result
. The second line only references the function and renames it.
Public functions in objects
Lets look at a useful object:
let balance = object {
private let initialBalance = 100;
public var balance = initialBalance;
public func addAmount( amount : Nat ) : Nat {
balance += amount;
The first field is a private immutable variable named initialBalance
with constant value 100
. The second field is a public mutable variable named balance
initiated with the value of initialBalance
Then we encounter a declaration of a public function named addAmount
, which takes one argument amount
of type Nat
and returns a value of type Nat
. The function adds the value of amount
to balance
using the 'in place add' assignment operator and finally returns the new value of balance
This object has the following type:
addAmount : Nat -> Nat;
var balance : Nat;
This object type has two fields. The addAmount
field has function type Nat -> Nat
. And the second field is a var
mutable variable of type Nat
Classes in essence are nothing more than a function with a fancy name and special notation. A class, like any other function, takes in values of a certain type and returns a value of a certain type. The return type of a class is always an object. Classes are like 'factories' or 'templates' for objects.
Consider the following two type declarations:
type SomeObject = {};
type SomeClass = () -> SomeObject;
The first is the type of an empty object. The second is the type of a class. It's a function type that could take in a number of arguments and return an instance of an object of type SomeObject
But classes have a special notation using the class
keyword. We declare a class like this:
class MyClass() {
private let a = 0;
public let b = 1;
To use this class we have to create an instance of this class:
let myClassInstance = MyClass();
When we instantiate our class by calling MyClass()
it returns an object. That object is now named myClassInstance
In fact, we could set the expected type of the returned object by defining the type and annotating our variable with it:
type ObjectType = {
b : Nat;
let anotherClassInstance : ObjectType = MyClass();
Now this class is not very useful and we could just have declared an object instead of declaring a class and instantiating it.
Let declare a class that takes some arguments, instantiate two objects with it and use those objects:
class CryptoAccount(amount : Nat, multiplier : Nat) {
private func calc(a : Nat, b : Nat) : Nat {
a * b;
public var balance = calc(amount, multiplier);
let account1 = CryptoAccount(10, 5);
let account2 = CryptoAccount(10, 10);
account1.balance += 50;
account2.balance += 20;
Lets analyze the code line by line. Our class CryptoAccount
takes in two values of type Nat
. These are used once during initialization.
The first member of our class is a private function named calc
. It just takes two values of type Nat
and returns their product. The second member of the class is a mutable variable named balance
which is declared by calling calc
with the two values coming from our class.
Because this class only has one public
field, the expected type of the object that is returned should be { var balance : Nat }
We then define two objects account1
and account2
by calling our class with different values. Both objects have a mutable public field named balance
and we can use that to mutate the value of each.
Public functions in classes
The real power of classes is that they yield objects with state and a public API that operates on that state. The state could be any mutable variable, array or any other value that sits inside the object. The public API consists of one or more functions that operate on that state.
Here's an example:
class CryptoAccount(amount : Nat, multiplier : Nat) {
public var balance = amount * multiplier;
public func pay(amount : Nat) {
balance += amount;
let account = CryptoAccount(10, 5);;
Our CryptoAccount
class takes the same two arguments as before, but now has only two members. One is the public mutable balance
variable. The second is a public function. Because there are two public fields, the expected type of the object returned from this class is
pay : (Nat) -> ();
balance : Nat;
After instantiating the account
variable with our class, we can access the public function by calling it as a method of our object. When we write
we call that function, which in turn mutates the internal state of the object.
In this example the public function happens to operate on a public variable. It could also have mutated a private mutable variable of any type.
Modules and Imports
Modules, like objects, are a collection of named variables, types, functions (and possibly more items) that together serve a special purpose. Modules help us organize our code. A module is usually defined in its own separate source file. It is meant to be imported in a Motoko program from its source file.
Modules are like a limited version of objects. We will discuss their limitations below.
Lets define a simple module in its own source file
module {
private let x = 0;
public let name = "Peter";
This module has two fields, one private, one public. Like in the case of objects, only the public fields are 'visible' from the outside.
Lets now import this module from its source file and use its public field:
import MyModule "module";
let person : Text =;
We use the import
keyword to import the module into our program. Lines starting with import
are only allowed at the top of a Motoko file, before anything else.
We declared a new name MyModule
for our module. And we referenced the module source file
by including it in double quotes without the .mo
We then used its public field name
by referencing it through our chosen module name MyModule
. In this case we assigned this name
text value to a newly declared variable person
Nested modules
Modules can contain other modules. Lets write a module with two child modules.
module {
public module Person {
public let name = "Peter";
public let age = 20;
private module Info {
public let city = "Amsterdam";
public let place =;
The top-level module has two named child modules Person
and Info
. The one is public, the other is private.
The public contents of the Info
module are only visible to the top-level module. In this case the public place
variable is assigned the value of the public field city
inside the private Info
child module.
Only the sub-module Person
and variable place
are accessible when imported.
import Mod "module-nested";
let personName =;
let city =;
Public functions in modules
A module exposes a public API by defining public functions inside the module. In fact, this is what modules are mostly used for. A module with a very simple API could be:
module {
private let MAX_SIZE = 10;
public func checkSize(size : Nat) : Bool {
size <= MAX_SIZE;
This module has a private constant MAX_SIZE
only available to the module itself. It's a convention to use capital letters for constants.
It also has a public function checkSize
that provides some functionality. It takes an argument and computes an inequality using the private constant and the argument.
We would use this module like this:
import SizeChecker "module-public-functions";
let x = 5;
if (SizeChecker.checkSize(x)) {
// do something
We used our newly chosen module name SizeChecker
to reference the public function inside the module and call it with an argument x
from the main file.
The expression SizeChecker.checkSize(x)
evaluates to a Bool
value and thus can be used as an argument in the if expression.
Public types in modules
Modules can also define private and public types. Private types are meant for internal use only, like private variables. Public types in a module are meant to be imported and used elsewhere.
Types are declared using the type
keyword and their visibility is specified:
module {
private type UserData = {
name : Text;
age : Nat;
public type User = (Nat, UserData);
Only the User
type is visible outside the module. Type UserData
can only be referenced inside a module and even used in a public type (or variable or function) declaration as shown above.
Type imports and renaming
Types are often given a local type alias (renamed) after importing them:
import User "types";
type User = User.User;
In the example above, we first import the module from file
and give it the module name User
Then we define a new type alias also named User
, again using the type
keyword. We reference the imported type by module name and type name: User.User
We often use the same name for the module, the type alias and the imported type!
Public classes in modules
Modules can also define private and public classes. Private classes are rarely used internally. Public classes on the other hand are used widely. In fact, most modules define one main class named after the module itself. Public classes in a module are meant to be imported and used elsewhere as 'factories' for objects.
Classes in modules are declared using the class
keyword and their visibility is specified:
module {
public class MyClass(x : Nat) {
private let start = x ** 2;
private var counter = 0;
public func addOne() {
counter += 1;
public func getCurrent() : Nat {
The class MyClass
is visible outside the module. It can only be instantiated if it is imported somewhere else, due to static limitations of modules. Our class takes in one initial argument x : Nat
and defines two internal private variables. It also exposes two public functions.
Class imports and class referencing
Classes in modules are imported from the module source file they are defined in. This file often has the same name as the class! Further more, the module alias locally is also given the same name:
import MyClass "MyClass";
let myClass = MyClass.MyClass(0);
In the example above, we first import the module from source file
and give it the module name MyClass
Then we instantiate the class by referring to it starting with the module name and then the class MyClass.MyClass(0)
. The 0
is the initial argument that our class takes in.
We often use the same name for the module file name, the module local name and the class!
Static expressions only
Modules are limited to static expressions only. This means that no computations can take place inside the module. Static means that no program is running. A module only defines code to be used elsewhere for computations.
A function call is non-static. Computations, like adding and multiplying are also non-static. Therefore the following code is not allowed inside modules:
module {
// public let x = 1 + 1;
// public func compute() {
// 8 - 5
// };
public func compute(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat {
x * y;
The first line in the module tries to compute 1 + 1
which is a 'dynamic' operation. The second line tries to define a function which makes an internal computation, another non-static operation.
The last function compute
is allowed because it only defines how to perform a computation, but does not actually perform the computation. Instead it is meant to be imported somewhere, like in an actor, to perform the computation on any values passed to it.
Module type
Module types are not used often in practice, but they do exist. Modules have types that look almost the same as object types. A type of a module looks like this:
type MyModule = module {
x : Nat;
f : () -> ();
This type describes a module with two public fields, one being a Nat
and the other being a function of type () -> ()
Sometimes it is convenient to make sure some condition is true in your program before continuing execution. For that we can use an assertion.
An assertion is made using the assert
keyword. It always acts on an expression of type Bool
If the expression is true
then the whole assertion evaluates to the unit type ()
and the program continues execution as normal. If the expression evaluates to false
then the program traps.
let condition : Bool = 1 > 2;
assert condition; // Program traps!
Because our condition
is false
, this program will trap at the assertion. The exact consequences of a trap inside a running canister will be explained later in this book.
Internet Computer Programming Concepts
This chapters covers Internet Computer specific features of Motoko.
It is recommended to be familiar with the following items (and their types) from the last chapter:
A comparison of these concepts with actors and actor classes is available:
Motoko Items Comparison Table
Before diving in, lets briefly describe four terms that look alike, but are not the same!
Actor An abstract notion of a self-contained software execution unit that communicates with other actors through asynchronous message passing.
Canister An instance of an actor that runs on the Internet Computer Blockchain.
WebAssembly Module A file containing a binary representation of a program (that may have been written in Motoko) that is installed in a canister that runs on the Internet Computer.
Smart Contract The traditional notion of a blockchain program with roughly the same security guarantees as canisters but with limited memory and computation power.
Actors, like objects, are like a package of state and a public API that accesses and modifies that state. They are declared using the actor
keyword and have an actor type.
Top level actors
Today (Jan 2023), an actor in Motoko is defined as a top-level item in its own Motoko source file. Optionally, it may be preceded by one or more imports:
import Mod "mod";
actor {
We declared an empty actor in its own source file
. It is preceded by an import of a module defined in
and named Mod
for use inside the actor.
You may feel disappointed by the simplicity of this example, but this setup (one source file containing only imports and one actor) is the core of every Motoko program!
Actors vs. objects
Unlike objects, actors may only have private
(immutable or mutable) variables. We can only communicate with an actor by calling its public shared functions and never by directly modifying its private
variables. In this way, the memory state of an actor is isolated from other actors. Only public shared functions (and some system functions) can change the memory state of an actor.
To understand actors it is useful to compare them with objects:
Public API
- Public functions in actors are accessible from outside the Internet Computer.
- Public functions in objects are only accessible from within your Motoko code.
Private and public variables
- Actors don't allow public (immutable or mutable) variables
- Objects do allow public (immutable or mutable) variables
Private functions
- Private functions in actors are not part of the actor type
- Private functions in objects are not part of the object type
Public shared functions
- Actors only allow shared public functions
- Objects only allow non-shared public functions
Class and Actor Class
- Actors have 'factory' functions called Actor Classes
- Objects have 'factory' functions called Classes
For a full comparison checkout: Motoko Items Comparison Table
Public Shared Functions in Actors
Actors allow three kinds of public functions:
Public shared query functions:
Can only read state -
Public shared update functions:
Can read and write state -
Public shared oneway functions:
Can read and write, but don't have any return value.
Public shared query functions are fast, but don't have the full security guarantees of the Internet Computer because they do not 'go through' consensus
Shared async types
The argument and return types of public shared functions are restricted to shared types only. We will cover shared types later in this book.
Query and update functions always have the special async
return type.
Oneway functions always immediately return ()
regardless of whether they execute successfully.
These functions are only allowed inside actors. Here are their function signatures and function types.
Public shared query
public shared query func read() : async () { () };
// Has type `shared query () -> async ()`
The function named read
is declared with public shared query
and returns async ()
. This function is not allowed to modify the state of the actor because of the query
keyword. It can only read state and return most types. The shared query
and async
keywords are part of the function type. Query functions are fast.
Public shared update
public shared func write() : async () { () };
// Has type `shared Text -> async ()`
The function named write
is declared with public shared
and also returns async ()
. This function is allowed to modify the state of the actor. There is no other special keyword (like query) to indicate that this is an update function. The shared
and async
keywords are part of the function type. Update functions take 2 seconds per call.
Public shared oneway
public shared func oneway() { () };
// Has type `shared () -> ()`
The function named oneway
is also declared with public shared
but does not have a return type. This function is allowed to modify the state of the actor. Because it has no return type, it is assumed to be a oneway function which always returns ()
regardless of whether they execute successfully. Only the shared
keyword is part of their type. Oneway functions also take 2 seconds per call.
In our example none of the functions take any arguments for simplicity.
keyword may be left out and Motoko will assume the public function in an actor to beshared
by default. To avoid confusion with public functions elsewhere (like modules, objects or classes) we will keep using the shared keyword for public functions in actors
A simple actor
Here's an actor with one state variable and some functions that read or write that variable:
actor {
private var latestComment = "";
public shared query func readComment() : async Text {
public shared func writeComment(comment : Text) : async () {
latestComment := comment;
public shared func deleteComment() {
latestComment := "";
This actor has one private mutable variable named latestComment
of type Text
and is initially set to the empty string ""
. This variable is not visible 'from the outside', but only available internally inside the actor. The actor also demonstrates the three possible public functions in any actor.
Then first function readComment
is a query function that takes no arguments and only reads the state variable latestComment
. It returns async Text
The second function writeComment
is an update function that takes one argument and modifies the state variable. It could return some value, but in this case it returns async ()
The third function deleteComment
is a oneway function that doesn't take any arguments and also modifies the state. But it can not return any value and always returns ()
regardless of whether it successfully updated the state or not.
Actor type
Only public shared functions are part of the type of an actor.
The type of the actor above is the following:
type CommentActor = actor {
deleteComment : shared () -> ();
readComment : shared query () -> async Text;
writeComment : shared Text -> async ();
We named our actor type CommentActor
. The type itself starts with the actor
keyword followed by curly braces {}
(like objects). Inside we find the three function names as fields of the type definition.
Every field name is a public shared function with its own function type. The order doesn't matter, but the Motoko orders them alphabetically.
has type shared query () -> async Text
indicating it is a shared query function with no arguments and async Text
return type.
has type shared Text -> async ()
indicating it is an shared update function that takes one Text
argument and returns no value async ()
has type shared () -> ()
indicating it is a shared oneway function that takes no arguments and always returns ()
From Actor to Canister
An actor is written in Motoko code. It defines public shared functions that can be accessed from outside the Internet Computer (IC). A client, like a laptop or a mobile phone, can send a request over the internet to call one of the public functions defined in an actor.
Here is the code for one actor defined in its own Motoko source file. It contains one public function.
actor {
public shared query func hello() : async Text {
"Hello world";
We will deploy this actor to the Internet Computer!
A canister is like a home for an actor. It lives on the Internet Computer Blockchain. A canister is meant to 'host' actors and make their public functions available to other canisters and the wider Internet beyond the Internet Computer itself.
Each canister can host one actor. The public interface of the canister is defined by the actor type of the actor it hosts. The public interface is described using an Interface Definition Language. Every canister has a unique id.
The IC provides system resources to the canister, like:
- Connectivity: A canister can receive inbound and make outbound canister calls.
- Memory: A canister has main working memory and also has access to stable memory.
- Computation: The code running in a canister is executed by one processor thread and consumes cycles.
Code compiling and Wasm modules
Before an actor can be deployed to the Internet Computer, the Motoko code has to be compiled into a special kind of code. Compilation transforms the Motoko code into code that can run (be executed) on the Internet Computer. This code is called Webassembly bytecode. The bytecode is just a file on your computer called a Wasm module.
It is this Wasm module that gets installed in a canister.
Deployment steps
To go from Motoko code to a running canister on the IC, the following happens:
- The Motoko code is compiled into a Wasm module
- An empty canister is registered on the Internet Computer
- The Wasm module is uploaded to the canister
The public functions of the actor are now accessible on the Internet from any client!
Motoko Playground
Currently (Jan 2023), there are two main tools to achieve the deployment steps. The more advanced one is the Canister Development Kit called DFX. For now, we will use a simpler tool called Motoko Playground.
The actor at the beginning of this chapter is deployed using Motoko Playground. To repeat the deployment for yourself, open the this link and do the following:
- Check that there is one
file in the left side of the window - Check the Motoko actor code from this chapter
- Click the blue
button - In the popup window choose
The deployment steps will now take place and you can follow the process in the output log
Calling the actor from Motoko Playground
After the successful deployment of the actor in a new canister, we can now call our public function from the browser. On the right hand side of the window, there is a Candid UI
with the name of our function hello
and a button QUERY
. Clicking the button returns the return value of our function to the browser window.
The next chapter will explain what is actually happening when you interact with a canister from a browser.
Canister Calls from Clients
To call a public function of an actor, a message has to be sent over the internet to the Internet Computer Blockchain. This message contains the canister id, the name of the function to be called and the optional arguments for the function. The whole message is also signed by the sender.
There are several libraries for composing messages, sign them and send them in a HTTP request to the Internet Computer. The details of this mechanism and the libraries are outside the scope of this book, but we will mention them briefly to establish a general idea of how canister calls are achieved.
Canister Calls from a browser
The most common way to interact with an actor (hosted in a canister on the Internet Computer) is from a browser. Several Typescript libraries are available that facilitate the process of sending messages to canisters.
In fact, this is exactly what the Candid UI interface is doing when you call a function. Since Motoko Playground runs in the browser, it interacts with the Internet Computer by running Typescript code in the browser that uses the Typescript libraries.
Canister Calls from DFX
Another way to send messages is from a client computer that runs some program instead of a browser. In fact any program that can access the Internet and issue HTTP request can send a message to a canister running on the IC.
One such program is called DFX, which is a Canister Development Kit. We will describe how to send messages to canisters from DFX in later chapters.
Principals and Authentication
Principals are unique identifiers for either canisters or clients (external users). Both a canister or an external user can use a principal to authenticate themselves on the Internet Computer.
Principals in Motoko are a primitive type called Principal
. We can work directly with this type or use an alternative textual representation of a principal.
Here's an example of the textual representation of a principal:
let principal : Text = "k5b7g-kwhqt-xj6wm-rcqej-uwwp3-t2cf7-6banv-o3i66-q7dy7-pvbof-dae";
The variable principal
is of type Text
and has a textual value of a principal.
Anonymous principal
There is one special principal called the anonymous principal. It used to authenticate to the Internet Computer anonymously.
let anonymous_principal : Text = "2vxsx-fae";
We will use this principal later in this chapter.
The Principal Type
To convert a textual principal into a value of type Principal
we can use the Principal module.
import P "mo:base/Principal";
let principal : Principal = P.fromText("k5b7g-kwhqt-xj6wm-rcqej-uwwp3-t2cf7-6banv-o3i66-q7dy7-pvbof-dae");
We import the Principal module from the Base Library and name it P
. We then defined a variable named principal
of type Principal
and assigned a value using the .fromText()
method available in the Principal module.
We could now use our principal
variable wherever a value is expected of type Principal
Caller Authenticating Public Shared Functions
There is a special message object that is available to public shared functions. Today (Jan 2023) it is only used to authenticate the caller of a function. In the future it may have other uses as well.
This message object has the following type:
type MessageObject = {
caller : Principal;
We chose the name MessageObject
arbitrarily, but the type { caller : Principal }
is a special object type available to public shared functions inside actors.
To use this object, we must pattern match on it in the function signature:
public shared(messageObject) func whoami() : async Principal {
let { caller } = messageObject;
Our public shared update function now specifies a variable name messageObject
(enclosed in parenthesis ()
) in its signature after the shared
keyword. We now named the special message object messageObject
by pattern matching.
In the function body we pattern match again on the caller
field of the object, thereby extracting the field name caller
and making it available in the function body. The variable caller
is of type Principal
and is treated as the return value for the function.
The function still has the same function type regardless of the message object in the function signature:
type WhoAmI = shared () -> async Principal;
We did not have to pattern match inside the function body. A simple way to access the caller field of the message object is like this:
public shared query (msg) func call() : async Principal {
This time we used a public shared query function that returns the principal obtained from the message object.
Checking the Identity of the Caller
If an actor specifies public shared functions and is deployed, then anyone can call its publicly available functions. It is useful to know whether a caller is anonymous or authenticated.
Here's an actor with a public shared query function which checks whether its caller is anonymous:
import P "mo:base/Principal";
actor {
public shared query ({ caller = id }) func isAnonymous() : async Bool {
let anon = P.fromText("2vxsx-fae");
if (id == anon) true else false;
We now used pattern matching in the function signature to rename the caller
field of the message object to id
. We also declared a variable anon
of type Principal
and set it to the anonymous principal.
The function checks whether the calling principal id
is equal to the anonymous principal anon
Later in this book we will learn about message inspection where we can inspect all incoming messages before calling a function.
Async Data
Actors expose public shared functions to the outside world and other canisters. They define the interface for interacting with all Motoko programs running in canisters on the Internet Computer. Canisters can interact with other canisters or other clients on the internet. This interaction always happens by asynchronous function calls.
This chapter explains what kind of data is allowed in and out of Motoko programs during calls to and from canisters.
Shared Types
Incoming and outgoing data are defined by the argument types and return types of public shared functions inside actors. Incoming and outgoing data types are restricted to a subset of available Motoko types, called shared types.
Shared types are always immutable types or data structures composed of immutable types (like records, objects and variants).
Shared types get their name from being sharable with the outside world, that is the wider internet beyond the actors running in canisters on the Internet Computer.
Shared Types in Public Shared Functions
Only shared types are allowed for arguments and return values of public shared functions. We give examples of a custom public shared function type called SharedFunction
to illustrate shared types. Recall that a public shared function type includes the shared
and async
Here are the most important shared types in Motoko.
Shared Primitive Types
All primitive types (except the Error
type) are shared.
type SharedFunction = shared Nat -> async Text;
The argument of type Nat
and the return value of type Text
are shared types.
Shared Option Types
Any shared type in Motoko can be turned into an Option type which remains shared.
type SharedFunction = shared ?Principal -> async ?Bool;
The argument of type ?Principal
and the return value of type ?Bool
are shared types.
Shared Tuple Types
Tuples consisting of shared types are also shared, that is they are shared tuple types.
type SharedFunction = shared (Nat, Int, Float) -> async (Principal, Text);
The argument (Nat, Int, Float)
and the return value (Principal, Text)
are shared tuple types.
Shared Immutable Array Types
Immutable arrays consisting of shared types are also shared, that is they are shared immutable array types.
type SharedFunction = shared [Int] -> async [Nat];
The types [Int]
and [Nat]
are shared immutable array types.
Shared Variant Types
Variant types that have shared associated types are also shared.
type GenderAge = {
#Male : Nat;
#Female : Nat;
type SharedFunction = shared GenderAge -> async GenderAge;
The variant type GenderAge
is a shared type because Nat
is also shared.
Shared Object Types
Object types that have shared field types are also shared.
type User = {
id : Principal;
genderAge : GenderAge;
type SharedFunction = shared User -> async User;
Object type User
is a shared type because Principal
and GenderAge
are also shared types.
Shared Function Types
Shared function types are also shared types. This example shows a shared public function that has another shared public function as its argument and return type.
type CheckBalance = shared () -> async Nat;
type SharedFunction = shared CheckBalance -> async CheckBalance;
is a shared type because it is the type of a public shared function.
Shared Actor Types
All actor types are shared types.
type Account = actor {
checkBalance : shared () -> async Nat;
type SharedFunction = shared Account -> async Account;
is a shared type because it is the type of an actor.
All shared types and values in Motoko have a corresponding description in the 'outside world'. This description defines the types and values independently of Motoko or any other language. These alternative descriptions are written in a special Interface Description Language called Candid.
Shared Types
Candid has a slightly different notation (syntax) and keywords to represent shared types.
Primitive types
Primitive types in Candid are written without capital letters:
Motoko | Candid |
Bool | bool |
Nat | nat |
Int | int |
Float | float64 |
Principal | principal |
Text | text |
Blob | blob |
Option types
Option types in Candid are written with the opt
keyword. An option type in Motoko like ?Principal
would be represented in Candid as:
opt principal
Tuple types
Tuple types in Candid have the same parenthesis notation ()
. A Motoko tuple (Nat, Text, Principal)
would be represented in Candid as:
(nat, text, principal)
Immutable array types
The immutable array type []
is represented in Candid with the vec
A Motoko array type [Nat]
in candid looks like this:
vec nat
Variant types
Variant types in Candid are written with the variant
keyword and curly braces { }
. A Motoko variant like {#A : Nat; #B : Text}
would be represented in Candid like this:
variant {
A : nat;
B : text
The #
character is not used
Object types
Object types in Candid are written with the record
keyword and curly braces { }
. A Motoko object type like {name : Text; age : Nat}
in Candid looks like this:
record {
name : text;
age : nat
Public shared function types
Public shared function types in Candid have a slightly different notation. A shared public function type in Motoko like shared () -> async Nat
would be represented in Candid like this:
() -> (nat)
Parentheses ()
are used around the arguments and return types. The shared keyword is not used because all representable functions in Candid are by default only public shared functions.
Another example would be the Motoko public shared function type shared query Bool -> async Text
which in Candid would be represented as:
(bool) -> (text) query
Note that the query
keyword appears after the return types.
A Motoko oneway public shared function type shared Nat -> ()
in Candid would be represented as:
(nat) → () oneway
The type
Type aliases (custom names) in Candid are written with the type
keyword. A Motoko type alias like type MyType = Nat
would be represented in Candid like this:
type MyType = nat
Actor Interfaces
An actor running in a canister has a Candid description of its interface. An actor interface consists of the functions in the actor type and any possible types used within the actor type. Consider the following actor in a Motoko source file
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
actor {
public type User = (Principal, Text);
public shared query ({ caller = id }) func getUser() : async User {
(id, Principal.toText(id));
public shared func doSomething() { () };
Only public types and public shared functions are included in the candid interface. This actor has a public type
and two public shared functions
. Both of these are part of its public interface.
The actor could have other fields, but they won't be included in the Candid Interface.
We describe this actor's interface in a Candid .did
file. A Candid Interface contains all the information an external user needs to interact with the actor from the "outside world". The Candid file for the actor above would be:
// candid.did
type User = record {
service : {
getUser: () -> (User) query;
doSomething: () -> () oneway;
Our Candid Interface consists of two parts: a type
and a service
The service : { }
lists the names and types of the public shared functions of the actor. This is the information needed to interact with the actor from "the outside" by calling its functions. In fact, actors are sometimes referred to as services.
The type reflects the public Motoko type User
from our actor. Since this is a public Motoko type that is used as a return type in a public shared function, it is included in the Candid Interface.
The type aliasUser
is a Motoko tuple(Principal, Text)
. In Candid a custom type alias for a tuple is translated intorecord { principal; text }
. Don't confuse it with the Candid tuple type(principal, text)
Candid Serialization
Another important use of Candid is data serialization of shared types. Data structures in Motoko, like in any other language, are not always stored as serial (contiguous) bytes in main memory. When we want to send shared data in and out of a canisters or store data in stable memory, we have to serialize the data before sending.
Motoko has built in support for serializing shared types into Candid format. A higher order data type like an object can be converted into a binary blob that would still have a shared type.
Consider the following relatively complex data structure:
type A = { #a : Nat; #b : Int };
type B = { #a : Int; #b : Nat };
type MyData = {
title : Text;
a : A;
b : B;
Our object type MyData
contains a Text
field and fields of variant types A
and B
. We could turn a value of type MyData
into a value of type Blob
by using the to_candid()
and from_candid()
functions in Motoko.
let data : MyData = {
title = "Motoko";
a = #a(1);
b = #a(-1);
let blob : Blob = to_candid (data);
We declared a variable of type MyData
and assigned it a value. Then we serialized that data into a Blob
by using to_candid()
This blob can now be sent or received in arguments or return types of public shared functions or stored in stable memory.
We could recover the original type by doing the opposite, namely deserializing the data back into a Motoko shared type by using from_candid()
let deserialized_data : ?MyData = from_candid (blob);
switch (deserialized_data) {
case null {};
case (?data) {};
We declare a variable with option type ?MyData
, because the from_candid()
function always returns an option of the original type. Type annotation is required for this function to work. We use a switch
statement after deserializing to handle both cases of the option type.
Basic Memory Persistence
Every actor exposes a public interface. A deployed actor is sometimes referred to as a service. We interact with a service by calling the public shared functions of the underlying actor.
The state of the actor can not change during a query function call. When we call a query function, we could pass in some data as arguments. This data could be used for a computation, but no data could be stored in the actor during the query call.
The state of the actor may change during an update or oneway function call. Data provided as arguments (or data generated without arguments in the function itself) could be stored inside the actor.
Canister main memory
Every actor running in a canister has access to a 4GB main 'working' memory (in Feb 2023). This is like the RAM memory.
Code in actors directly acts on main memory:
- The values of (top-level) mutable and immutable variables are stored in main memory.
- Public and private functions in actors, that read and write data, do so from and to main memory.
- Imported classes from modules are instantiated as objects in main memory.
- Imported functions from modules operate on main memory.
The same applies for any other imported item that is used inside an actor.
Memory Persistence across function calls
Consider the actor from our previous example with only the mutable variable latestComment
and the functions readComment
and writeComment
actor {
private var latestComment = "";
public shared query func readComment() : async Text {
public shared func writeComment(comment : Text) : async () {
latestComment := comment;
The mutable variable latestComment
is stored in main memory. Calling the update function writeComment
mutates the state of the mutable variable latestComment
in main memory.
For instance, we could call writeComment
with an argument "Motoko is great!"
. The variable latestComment
will be set to that value in main memory. The mutable variable now has a new state. Another call to readComment
would return the new value.
Service upgrades and main memory
Now, suppose we would like to extend the functionality of our service by adding another public shared function (like the deleteComment
function). We would need to write the function in Motoko, edit our original Motoko source file and go through the deployment process again.
The redeployment of our actor will wipe out the main memory of the actor!
There are two main ways to upgrade the functionality of a service without resetting the memory state of the underlying actor.
This chapter describes stable variables which are a way to persist the state of mutable variables across upgrades. Another way is to use stable memory, which will be discussed later in this book.
An actor in Motoko is written in a source file (often called
). The Motoko code is compiled into a Wasm module that is installed in a canister on the Internet Computer. The canister provides main memory for the actor to operate on and store its memory state.
If we want to incrementally develop and evolve a Web3 Service, we need to be able to upgrade our actor code.
New actor code results in a new Wasm module that is different from the older module that is running inside the canister. We need to replace the old module with the new one containing our upgraded actor.
Immutable Microservice
Some actors, may stay unchanged after their first installment in a canister. Small actors with one simple task are sometimes called microservices (that may be optionally immutable and not owned by anyone). A microservice consumes little resources (memory and cycles) and could operate for a long time without any upgrades.
Reinstall and upgrade
There are two ways to update the Wasm module of an actor running in a canister.
When we have an actor Wasm module running in a canister, we could always reinstall that same actor module or a new actor module inside the same canister. Reinstalling always causes the actor to be 'reset'. Whether reinstalling the same actor Wasm module or a new one, the operation is the same as if installing for the first time.
Reinstalling always wipes out the main memory of the canister and erases the state of the actor
We could also choose to upgrade the Wasm module of an actor. Then:
- The actor interface is checked for backwards compatibility
- The pre-upgrade system function is run before the upgrade
- The canister Wasm module is upgraded
- Stable variables are restored
- The post upgrade system function is run after the upgrade
Pre and post upgrade hooks could trap and lead to loss of canister data and thus are not considered best practice.
Service upgrades and sub-typing
When upgrading a service, we may also upgrade the public interface. This means that our actor type and public interface description may change.
An older client that is not aware of the change may still use the old interface. This can cause problems if for instance a client calls a function that no longer exists in the interface. This is called a breaking change, because it 'breaks' the older clients.
To avoid breaking changes, we could extend the functionality of a service by using sub-typing. This preserves the old interface rather than the memory state and is called backwards compatibility. This will be discussed later in this book.
Upgrading and reinstalling in Motoko Playground and SDK
When we have an already running canister in Motoko Playground and we click deploy
again, we are presented with the option to upgrade
or reinstall
(among other options).
The same functionality is provided when using the SDK.
Stable Variables
To persist the state of an actor when upgrading, we can declare immutable and mutable variables to be stable
. Stable variables must be of stable type.
Modifying and Upgrading Stable Variables
The state of an actor is stored in the form of immutable and mutable variables that are declared with the let
or var
keywords. Variable declarations in actors always have private
visibility (although the private
keyword is not necessary and is assumed by default).
If we want to retain the state of our actor when upgrading, we need to declare all its state variables as stable
. A variable can only be declared stable if it is of stable type. Many, but not all types, are stable. Mutable and immutable stable variables are declared like this:
stable let x = 0;
stable var y = 0;
These variables now retain their state even after upgrading the actor code. Lets demonstrate this with an actor that implements a simple counter.
actor {
stable var count : Nat = 0;
public shared query func read() : async Nat { count };
public shared func increment() : async () { count += 1 };
Our actor has a mutable variable count
that is declared stable
. It's initial value is 0
. We also have a query function read
and an update function increment
. The value of count
is shown below in a timeline of state in two instances of our counter actor: one with var count
and the other with stable var count
Time | Event | Value of var count | Value of stable var count |
1 | First install of actor code | ||
2 | Call increment() | ||
3 | Call read() | ||
4 | Call increment() | ||
5 | Upgrade actor code | ||
6 | Call read() | ||
7 | Call increment() | ||
8 | Call increment() | ||
9 | Reinstall actor code | ||
10 | Call read() | ||
11 | Call increment() | ||
12 | Call increment() |
Time 1: Our initial value for count
is 0 in both cases.
Time 2: An update function mutates the state in both cases.
Time 3: A query function does not mutate state in both cases.
Time 5: stable var count
value is persisted after upgrade.
Time 6: var count
is reset after upgrade.
Time 7: var count
starts at 0
, while stable var count
starts at 2
Time 10: var count
and stable var count
are both reset due to reinstall.
Stable types
A type is stable if it is shared and remains shared after ignoring any var
keywords within it. An object with private functions is also stable. Stable types thus include all shared types plus some extra types that contain mutable variables and object types with private functions.
Stable variables can only be declared inside actors. Stable variables always have private
The following types for immutable or mutable variables in actors (in addition to all shared types) could be declared stable.
Stable Mutable Array
Immutable or mutable variables of mutable array type could be declared stable:
stable let a1 : [var Nat] = [var 0, 1, 2];
stable var a2 : [var Text] = [var "t1", "t2", "t3"];
Immutable variable a1
can be stable because [var Nat]
is a mutable array type. Mutable variable a2
can be stable because [var Text]
is of mutable array type.
Stable Records with Mutable Fields
Immutable or mutable variables of records with mutable fields could be declared stable:
stable let r1 = { var x = 0 };
stable var r2 = { var x = 0; y = 1 };
Immutable variable r1
and mutable variable r2
can be stable because they contain a stable type, namely a record with a mutable field.
Stable Objects with Mutable Variables
Immutable or mutable variables of objects with (private or public) mutable variables could be declared stable:
stable let o1 = object {
public var x = 0;
private var y = 0;
stable var o2 = object {
public var x = 0;
private var y = 0;
Immutable variable o1
and mutable variable o2
can be stable because they contain a stable type, namely an object with private and public mutable variables.
Stable Objects with Private Functions
Immutable or mutable variables of objects with private functions could be declared stable:
stable let p1 = object { private func f() {} };
stable var p2 = object { private func f() {} };
Immutable variable p1
and mutable variable p2
can be stable because they contain a stable type, namely an object with a private function.
Other stable types
On top all shared types and the types mentioned above, the following types could also be stable:
- Tuples of stable types
- Option types of any stable types
- Variant types with associated types that are stable
How it works
Declaring variable(s) stable
causes the following to happen automatically when upgrading our canister with new actor code:
- The value of the variable(s) is serialized into an internal data format.
- The serialized data format is copied to stable memory.
- The upgraded actor code (in the form of a Wasm module) is installed in the canister and the state of the variables is lost.
- The values in data format inside stable memory are retrieved and deserialized.
- The variables of the new actor code are assigned the original deserialized values.
Example of non-stable type
A non-stable type could be an object with public functions. A variable that contains such an object, could not be declared stable!
stable let q1 = object {
public func f() {};
ERROR: Variable q1 is declared stable but has non-stable type!
Advanced Types
Motoko has a modern type system that allows us to write powerful, yet concise code. In this chapter we will look at several features of Motoko's type system.
Understanding Motoko's type system is essential when we write code that is more sophisticated than what we have done up to this point.
- Generic types are widely used in types declarations, functions and classes inside modules of the Base Library.
- Subtyping is useful when we want to develop actor interfaces that remain backwards compatible with older versions.
- Recursive types are powerful when defining core data structures.
Let's ask ChatGPT how it would explain generic types to a beginner:
Q: How would you explain generic typing to a beginner?
ChatGPT: Generics are a way of creating flexible and reusable code in programming. They allow you to write functions, classes, and data structures that can work with different types of data without specifying the type ahead of time.
In our own words, generic types allow us to write code that generalizes over many possible types. In fact, that is where they get their name from.
Type parameters and type arguments
In Motoko, custom types, functions and classes can specify generic type parameters. Type parameters have names and are declared by adding them in between angle brackets < >
. The angle brackets are declared directly after the name of the type, function or class (before any other parameters).
Type parameters
Here's a custom type alias for a tuple, that has the conventional generic type parameter T
type CustomType<T> = (Nat, Int, T);
The type parameter T
is supplied after the custom type name in angle brackets: CustomType<T>
. Then the generic type parameter is used inside the tuple. This indicates that a value of CustomType
will have some type T
in the tuple (alongside known types Nat
and Int
) without knowing ahead of time what type that would be.
The names of generic type parameters are by convention single capital letters like T
and U
or words that start with a capital letter like Ok
and Err
Generic parameter type names must start with a letter, may contain lowercase and uppercase letters, and may also contain numbers 0-9
and underscores _
Type arguments
Lets use our CustomType
let x : CustomType<Bool> = (0, -1, true);
The CustomType
is used to annotate our variable x
. When we actually construct a value of a generic type, we have to specify a specific type for T
as a type argument. In the example, we used Bool
as a type argument. Then we wrote a tuple of values, and used a true
value where a value of type T
was expected.
The same CustomType
could be used again and again with different type arguments for T
let y : CustomType<Float> = (100, -100, 0.5);
let z : CustomType<[Nat]> = (100, -100, [7, 6, 5]);
In the last example we used [Nat]
as a type argument. This means we have to supply an immutable array of type [Nat]
for the T
in the tuple.
Generics in type declarations
Generics may be used in type declarations of compound types like objects and variants.
Generic variant
A commonly used generic type is the Result
variant type that is available as a public type in the Base Library in the Result module.
public type Result<Ok, Err> = {
#ok : Ok;
#err : Err;
A type alias Result
is declared, which has two type parameters Ok
and Err
. The type alias is used to refer to a variant type with two variants #ok
and #err
. The variants have associated types attached to them. The associated types are of generic type Ok
and Err
This means that the variants can take on many different associated types, depending on how we want to use our Result
Results are usually used as a return value for functions to provide information about a possible success or failure of the function:
func checkUsername(name : Text) : Result<(), Text> {
let size = name.size();
if (size < 4) #err("Too short!") else if (size > 20) #err("To long!") else #ok();
Our function checkUsername
takes a Text
argument and returns a value of type Result<(), Text>
. The unit type ()
and Text
are type arguments.
The function checks the size of the its argument name
. In case name
is shorter than 4 characters, it returns an 'error' by constructing a value for the #err
variant and adding an associated value of type Text
. The return value would in this case be #err("Too short!")
which is a valid value for our Result<(), Text>
Another failure scenario is when the argument is longer than 20 characters. The function returns #err("To long!")
Finally, if the size of the argument is allowed, the function indicates success by constructing a value for the #ok
variant. The associated value is of type ()
giving us #ok()
If we use this function, we could switch
on its return value like this:
let result = checkUsername("SamerWeb3");
switch (result) {
case (#ok()) {};
case (#err(error)) {};
We pattern match on the possible variants of Result<(), Text>
. In case of the #err
variant, we also bind the associated Text
value to a new name error
so we could use it inside the scope of the #err
Generic object
Here's a type declaration of an object type Obj
that takes three type parameters T
, U
and V
. These type parameters are used as types of some variables of the object.
type Obj<T, U, V> = object {
a : T;
b : T -> U;
var c : V;
d : Bool;
The first variable a
is of generic type T
. The second variable b
is a public function in the object with generic arguments and return type T -> U
. The third variable is mutable and is of type V
. And the last variable d
does not use a generic type.
We would use it like this:
let obj : Obj<Nat, Int, Text> = {
a = 0;
b = func(n : Nat) { -1 * n };
var c = "Motoko";
d = false;
We declare a variable obj
of type Obj
and use Nat
, Int
and Text
as type arguments. Note that b
is a function that takes a Nat
and returns an Int
Generics in functions
Generic types are also found in functions. Functions that allow type parameters are:
- Private and public functions in modules and nested modules
- Private and public functions in objects
- Private and public functions in classes
- Only private functions in actors
Public shared functions in actors are not allowed to have generic type arguments.
Some public functions in modules of the Base Library are written with generic type parameters. Lets look the useful init
public function found in the Array
module of the Base Library:
public func init<X>(size : Nat, initValue : X) : [var X]
// Function body is omitted
This function is used to construct a mutable array of a certain size
filled with copies of some initValue
. The function takes one generic type parameter X
. This parameter is used to specify the type of the initial value initValue
It may be used like this:
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let t = Array.init<Bool>(3, true);
We import the
module and name it Array
. We access the function with Array.init
. We supply type arguments into the angle brackets, in our case <Bool>
. The second argument in the function (initValue
) is now of type Bool
A mutable array will be constructed with 3
mutable elements of value true
. The value of t
would therefore be
[var true, true, true]
Generics in classes
Generics may be used in classes to construct objects with generic types.
Lets use the Array.init
function again, this time in a class:
import Array "mo:base/Array";
class MyClass<T>(n : Nat, initVal : T) {
public let array : [var T] = Array.init<T>(n, initVal);
The class MyClass
takes one generic type parameter T
, which is used three times in the class declaration.
The class takes two arguments:
of typeNat
of generic typeT
. -
The public variable
is annotated with[var T]
, which is the type returned from theArray.init
function. -
The function
is used inside the class and takesT
as a type parameter.
Recall that a class is just a constructor for objects, so lets make an object with our class.
let myObject = MyClass<Bool>(2, true);
// myClass.array now has value [true, true]
myObject.array[0] := false;
We construct an object myObject
by calling our class with a type argument Bool
and two argument values. The second argument must be of type Bool
, because that's what we specified as the type argument for T
and initVal
is of type T
We now have an object with a public variable array
of type [var Bool]
. So we can reference an element of that array with the angle bracket notation myObject.array[]
and mutate it.
Motoko's modern type system allows us to think of some types as being either a subtype or a supertype. If a type T
is a subtype of type U
, then a value of type T
can be used everywhere a value of type U
is expected.
To express this relationship we write:
T <: U
is a subtype of U
. And U
is a supertype of T
and Int
The most common subtype in Motoko is Nat
. It is a subtype of Int
, making Int
its supertype.
A Nat
can be used everywhere an Int
is expected, but not the other way around.
func returnInt() : Int {
0 : Nat;
The function returnInt
has to return an Int
or some subtype of Int
. Since Nat
is a subtype of Int
, we could return 0 : Nat
where an Int
was expected.
Here's another example of using a Nat
where an Int
is expected:
type T = (Nat, Int, Text);
let t : T = (1 : Nat, 2 : Nat, "three");
Our tuple type T
takes an Int
as the second element of the tuple. But we construct a value with a Nat
as the second element.
We can not supply a Nat
for the third element, because Nat
is not a subtype of Text
. Neither could we supply a negative number like -10 : Int
where a Nat
or Text
is expected, because Int
is not a subtype of Nat
or Text
Subtyping variants
A variant V1
can be a subtype of some other variant V2
, giving us the relationship V1 <: V2
. Then we could use a V1
everywhere a V2
is expected. For a variant to be a subtype of another variant, it must contain a subset of the fields of its supertype variant.
Here's an example of two variants both being a subtype of another third variant:
type Red = {
#red : Nat8;
type Blue = {
#blue : Nat8;
type RGB = {
#red : Nat8;
#blue : Nat8;
#green : Nat8;
Variant type RGB
is a supertype of both Red
and Blue
. This means that we can use Red
or Blue
everywhere a RGB
is expected.
func rgb(color : RGB) { () };
let red : Red = #red 255;
let blue : Blue = #blue 100;
let green : RGB = #green 150;
We have a function rgb
that takes an argument of type RGB
. We could construct values of type Red
and Blue
and pass those into the function.
Subtyping objects
The subtype-supertype relationship for objects and their fields, is reversed compared to variants. In contrast to variants, an object subtype has more fields than its object supertype.
Here's an example of two object types User
and NamedUser
where NamedUser <: User
type User = {
id : Nat;
type NamedUser = {
id : Nat;
name : Text;
The supertype User
only contains one field named id
, while the subtype NamedUser
contains two fields, one of which is id
again. This makes NamedUser
a subtype of User
This means we could use a NamedUser
wherever a User
is expected, but not the other way around.
Here's an example of a function getId
that takes an argument of type User
. It will reference the id
field of its argument and return that value which is expected to be a Nat
by definition of the User
func getId(user : User) : Nat {;
So we could construct a value of expected type User
and pass it as an argument. But an argument of type NamedUser
would also work.
let user : User = { id = 0 };
let id = getId(user);
let namedUser : NamedUser = {
id = 1;
name = "SamerWeb3";
let id1 = getId(namedUser);
Since NamedUser
also contains the id
field, we also constructed a value of type NamedUser
and used it where a User
was expected.
Backwards compatibility
An important use of subtyping is backwards compatibility.
Recall that actors have actor interfaces that are basically comprised of public shared functions and public types in actors. Because actors are upgradable, we may change the interface during an upgrade.
It's important to understand what kind of changes to actors maintain backwards compatibility with existing clients and which changes break existing clients.
Backwards compatibility depends on the Candid interface of an actor. Candid has more permissive subtyping rules on variants and objects than Motoko. This section describes Motoko subtyping.
Actor interfaces
The most common upgrade to an actor is the addition of a public shared function. Here are two versions of actor types:
type V1 = actor {
post : shared Nat -> async ();
type V2 = actor {
post : shared Nat -> async ();
get : shared () -> async Nat;
The first actor only has one public shared function post
. We can upgrade to the second actor by adding the function get
. This upgrade is backwards compatible, because the function signature of post
did not change.
Actor V2
is a subtype of actor V1
(like in the case of object subtyping). This example looks similar to object subtyping, because V2
includes all the functions of V1
. We can use V2
everywhere an actor type V1
is expected.
Breaking backwards compatibility
Lets demonstrate an upgrade that would NOT be backwards compatible. Lets upgrade to V3
type V3 = actor {
post : shared Nat -> async ();
get : shared () -> async Int;
We only changed the return type of the get
function from Nat
to Int
. This change is NOT backwards compatible! The reason for this is that the new version of the public shared function get
is not a subtype of the old version.
Subtyping public shared functions
Public shared functions in actors can have a subtype-supertype relationship. A public shared function f1
could be a subtype of another public shared function f2
, giving us the the relationship f1 <: f2
This means that we can use f1
everywhere f2
is expected, but not the other way around. But more importantly, we could safely upgrade from the supertype f2
to the subtype f1
without breaking backwards compatibility.
Lets look at an example where f1 <: f2
public shared func f1(a1 : Int) : async Nat { 0 : Nat };
public shared func f2(a2 : Nat) : async Int { 0 : Int };
Function f1
is a subtype of f2
. For this relationship to hold, two conditions must be satisfied:
- The return type of
must be a subtype of the return type off2
- The argument(s) of
must be a subtype of the argument(s) off1
The return type Nat
of function f1
is a subtype of return type Int
of function f2
The argument Nat
of function f2
is a subtype of argument Int
of function f1
The types of f1
and f2
in Motoko are:
type F1 = shared Int -> async Nat;
type F2 = shared Nat -> async Int;
Upgrading a public shared function of type F2
to a public shared function of type F1
is considered a backwards compatible upgrade.
Since F1
is a subtype of F2
and public shared functions are a shared type, we could use these types like this:
public shared func test() : async F2 { f1 };
We are returning f1
of type F1
where a F2
is expected.
Upgrading public shared functions
Suppose we have the following types:
type Args = {
type ArgsV2 = {
type Result = {
data : [Nat8];
type ResultV2 = {
data : [Nat8];
note : Text;
Variant Args
is a subtype of variant ArgsV2
. Also, object type ResultV2
is a subtype of object type Result
We may have a function that uses Args
as the argument type and Result
as the return type:
public func post(n : Args) : async Result { { data = [0, 0] } };
We could upgrade to a new version with types ArgsV2
and ResultV2
without breaking backwards compatibility, as long as we keep the same function name:
public func post(n : ArgsV2) : async ResultV2 {
{ data = [0, 0]; note = "" };
This is because Args
is a subtype of ArgsV2
and Result
is a supertype of ResultV2
Recursive Types
Lets ask everyone's favorite AI about recursive types:
Q: How would you define recursive types?
ChatGPT: Recursive types are types that can contain values of the same type. This self-referential structure allows for the creation of complex data structures. Recursive types are commonly used in computer programming languages, particularly in functional programming languages, to represent recursive data structures such as trees or linked lists.
Wow! And since Motoko provides an implementation of a linked list, a common data structure in programming languages, we will use that as an example.
Consider the following type declaration in the List module in the Base Library:
type List<T> = ?(T, List<T>);
A generic type List<T>
is declared which takes one type parameter T
. It is a type alias for an option of a tuple with two elements.
The first element of the tuple is the type parameter T
, which could take on any type during the construction of a value of this List<T>
type by providing a type argument.
The second element of the tuple is List<T>
. This is where the same type is used recursively. The type List<T>
contains a value of itself in its own definition.
This means that a List
is a repeating pattern of elements. Each element is a tuple that contains a value of type T
and a reference to the tail List<T>
. The tail is just another list element of the same type with the next value and tail for the next value and so on...
Null list
Since our List<T>
type is an option of a tuple, a value of type <List<T>
could be null
as long as we initialize a value with a type argument for T
let list : List<Nat> = null;
Our variable list
has type List<Nat>
(a list of Nat
values) and happens to have the value null
The 'tail' of a list
The shortest list possible is a list with exactly one element. This means that it does not refer to a tail for the next value, because there is no next value.
let list1 : List<Nat> = ?(0, null);
The second element in the tuple, which should be of type List<T>
is set to null
. We use the null list as the second element of the tuple. This list could serve as the last element of a larger list.
The 'head' of a list
If we wanted to add another value to our list list1
we could just define another value of type List<T>
and have it point to list1
as its tail:
let list2 : List<Nat> = ?(1, list1);
is now called the head of the list (the first element) and list1
is the tail of our 2-element list.
We could repeat this process by adding another element and using list2
as the tail. We could do this as many times as we like (within memory limits) and construct a list of many values.
Recursive functions
Suppose we have a list bigList
with many elements. This means we are presented with a head of a list, which is a value of type <List<T>
There several possibilities for this head value:
The head value
could be the null list and in that case it would not contain any values of typeT
. -
Another possibility is that the head value
has a value of typeT
but does not refer to a tail, making it a single element list, which could be the last element of a larger list. -
Another possibility is that the head value
contains one value of typeT
and a tail, which is another value of typeList<T>
These possibilities are used in the last<T>
function of the List module. This function is used to retrieve the last element of a given list:
func last<T>(l : List<T>) : ?T {
switch l {
case null { null };
case (?(x, null)) { ?x };
case (?(_, t)) { last<T>(t) };
We have a generic function List<T>
with one type parameter T
. It takes one argument l
of type List<T>
, which is going to be a head of some list.
If the function finds a last element, it returns an option of the value ?T
within it. If there is no last element it returns null
In the function body, we switch on the argument l : List<T>
and are presented with the three possibilities described above.
In the case that
is the null list, we returnnull
because there would not be a last element. -
In the case that
is a list element?(x, null)
, then we are dealing with the last element because there is not tail. We bind the namex
to that last value by pattern matching and return an option?x
of that value as is required by our function signature. -
In the case that
is a list element?(_, t)
, then there is a tail with a next value. We use the wildcard_
because we don't care about the value in this element, because it is not the last value. We do care about the tail for which we bind the namet
. We now use the functionlast<T>
recursively by calling it again inside itself and provide the tailt
as the argument:last<T>(t)
. The function is called again receiving a list which it now sees as a head that it can switch on again and so on until we find the last element. Pretty cool, if you ask me!
Type Bounds
When we express a subtype-supertype relationship by writing T <: U
, then we say that T
is a subtype by U
. We can use this relationship between two types in the instantiation of generic types in functions.
Type bounds in functions
Consider the following function signature:
func makeNat<T <: Number>(x : T) : Natural
It's a generic function that specifies a type bound Number
for its generic type parameter T
. This is expressed as <T <: Number>
The function takes an argument of generic bounded type T
and returns a value of type Natural
. The function is meant to take a general kind of number and process it into a Nat
The types Number
and Natural
are declared like this:
type Natural = {
#N : Nat;
type Integer = {
#I : Int;
type Floating = {
#F : Float;
type Number = Natural or Integer or Floating;
The types Natural
, Integer
and Floating
are just variants with one field and associated types Nat
, Int
and Float
The Number
type is a type union of Natural
, Integer
and Floating
. A type union is constructed using the or
keyword. This means that a Number
could be either a Natural
, an Integer
or a Floating
We would use these types to implement our function like this:
import Int "mo:base/Int";
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func makeNat<T <: Number>(x : T) : Natural {
switch (x) {
case (#N n) {
#N n;
case (#I i) {
case (#F f) {
let rounded = Float.nearest(f);
let integer = Float.toInt(rounded);
let natural = Int.abs(integer);
#N natural;
After importing the Int and Float modules from the Base Library, we declare our function and implement a switch expression for the argument x
In case we find a #N
we know we are dealing with a Natural
and thus immediately return the the same variant and associated value that we refer to as n
In case we find an #I
we know we are dealing with an Integer
and thus take the associated value i
and apply the abs()
function from the Int module to turn the Int
into a Nat
. We return a value of type Natural
once again.
In case we find a #F
we know we are dealing with a Floating
. So we take the associated value f
of type Float
, round it off and convert it to an Int
using functions from the Float module and convert to a Nat
again to return a value of type Natural
once again.
Lets test our function using some assertions:
assert makeNat(#N 0) == #N 0;
assert makeNat(#I(-10)) == #N 10;
assert makeNat(#F(-5.9)) == #N 6;
We use arguments of type Natural
, Integer
and Floating
with associated types Nat
, Int
and Float
respectively. They all are accepted by our function.
In all three cases, we get back a value of type Natural
with an associated value of type Nat
The Any
and None
All types in Motoko are bounded by a special type, namely the Any
type. This type is the supertype of all types and thus all types are a subtype of the Any
type. We may refer to it as the top type. Any value or expression in Motoko can be of type Any
Another special type in Motoko is the None
type. This type is the subtype of all types and thus all types are a supertype of None
. We may refer to it as the bottom type. No value in Motoko can have the None
type, but some expressions can.
Even though no value has typeNone
, it is still useful for typing expressions that don't produce a value, such as infinite loops, early exits viareturn
and other constructs that divert control-flow (like Debug.trap :Text -> None
For any type T
in Motoko, the following subtype-supertype relationship holds:
None <: T
T <: Any
The Base Library
The Motoko Base Library is a collection of modules with basic functionality for working with primitive types, utilities, data structures and other functionality.
Most modules define a public type that is associated with the core use of the module.
The Base Library also includes IC system APIs, some of which are still experimental (June 2023). We will visit them later in this book.
Importing from the Base Library
An import from the base library looks like this:
import P "mo:base/Principal";
We imported the Principle
module. The P
in the example is an arbitrary alias (name) that we choose to reference our module. The import path starts with mo:base/
followed by the file name where the module is defined (without the .mo
The file name and our chosen module name do not have to be the same (like in the example above). It is a convention though to use the same name:
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
Our imported module, now named Principal
, has a module type module { ... }
with public fields. It exposes several public types and public functions that we can now reference by using our alias:
let p : Principal = Principal.fromText("2vxsx-fae");
Note the two meanings of Principal
The type annotation for variable
uses the always available primitive typePrincipal
. This type does not have to be imported. -
We used the
method from thePrincipal
module (public functions in modules or in objects or classes are often called methods) by referencing it through our chosen module namePrincipal
Primitive Types
As described earlier in this book, primitive types are core data types that are not composed of more fundamental types.
Primitive types do not need to be imported before they can be used in type annotation. But the Base Library does have modules for each primitive type to perform common tasks, like converting between the data types, transforming the data types, comparing the data types and other functionality.
In this chapter we visit some of the functionality provided by the Base Library modules for several primitive data types.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function compare
Logical operations
Function lognot
Function logand
Function logor
Function logxor
func equal(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Bool
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the ==
relational operator.
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = false;
Bool.equal(a, b);
func notEqual(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Bool
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the !=
relational operator.
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = false;
Bool.notEqual(a, b);
func compare(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Order.Order
The function compare
takes two Bool
arguments and returns an Order variant value.
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = false;, b);
func toText(x : Bool) : Text
The function toText
takes one Bool
argument and returns a Text
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let isPrincipal = true;
func lognot(x : Bool) : Bool
The function lognot
takes one Bool
argument and returns a Bool
value. It stands for logical not. It is equivalent to the not
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let positive = true;
func logand(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool
The function logand
takes two Bool
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It stands for logical and. It is equivalent to the and
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = false;
Bool.logand(a, b);
func logor(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool
The function logor
takes two Bool
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It stands for logical or. It is equivalent to the or
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = false;
Bool.logor(a, b);
func logxor(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool
The function logxor
takes two Bool
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It stands for exclusive or.
import Bool "mo:base/Bool";
let a = true;
let b = true;
Bool.logxor(a, b);
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
Function min
Function max
Function compare
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Numerical operations
Function add
Function sub
Careful! Traps if result is a negative number
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
func toText(n : Nat) : Text
The function toText
takes one Nat
argument and returns a Text
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let natural : Nat = 10;
func min(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function min
takes two Nat
arguments and returns the smallest Nat
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
Nat.min(a, b);
func max(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function max
takes two Nat
arguments and returns the largest Nat
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
Nat.max(a, b);
func compare(x : Nat, y : Nat) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Nat
arguments and returns an Order variant value.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;, b);
func equal(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the ==
relational operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let isEqual = Nat.equal(a, b);
let isEqualAgain = a == b;
func notEqual(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the !=
relational operator
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let isNotEqual = Nat.notEqual(a, b);
let notEqual = a != b;
func less(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function less
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the <
relational operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let isLess = Nat.less(a, b);
let less = a < b;
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the <=
relational operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 50;
let isLessOrEqual = Nat.lessOrEqual(a, b);
let lessOrEqual = a <= b;
func greater(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the >
relational operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let isGreater = Nat.greater(a, b);
let greater = a > b;
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Bool
value. It is equivalent to the >=
relational operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let isGreaterOrEqual = Nat.greaterOrEqual(a, b);
let greaterOrEqual = a >= b;
func add(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function add
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the +
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let add = Nat.add(a, b);
let addition = a + b;
func sub(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function sub
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the -
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let subtract = Nat.sub(a, b);
// Result has type `Int` because subtracting two `Nat` may trap due to undeflow
Both theNat.sub
function and the-
operator onNat
values may cause a trap if the result is a negative number (underflow).
func mul(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function mul
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the *
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 20;
let multiply = Nat.mul(a, b);
let multiplication = a * b;
func div(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function div
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the /
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 50;
let divide = Nat.div(a, b);
func rem(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function rem
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the %
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 50;
let b : Nat = 50;
let remainder = Nat.rem(a, b);
let remains = a % b;
func pow(x : Nat, y : Nat) : Nat
The function pow
takes two Nat
arguments and returns a Nat
value. It is equivalent to the **
numeric operator.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let a : Nat = 5;
let b : Nat = 5;
let power = Nat.pow(a, b);
let pow = a ** b;
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Int "mo:base/Int";
Numerical operations
Function abs
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
func abs(x : Int) : Nat
The function abs
takes one Int
value as a argument and returns a Nat
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let integer : Int = -10;
func neg(x : Int) : Int
The function neg
takes one Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let integer : Int = -10;
func add(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function add
takes two Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 30;
let b : Int = 20;
Int.add(a, b);
func sub(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function sub
takes two Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 30;
let b : Int = 20;
Int.sub(a, b);
func mul(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function mul
takes two Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 3;
let b : Int = 5;
Int.mul(a, b);
func div(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function div
takes two Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 30;
let b : Int = 10;
Int.div(a, b);
func rem(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function rem
takes two Int
value as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 30;
let b : Int = 20;
Int.rem(a, b);
func pow(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function pow
takes two Int
as a argument and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 3;
let b : Int = -3;
Int.pow(a, b);
func toText(x : Int) : Text
The function toText
takes one Int
value as a argument and returns a Text
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let integer : Int = -10;
func min(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function min
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.min(a, b);
func max(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
The function max
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Int
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.max(a, b);
func equal(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.equal(a, b);
func notEqual(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.notEqual(a, b);
func less(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function less
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.less(a, b);
func lessOrEqual(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.lessOrEqual(a, b);
func greater(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.greater(a, b);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Bool
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;
Int.greaterOrEqual(a, b);
func compare(x : Int, y : Int) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Int
value as a arguments and returns an Order variant value.
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : Int = 20;
let b : Int = -20;, b);
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Float "mo:base/Float";
Utility Functions
Function abs
Function sqrt
Function ceil
Function floor
Function trunc
Function nearest
Function copySign
Function min
Function max
Function toInt
Function fromInt
Function toText
Function toInt64
Function fromInt64
Function equalWithin
Function notEqualWithin
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Mathematical Operations
Function sin
Function cos
Function tan
Function arcsin
Function arccos
Function arctan
Function arctan2
Function exp
Function log
func abs : (x : Float) -> Float
The function abs
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = -3.14;
func sqrt : (x : Float) -> Float
The function sqrt
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func ceil : (x : Float) -> Float
The function ceil
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = 3.14;
func floor : (x : Float) -> Float
The function floor
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = 3.14;
func trunc : (x : Float) -> Float
The function trunc
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func nearest : (x : Float) -> Float
The function nearest
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func copySign : (x : Float) -> Float
The function copySign
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = -3.64;
let b : Float = 2.64;
Float.copySign(a, b);
let min : (x : Float, y : Float) -> Float
The function min
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = -3.64;
let b : Float = 2.64;
Float.min(a, b);
let max : (x : Float, y : Float) -> Float
The function max
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = -3.64;
let b : Float = 2.64;
Float.max(a, b);
func toInt : Float -> Int
The function toInt
takes one Float
value and returns an Int
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = 3.14;
func fromInt : Int -> Float
The function fromInt
takes one Int
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let x : Int = -15;
func toText : Float -> Text
The function toText
takes one Float
value and returns a Text
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = 3.14;
func toInt64 : Float -> Int64
The function toInt64
takes one Float
value and returns an Int64
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let pi : Float = 3.14;
func fromInt64 : Int64 -> Float
The function fromInt64
takes one Int64
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let y : Int64 = -64646464;
func equalWithin(x : Float, y : Float, epsilon : Float) : Bool
The function equalWithin
takes two Float
and one epsilon
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 51.2;
let b : Float = 5.12e1;
let epsilon : Float = 1e-6;
Float.equalWithin(a, b, epsilon)
func notEqualWithin(x : Float, y : Float, epsilon : Float) : Bool
The function notEqualWithin
takes two Float
and one epsilon
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 51.2;
let b : Float = 5.12e1;
let epsilon : Float = 1e-6;
Float.notEqualWithin(a, b, epsilon)
func less(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool
The function less
takes two Float
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 3.14;
let b : Float = 3.24;
Float.less(a, b);
func lessOrEqual(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Float
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 3.14;
let b : Float = 3.24;
Float.lessOrEqual(a, b);
func greater(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Float
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.12;
let b : Float = 3.14;
Float.greater(a, b);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Float
value and returns a Bool
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.12;
let b : Float = 3.14;
Float.greaterOrEqual(a, b);
func compare(x : Float, y : Float) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Float
value and returns an Order value.
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.12;
let b : Float = 3.14;, b);
func neg(x : Float) : Float
The function neg
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func add(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function add
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.50;
let b : Float = 3.50;
Float.add(a, b);
func sub(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function sub
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.12;
let b : Float = 3.12;
Float.sub(a, b);
func mul(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function mul
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.25;
let b : Float = 4.00;
Float.mul(a, b);
func div(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function div
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 6.12;
let b : Float = 3.06;
Float.div(a, b);
func rem(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function rem
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 5.12;
let b : Float = 3.12;
Float.rem(a, b);
func pow(x : Float, y : Float) : Float
The function pow
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let a : Float = 1.5;
let b : Float = 2.0;
Float.pow(a, b);
func sin : (x : Float) -> Float
The function sin
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
Float.sin(Float.pi / 2);
func cos : (x : Float) -> Float
The function cos
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func tan : (x : Float) -> Float
The function tan
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
Float.tan(Float.pi / 4);
func arcsin : (x : Float) -> Float
The function arcsin
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
value. for more explanation look for official documentation
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func arccos : (x : Float) -> Float
The function arccos
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
value. for more explanation look for official documentation
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func arctan : (x : Float) -> Float
The function arctan
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
value. for more explanation look for official documentation
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func arctan2 : (y : Float, x : Float) -> Float
The function arctan2
takes two Float
value and returns a Float
value. for more explanation look for official documentation
import Float "mo:base/Float";
Float.arctan2(4, -3)
func exp : (x : Float) -> Float
The function exp
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
func log : (x : Float) -> Float
The function log
takes one Float
value and returns a Float
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let exponential : Float = Float.e;
To understand this principal module, it might be helpful to learn about Principles first.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
Function fromActor
Function fromText
Function toText
Function toBlob
Function fromBlob
Function isAnonymous
Function hash
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
func fromActor(a : actor { }) : Principal
The function fromActor
takes one actor
value and returns a Principal
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
type Account = { owner : Principal; subaccount : ?Blob };
type Ledger = actor {
icrc1_balance_of : shared query Account -> async Nat;
let ledger = actor ("ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai") : Ledger;
func fromText(t : Text) : Principal
The function fromText
takes one Text
value and returns a Principal
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let textualPrincipal : Text = "un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai";
func toText(p : Principal) : Text
The function toText
takes one Principal
value and returns a Text
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
func toBlob(p : Principal) : Blob
The function toBlob
takes one Principal
value and returns a Blob
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
func fromBlob(b : Blob) : Principal
The function fromBlob
takes one BLob
value and returns a Principal
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
let blob : Blob = Principal.toBlob(principal);
func isAnonymous(p : Principal) : Bool
The function isAnonymous
takes one Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
func hash(principal : Principal) : Hash.Hash
The function hash
takes one Principal
value and returns a Hash
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
func equal(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
Principal.equal(principal1, principal2);
func notEqual(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
Principal.notEqual(principal1, principal2);
func less(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function less
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("jr7pa-rnspg-drbf2-ooaap-gmfep-773oe-z5oua-hiycn-q3sjg-ffwie-tae");
Principal.less(principal1, principal2);
func lessOrEqual(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
Principal.lessOrEqual(principal1, principal2);
func greater(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
Principal.greater(principal1, principal2);
func greaterOrEqual(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Principal
value and returns a Bool
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("2vxsx-fae");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
Principal.greaterOrEqual(principal1, principal2);
func compare(principal1 : Principal, principal2 : Principal) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Principal
value and returns an Order value.
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
let principal1 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");
let principal2 = Principal.fromText("m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai");, principal2);
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Text "mo:base/Text";
Function size
Function contains
Function startsWith
Function endsWith
Function stripStart
Function stripEnd
Function trimStart
Function trimEnd
Function trim
Function fromChar
Function toIter
Function fromIter
Function hash
Function encodeUtf8
Function decodeUtf8
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Function replace
Function concat
Function join
Function map
Function translate
Function split
Function tokens
Function compareWith
Type Pattern
The Pattern
type is a useful variant searching through Text
values. If we traverse (visit each character of) a Text
, we might look for a text pattern that matches a Pattern
This could be a character in case of #char : Char
or a string in case of a #text : Text
. We could also provide a function of type Char -> Bool
that looks at each character and performs some logic to test whether some predicate is true or false about that character.
type Pattern = {
#char : Char;
#text : Text;
#predicate : (Char -> Bool);
func size(t : Text) : Nat
The function size
takes one Text
value as a argument and returns a Nat
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain";
func contains(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char 'k';
Text.contains(text, letter);
func startsWith(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #text "block";
Text.startsWith(text, letter);
func endsWith(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let text : Text = "blockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #predicate(func c = Char.isAlphabetic(c));
Text.endsWith(text, letter);
func stripStart(t : Text, p : Pattern) : ?Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "@blockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char '@';
Text.stripStart(text, letter);
func stripEnd(t : Text, p : Pattern) : ?Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain&";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char '&';
Text.stripEnd(text, letter);
func trimStart(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "vvvblockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char 'v';
Text.trimStart(text, letter);
func trimEnd(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain****";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char '*';
Text.trimEnd(text, letter);
func trim(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "@@blockchain@@";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char '@';
Text.trim(text, letter);
func fromChar : (c : Char) -> Text
The function fromChar
takes one Text
value as a argument and returns a Char
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let character : Char = 'c';
func toIter(t : Text) : Iter.Iter<Char>
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let text : Text = "xyz";
let iter : Iter.Iter<Char> = Text.toIter(text);
func fromIter(cs : Iter.Iter<Char>) : Text
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let array : [Char] = ['I', 'C', 'P'];
let iter : Iter.Iter<Char> = Array.vals(array);
func hash(t : Text) : Hash.Hash
The function hash
takes one Text
value as a argument and returns a Hash
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "xyz";
func encodeUtf8 : Text -> Blob
The function encodeUtf8
takes one Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let t : Text = "ICP";
func decodeUtf8 : Blob -> ?Text
The function decodeUtf8
takes one Blob
value as a argument and returns a ?Text
value. If the blob is not valid UTF8, then this function returns null
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let array : [Nat8] = [73, 67, 80];
let blob : Blob = Blob.fromArray(array);
func equal(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_A";
let b : Text = "text_A";
Text.equal(a, b);
func notEqual(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_B";
let b : Text = "text_A";
Text.notEqual(a, b);
func less(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function less
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_A";
let b : Text = "text_B";
Text.less(a, b);
func lessOrEqual(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_A";
let b : Text = "text_B";
Text.lessOrEqual(a, b);
func greater(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_B";
let b : Text = "text_A";
Text.greater(a, b);
func greaterOrEqual(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns a Bool
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_B";
let b : Text = "text_B";
Text.greaterOrEqual(a, b);
func compare(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Text
value as a argument and returns an Order value.
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let a : Text = "text_A";
let b : Text = "text_B";, b);
func replace(t : Text, p : Pattern, r : Text) : Text
Parameters | |
Variable argument1 | t : Text |
Variable argument2 | r : Text |
Object argument | p : pattern |
Return type | Iter.Iter<Text> |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "blockchain";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char 'b';
Text.replace(text, letter, "c");
func concat(t1 : Text, t2 : Text) : Text
The function concat
takes two Text
value as a arguments and returns a Text
value. It is equivalent to the #
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let t1 : Text = "Internet";
let t2 : Text = "Computer";
Text.concat(t1, t2);
func join(sep : Text, ts : Iter.Iter<Text>) : Text
Parameters | |
Variable argument | sep : Text |
Object argument | ts : Iter.Iter<Text> |
Return type | Text |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let array : [Text] = ["Internet", "Computer", "Protocol"];
let iter : Iter.Iter<Text> = Array.vals(array);
let text : Text = "-";
Text.join(text, iter)
func map(t : Text, f : Char -> Char) : Text
Parameters | |
Variable argument | t : Text |
Function argument | f : Char -> Char |
Return type | Text |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "PCI";
func change(c : Char) : Char {
if (c == 'P') { return 'I' } else if (c == 'I') { return 'P' } else {
return 'C';
};, change)
func translate(t : Text, f : Char -> Text) : Text
Parameters | |
Variable argument | t : Text |
Function argument | f : Char -> Char |
Return type | Text |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let text : Text = "*ICP*";
func change(c : Char) : Text {
if (c == '*') { return "!" } else { return Text.fromChar(c) };
Text.translate(text, change)
func split(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Iter.Iter<Text>
Parameters | |
Variable argument | t : Text |
Object argument | p : pattern |
Return type | Iter.Iter<Text> |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let text : Text = "this is internet computer";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char ' ';
let split : Iter.Iter<Text> = Text.split(text, letter);
func tokens(t : Text, p : Pattern) : Iter.Iter<Text>
Parameters | |
Variable argument | t : Text |
Object argument | p : pattern |
Return type | Iter.Iter<Text> |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let text : Text = "abcabcabc";
let letter : Text.Pattern = #char 'a';
let token : Iter.Iter<Text> = Text.tokens(text, letter);
func compareWith(t1 : Text, t2 : Text, cmp : (Char, Char) -> {#less; #equal; #greater}) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
Parameters | |
Variable argument1 | t1 : Text |
Variable argument2 | t2 : Text |
Function argument | cmp : (Char, Char) -> {#less; #equal; #greater} |
Return type | {#less; #equal; #greater} |
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Order "mo:base/Order";
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let text1 : Text = "icp";
let text2 : Text = "ICP";
func compare(c1 : Char, c2 : Char) : Order.Order {, c2);
Text.compareWith(text1, text2, compare);
In Motoko, a character literal is a single character enclosed in single quotes and has type Char
. (As opposed to text literals of type Text
, which may be multiple characters enclosed in double quotes.)
let char : Char = 'a';
let text : Text = "a";
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Char "mo:base/Char";
Function toNat32
Function fromNat32
Function toText
Utility Function
Function isDigit
Function isWhitespace
Function isLowercase
Function isUppercase
Function isAlphabetic
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
func toNat32 : (c : Char) -> Nat32
The function toNat32
takes one Char
value and returns a Nat32
import Char "mo:base/Char";
func fromNat32 : (w : Nat32) -> Char
The function fromNat32
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Char
import Char "mo:base/Char";
Char.fromNat32(100 : Nat32);
func toText : (c : Char) -> Text
The function toText
takes one Char
value and returns a Text
import Char "mo:base/Char";
func isDigit(c : Char) : Bool
The function isDigit
takes one Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let isWhitespace : (c : Char) -> Bool
The function isWhitespace
takes one Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
Char.isWhitespace(' ');
func isLowercase(c : Char) : Bool
The function isLowercase
takes one Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
func isUppercase(c : Char) : Bool
The function isUppercase
takes one Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
func isAlphabetic : (c : Char) -> Bool
The function isAlphabetic
takes one Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
func equal(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'a';
let char2 : Char = 'b';
Char.equal(char1, char2);
func notEqual(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'a';
let char2 : Char = 'b';
Char.notEqual(char1, char2);
func less(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function less
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'a';
let char2 : Char = 'b';
Char.less(char1, char2);
func lessOrEqual(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'a';
let char2 : Char = 'b';
Char.lessOrEqual(char1, char2);
func greater(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'b';
let char2 : Char = 'a';
Char.greater(char1, char2);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Char, y : Char) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Char
value and returns a Bool
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'b';
let char2 : Char = 'a';
Char.greaterOrEqual(char1, char2);
func compare(x : Char, y : Char) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Char
value and returns an Order value.
import Char "mo:base/Char";
let char1 : Char = 'a';
let char2 : Char = 'b';, char2);
Bounded Number Types
Unlike Nat
and Int
, which are unbounded numbers, the bounded number types have a specified bit length. Operations that overflow (reach numbers beyond the minimum or maximum value defined by the bit length) on these bounded number types cause a trap.
The bounded natural number types Nat8
, Nat16
, Nat32
, Nat64
and the bounded integer number types Int8
, Int16
, Int32
, Int64
are all primitive types in Motoko and don't need to be imported.
This section covers modules with useful functionality for these types.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toNat
Function toText
Function fromNat
Function fromIntWrap
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Nat8 = 0
let maximumValue : Nat8 = 255
func toNat(i : Nat8) : Nat
The function toNat
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Nat
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let a : Nat8 = 255;
func toText(i : Nat8) : Text
The function toText
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Text
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let b : Nat8 = 255;
func fromNat(i : Nat) : Nat8
The function fromNat
takes one Nat
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let c : Nat = 255;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Nat8
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let integer : Int = 356;
func min(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function min
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.min(x, y);
func max(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function max
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 10;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function less
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 25;
Nat8.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 25;
Nat8.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Bool
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Nat8
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 10;
let y : Nat8 = 10;, y);
func add(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function add
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 40;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function sub
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 40;
let y : Nat8 = 20;
Nat8.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function mul
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 20;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function div
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 50;
let y : Nat8 = 10;
Nat8.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function rem
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 40;
let y : Nat8 = 15;
Nat8.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function pow
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 6;
let y : Nat8 = 3;
Nat8.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitnot
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 254; // Binary : 11111110
Nat8.bitnot(x) // Binary : 00000001
func bitand(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitand
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 255; // Binary : 11111111
let y : Nat8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
Nat8.bitand(x, y) // Binary : 00001111
func bitor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitor
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 240; // Binary : 11110000
let y : Nat8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
Nat8.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 11111111
func bitxor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitxor
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let y : Nat8 = 3; // Binary : 00000011
Nat8.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00001100
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 48; // Binary : 00110000
let y : Nat8 = 2;
Nat8.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11000000
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let y : Nat8 = 2;
Nat8.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00000011
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 240; // Binary : 11110000
let y : Nat8 = 2;
Nat8.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11000011
func bitrotRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function bitrotRight
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let y : Nat8 = 2;
Nat8.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 11000011
func bittest(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Nat8
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 2;
Nat8.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Nat8
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 1;
Nat8.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00001110
func bitclear(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Nat8
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 3;
Nat8.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000100
func bitflip(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Nat8
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 4;
Nat8.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00011100
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
func addWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function addWrap
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 255;
let y : Nat8 = 6;
Nat8.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function subWrap
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 0;
let y : Nat8 = 1;
Nat8.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function mulWrap
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 128;
let y : Nat8 = 2;
Nat8.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
The function powWrap
takes two Nat8
value and returns a Nat8
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
let x : Nat8 = 4;
let y : Nat8 = 4;
Nat8.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toNat
Function toText
Function fromNat
Function fromIntWrap
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Nat16 = 0;
let maximumValue : Nat16 = 65_535;
func toNat(i : Nat16) : Nat
The function toNat
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Nat
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let a : Nat16 = 65535;
func toText(i : Nat16) : Text
The function toText
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Text
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let b : Nat16 = 65535;
func fromNat(i : Nat) : Nat16
The function fromNat
takes one Nat
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let number : Nat = 65535;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Nat
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let integer : Int = 65537;
func min(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function min
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 200;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.min(x, y);
func max(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function max
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 200;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 10;
let y : Nat16 = 10;
Nat16.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 100;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function less
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255;
let y : Nat16 = 256;
Nat16.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255;
let y : Nat16 = 256;
Nat16.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 150;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Bool
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 150;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Nat16
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 1001;
let y : Nat16 = 1000;, y);
func add(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function add
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 400;
let y : Nat16 = 100;
Nat16.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function sub
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 400;
let y : Nat16 = 200;
Nat16.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function mul
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 20;
let y : Nat16 = 50;
Nat16.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function div
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 5000;
let y : Nat16 = 50;
Nat16.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function rem
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 400;
let y : Nat16 = 150;
Nat16.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function pow
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 10;
let y : Nat16 = 4;
Nat16.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitnot
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 65520; // Binary : 11111111_11110000
Nat16.bitnot(x) // Binary : 00000000_00001111
func bitand(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitand
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 65530; // Binary : 11111111_11111111
let y : Nat16 = 5; // Binary : 00000000_00000101
Nat16.bitand(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000101
func bitor(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitor
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
let y : Nat16 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00001111
Nat16.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_11111111
func bitxor(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitxor
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let y : Nat16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
Nat16.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00001111
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00001111
let y : Nat16 = 4;
Nat16.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_11110000
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
let y : Nat16 = 4;
Nat16.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00001111
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 32768; // Binary : 10000000_00000000
let y : Nat16 = 1;
Nat16.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000001
func bitrotRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function bitrotRight
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 1; // Binary : 00000000_00000001
let y : Nat16 = 1;
Nat16.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 10000000_00000000
func bittest(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Nat16
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat16.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Nat16
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 127; // Binary : 00000000_01111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat16.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_11111111
func bitclear(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Nat16
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat16.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_01111111
func bitflip(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Nat16
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat16.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_01111111
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 128; // Binary : 00000000_10000000
func addWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function addWrap
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 65535;
let y : Nat16 = 2;
Nat16.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function subWrap
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 0;
let y : Nat16 = 2;
Nat16.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function mulWrap
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 256;
let y : Nat16 = 256;
Nat16.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
The function powWrap
takes two Nat16
value and returns a Nat16
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
let x : Nat16 = 256;
let y : Nat16 = 2;
Nat16.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toNat
Function toText
Function fromNat
Function fromIntWrap
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Nat32 = 0;
let maximumValue : Nat32 = 4_294_967_295;
func toNat(i : Nat32) : Nat
The function toNat
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Nat
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let a : Nat32 = 4294967295;
func toText(i : Nat32) : Text
The function toText
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Text
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let b : Nat32 = 4294967295;
func fromNat(i : Nat) : Nat32
The function fromNat
takes one Nat
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let number : Nat = 4294967295;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Nat32
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let integer : Int = 4294967295;
func min(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function min
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 1001;
Nat32.min(x, y);
func max(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function max
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 2001;
Nat32.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 1000;
let y : Nat32 = 100;
Nat32.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 1000;
let y : Nat32 = 1001;
Nat32.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function less
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 2500;
Nat32.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 2500;
Nat32.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 1000;
Nat32.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Bool
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 1000;
Nat32.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Nat32
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 10000;
let y : Nat32 = 9999;, y);
func add(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function add
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 2000;
let y : Nat32 = 1200;
Nat32.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function sub
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4000;
let y : Nat32 = 3999;
Nat32.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function mul
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 200;
let y : Nat32 = 50;
Nat32.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function div
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 5000;
let y : Nat32 = 500;
Nat32.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function rem
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4000;
let y : Nat32 = 1200;
Nat32.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function pow
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 10;
let y : Nat32 = 5;
Nat32.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitnot
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4294967040; // Binary : 11111111_11111111_11111111_00000000
Nat32.bitnot(x) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitand(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitand
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4294967295; // Binary : 11111111_11111111_11111111_11111111
let y : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
Nat32.bitand(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitor(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitor
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
let y : Nat32 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
Nat32.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitxor(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitxor
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let y : Nat32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
Nat32.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
let y : Nat32 = 4;
Nat32.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
let y : Nat32 = 4;
Nat32.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4_278_190_080; // Binary : 11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000
let y : Nat32 = 8;
Nat32.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitrotRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function bitrotRight
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let y : Nat32 = 8;
Nat32.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000
func bittest(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Nat32
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat32.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Nat32
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 127; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat32.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitclear(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Nat32
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat32.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
func bitflip(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Nat32
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat32.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 128; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000
func addWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function addWrap
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 4294967295;
let y : Nat32 = 1;
Nat32.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function subWrap
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 0;
let y : Nat32 = 2;
Nat32.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function mulWrap
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 65536;
let y : Nat32 = 65536;
Nat32.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
The function powWrap
takes two Nat32
value and returns a Nat32
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
let x : Nat32 = 65536;
let y : Nat32 = 2;
Nat32.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toNat
Function toText
Function fromNat
Function fromIntWrap
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Nat64 = 0;
let maximumValue : Nat64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615;
func toNat(i : Nat64) : Nat
The function toNat
takes one Nat64
value and returns an Nat
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let a : Nat64 = 184467;
func toText(i : Nat64) : Text
The function toText
takes one Nat64
value and returns a Text
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let b : Nat64 = 184467;
func fromNat(i : Nat) : Nat64
The function fromNat
takes one Nat
value and returns an Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let number : Nat = 184467;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Nat64
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns an Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let integer : Int = 18_446_744_073_709_551_616;
func min(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function min
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 1001;
Nat64.min(x, y);
func max(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function max
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 2001;
Nat64.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 1000;
let y : Nat64 = 100;
Nat64.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 1000;
let y : Nat64 = 1001;
Nat64.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function less
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 2500;
Nat64.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 2500;
Nat64.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 1000;
Nat64.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Bool
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 1000;
Nat64.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Nat64
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 10000;
let y : Nat64 = 9999;, y);
func add(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function add
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 2000;
let y : Nat64 = 1200;
Nat64.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function sub
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4000;
let y : Nat64 = 3999;
Nat64.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function mul
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 200;
let y : Nat64 = 50;
Nat64.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function div
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 5000;
let y : Nat64 = 500;
Nat64.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function rem
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4000;
let y : Nat64 = 1200;
Nat64.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function pow
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 10;
let y : Nat64 = 5;
Nat64.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitnot
takes one Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_360;
func bitand(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitand
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4294967295;
let y : Nat64 = 255;
Nat64.bitand(x, y)
func bitor(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitor
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 240;
let y : Nat64 = 15;
Nat64.bitor(x, y)
func bitxor(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitxor
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let y : Nat64 = 240;
Nat64.bitxor(x, y)
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 15;
let y : Nat64 = 4;
Nat64.bitshiftLeft(x, y)
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 240;
let y : Nat64 = 4;
Nat64.bitshiftRight(x, y)
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4_278_190_080;
let y : Nat64 = 8;
Nat64.bitrotLeft(x, y)
func bitrotRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function bitrotRight
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let y : Nat64 = 8;
Nat64.bitrotRight(x, y)
func bittest(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Nat64
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat64.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Nat64
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 127;
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat64.bitset(x, p)
func bitclear(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Nat64
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat64.bitclear(x, p)
func bitflip(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Nat64
and one Nat
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Nat64.bitflip(x, p)
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 255;
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 128;
func addWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function addWrap
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615;
let y : Nat64 = 1;
Nat64.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function subWrap
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 0;
let y : Nat64 = 2;
Nat64.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function mulWrap
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4294967296;
let y : Nat64 = 4294967296;
Nat64.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
The function powWrap
takes two Nat64
value and returns a Nat64
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
let x : Nat64 = 4294967296;
let y : Nat64 = 2;
Nat64.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toInt
Function toText
Function fromInt
Function fromIntWrap
Function fromNat8
Function toNat8
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function abs
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Int8 = -128
let maximumValue : Int8 = 127
func toInt(i : Int8) : Int
The function toInt
takes one Int8
value and returns an Int
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let a : Int8 = -127;
func toText(i : Int8) : Text
The function toText
takes one Int8
value and returns a Text
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let b : Int8 = -127;
func fromInt(i : Int) : Int8
The function fromInt
takes one Int
value and returns an Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let integer : Int = -127;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Int8
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns an Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let integer : Int = 255;
func fromNat8(i : Nat8) : Int8
The function fromNat8
takes one Nat8
value and returns an Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let Nat8 : Nat8 = 127;
func toNat8(i : Int8) : Nat8
The function toNat8
takes one Int8
value and returns an Nat8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let int8 : Int8 = -127;
func min(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function min
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15;
let y : Int8 = -10;
Int8.min(x, y);
func max(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function max
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15;
let y : Int8 = -15;
Int8.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 10;
let y : Int8 = 10;
Int8.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -10;
let y : Int8 = 10;
Int8.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function less
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -15;
let y : Int8 = -25;
Int8.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -15;
let y : Int8 = -25;
Int8.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -15;
let y : Int8 = -10;
Int8.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Int8
value and returns a Bool
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15;
let y : Int8 = 10;
Int8.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Int8
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -15;
let y : Int8 = -10;, y);
func abs(x : Int8) : Int8
The function abs
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -40;
func neg(x : Int8) : Int8
The function neg
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -50;
func add(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function add
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -40;
let y : Int8 = 10;
Int8.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function sub
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -40;
let y : Int8 = -50;
Int8.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function mul
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 20;
let y : Int8 = -5;
Int8.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function div
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 50;
let y : Int8 = -10;
Int8.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function rem
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -40;
let y : Int8 = 15;
Int8.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function pow
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -5;
let y : Int8 = 3;
Int8.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Int8) : Int8
The function bitnot
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 127; // Binary : 01111111
Int8.bitnot(x) // Binary : 10000000
func bitand(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitand
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 127; // Binary : 01111111
let y : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
Int8.bitand(x, y)
func bitor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitor
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 112; // Binary : 01110000
let y : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
Int8.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 01111111
func bitxor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitxor
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let y : Int8 = 14; // Binary : 00001110
Int8.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00000001
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let y : Int8 = 4;
Int8.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11110000
func bitshiftRight(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 48; // Binary : 00110000
let y : Int8 = 2;
Int8.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00001100
func bitrotLeft(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let y : Int8 = 4;
Int8.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11110000
func bitrotRight(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function bitrotRight
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 48; // Binary : 00110000
let y : Int8 = 2;
Int8.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 00001100
func bittest(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Int8
and one Nat
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 2;
Int8.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Int8
and one Nat
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 4;
Int8.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00011100
func bitclear(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Int8
and one Nat
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 3;
Int8.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000100
func bitflip(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Int8
and one Nat
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let p : Nat = 4;
Int8.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00011100
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 15; // Binary : 00001111
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 12; // Binary : 00001100
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Int8
value and returns a Int8
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 48; // Binary : 00110000
func addWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function addWrap
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 127;
let y : Int8 = 2;
Int8.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function subWrap
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -128;
let y : Int8 = 2;
Int8.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function mulWrap
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 127;
let y : Int8 = 2;
Int8.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
The function powWrap
takes two Int8
value and returns a Int8
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = 6;
let y : Int8 = 3;
Int8.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toInt
Function toText
Function fromInt
Function fromIntWrap
Function fromNat16
Function toNat16
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function abs
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Int16 = -32_768;
let maximumValue : Int16 = 32_767;
func toInt(i : Int16) : Int
The function toInt
takes one Int16
value and returns an Int
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let a : Int16 = -32768;
func toText(i : Int16) : Text
The function toText
takes one Int16
value and returns a Text
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let b : Int16 = -32768;
func fromInt(i : Int) : Int16
The function fromInt
takes one Int
value and returns an Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let integer : Int = -32768;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Int16
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns an Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let integer : Int = 65535;
func fromNat16(i : Nat16) : Int16
The function fromNat16
takes one Nat16
value and returns an Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let nat16 : Nat16 = 65535;
func toNat16(i : Int16) : Nat16
The function toNat16
takes one Int16
value and returns an Nat16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let int16 : Int16 = -32768;
func min(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function min
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 200;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.min(x, y);
func max(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function max
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 200;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 10;
let y : Int16 = 10;
Int16.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 100;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function less
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255;
let y : Int16 = 256;
Int16.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255;
let y : Int16 = 256;
Int16.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 150;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Int16
value and returns a Bool
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 150;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Int16
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 1001;
let y : Int16 = 1000;, y);
func abs(x : Int16) : Int16
The function abs
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = -40;
func neg(x : Int16) : Int16
The function neg
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = -50;
func add(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function add
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 400;
let y : Int16 = 100;
Int16.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function sub
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 400;
let y : Int16 = 200;
Int16.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function mul
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 20;
let y : Int16 = 50;
Int16.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function div
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 5000;
let y : Int16 = 50;
Int16.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function rem
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 400;
let y : Int16 = 150;
Int16.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function pow
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 10;
let y : Int16 = 4;
Int16.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Int16) : Int16
The function bitnot
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
Int16.bitnot(x) // Binary : 11111111_00000000
func bitand(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitand
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let y : Int16 = 5; // Binary : 00000000_00000101
Int16.bitand(x, y)
func bitor(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitor
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
let y : Int16 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00001111
Int16.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_11111111
func bitxor(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitxor
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let y : Int16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
Int16.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00001111
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00001111
let y : Int16 = 4;
Int16.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_11110000
func bitshiftRight(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_11110000
let y : Int16 = 4;
Int16.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00001111
func bitrotLeft(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 32767; // Binary : 01111111_11111111
let y : Int16 = 1;
Int16.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11111111_11111110
func bitrotRight(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function bitrotRight
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 32767; // Binary : 01111111_11111111
let y : Int16 = 1;
Int16.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 10111111_11111111
func bittest(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Int16
and one Nat
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int16.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Int16
and one Nat
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 127; // Binary : 00000000_01111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int16.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_11111111
func bitclear(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Int16
and one Nat
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int16.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_01111111
func bitflip(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Int16
and one Nat
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int16.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_11011111
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_11111111
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Int16
value and returns a Int16
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 128; // Binary : 00000000_10000000
func addWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function addWrap
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 32767;
let y : Int16 = 2;
Int16.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function subWrap
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = -32767;
let y : Int16 = 2;
Int16.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function mulWrap
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 32767;
let y : Int16 = 2;
Int16.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
The function powWrap
takes two Int16
value and returns a Int16
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
let x : Int16 = 255;
let y : Int16 = 2;
Int16.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toInt
Function toText
Function fromInt
Function fromIntWrap
Function fromNat32
Function toNat32
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function abs
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Int32 = -2_147_483_648
let maximumValue : Int32 = 2_147_483_647
func toInt(i : Int32) : Int
The function toInt
takes one Int32
value and returns an Int
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let a : Int32 = -2147483648;
func toText(i : Int32) : Text
The function toText
takes one Int32
value and returns a Text
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let b : Int32 = -2147483648;
func fromInt(i : Int) : Int32
The function fromInt
takes one Int
value and returns an Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let integer : Int = -21474;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Int32
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns an Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let integer : Int = 4294967295;
func fromNat32(i : Nat32) : Int32
The function fromNat32
takes one Nat32
value and returns an Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let nat32 : Nat32 = 4294967295;
func toNat32(i : Int32) : Nat32
The function toNat32
takes one Int32
value and returns an Nat32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let int32 : Int32 = -967296;
func min(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function min
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 1001;
Int32.min(x, y);
func max(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function max
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 2001;
Int32.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 1000;
let y : Int32 = 100;
Int32.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 1000;
let y : Int32 = 1001;
Int32.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function less
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 2500;
Int32.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 2500;
Int32.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 1000;
Int32.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Int32
value and returns a Bool
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 1000;
Int32.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Int32
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 10000;
let y : Int32 = 9999;, y);
func abs(x : Int32) : Int32
The function abs
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = -40;
func neg(x : Int32) : Int32
The function neg
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -50;
func add(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function add
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2000;
let y : Int32 = 1200;
Int32.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function sub
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 4000;
let y : Int32 = 3999;
Int32.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function mul
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 200;
let y : Int32 = 50;
Int32.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function div
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 5000;
let y : Int32 = 500;
Int32.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function rem
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 4000;
let y : Int32 = 1200;
Int32.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function pow
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 10;
let y : Int32 = 5;
Int32.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Int32) : Int32
The function bitnot
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
Int32.bitnot(x) // Binary : 11111111_11111111_11111111_00000000
func bitand(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitand
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let y : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
Int32.bitand(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitor
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
let y : Int32 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
Int32.bitor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitxor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitxor
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let y : Int32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
Int32.bitxor(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 15; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
let y : Int32 = 4;
Int32.bitshiftLeft(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
func bitshiftRight(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 240; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11110000
let y : Int32 = 4;
Int32.bitshiftRight(x, y) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_00001111
func bitrotLeft(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2_147_483_647; // Binary : 01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111
let y : Int32 = 1;
Int32.bitrotLeft(x, y) // Binary : 11111111_11111111_11111111_11111110
func bitrotRight(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function bitrotRight
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2_147_483_647; // Binary : 01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111
let y : Int32 = 1;
Int32.bitrotRight(x, y) // Binary : 10111111_11111111_11111111_11111111
func bittest(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Int32
and one Nat
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int32.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Int32
and one Nat
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 127; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int32.bitset(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
func bitclear(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Int32
and one Nat
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int32.bitclear(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
func bitflip(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Int32
and one Nat
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let p : Nat = 7;
Int32.bitflip(x, p) // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_01111111
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 255; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Int32
value and returns a Int32
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 128; // Binary : 00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000
func addWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function addWrap
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2_147_483_647;
let y : Int32 = 1;
Int32.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function subWrap
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = -2_147_483_648;
let y : Int32 = 1;
Int32.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function mulWrap
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 2_147_483_647;
let y : Int32 = 2;
Int32.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
The function powWrap
takes two Int32
value and returns a Int32
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
let x : Int32 = 65536;
let y : Int32 = 2;
Int32.powWrap(x, y)
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
On this page
Value minimumValue
Value maximumValue
Function toInt
Function toText
Function fromInt
Function fromIntWrap
Function fromNat64
Function toNat64
Function min
Function max
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
Function compare
Numerical Operations
Function abs
Function neg
Function add
Function sub
Function mul
Function div
Function rem
Function pow
Bitwise Operators
Function bitnot
Function bitand
Function bitor
Function bitxor
Function bitshiftLeft
Function bitshiftRight
Function bitrotLeft
Function bitrotRight
Function bittest
Function bitset
Function bitclear
Function bitflip
Function bitcountNonZero
Function bitcountLeadingZero
Function bitcountTrailingZero
Wrapping Operations
Function addWrap
Function subWrap
Function mulWrap
Function powWrap
let minimumValue : Int64 = -9_223_372_036_854_775_808;
let maximumValue : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
func toInt(i : Int64) : Int
The function toInt
takes one Int64
value and returns an Int
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let a : Int64 = -92233;
func toText(i : Int64) : Text
The function toText
takes one Int64
value and returns a Text
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let b : Int64 = -92233;
func fromInt(i : Int) : Int64
The function fromInt
takes one Int
value and returns an Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let integer : Int = -92233;
func fromIntWrap(i : Int) : Int64
The function fromIntWrap
takes one Int
value and returns an Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let integer : Int = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615;
func fromNat64(i : Nat64) : Int64
The function fromNat64
takes one Nat64
value and returns an Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let nat64 : Nat64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615;
func toNat64(i : Int64) : Nat64
The function toNat64
takes one Int64
value and returns an Nat64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let int64 : Int64 = -9551616;
func min(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function min
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 1001;
Int64.min(x, y);
func max(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function max
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 2001;
Int64.max(x, y);
func equal(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 1000;
let y : Int64 = 100;
Int64.equal(x, y);
func notEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 1000;
let y : Int64 = 1001;
Int64.notEqual(x, y);
func less(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function less
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 2500;
Int64.less(x, y);
func lessOrEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 2500;
Int64.lessOrEqual(x, y);
func greater(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 1000;
Int64.greater(x, y);
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Int64
value and returns a Bool
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 1000;
Int64.greaterOrEqual(x, y);
func compare(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
The function compare
takes two Int64
value and returns an Order variant value.
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 10000;
let y : Int64 = 9999;, y);
func abs(x : Int64) : Int64
The function abs
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -40;
func neg(x : Int64) : Int64
The function neg
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
let x : Int8 = -50;
func add(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function add
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 2000;
let y : Int64 = 1200;
Int64.add(x, y);
func sub(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function sub
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 4000;
let y : Int64 = 3999;
Int64.sub(x, y);
func mul(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function mul
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 200;
let y : Int64 = 50;
Int64.mul(x, y);
func div(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function div
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 5000;
let y : Int64 = 500;
Int64.div(x, y);
func rem(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function rem
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 4000;
let y : Int64 = 1200;
Int64.rem(x, y);
func pow(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function pow
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 10;
let y : Int64 = 5;
Int64.pow(x, y);
func bitnot(x : Int64) : Int64
The function bitnot
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
func bitand(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitand
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 4294967295;
let y : Int64 = 255;
Int64.bitand(x, y)
func bitor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitor
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 240;
let y : Int64 = 15;
Int64.bitor(x, y)
func bitxor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitxor
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let y : Int64 = 240;
Int64.bitxor(x, y)
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitshiftLeft
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 15;
let y : Int64 = 4;
Int64.bitshiftLeft(x, y)
func bitshiftRight(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitshiftRight
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 240;
let y : Int64 = 4;
Int64.bitshiftRight(x, y)
func bitrotLeft(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitrotLeft
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
let y : Int64 = 1;
Int64.bitrotLeft(x, y)
func bitrotRight(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function bitrotRight
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
let y : Int64 = 1;
Int64.bitrotRight(x, y)
func bittest(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bittest
takes one Int64
and one Nat
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Int64.bittest(x, p)
func bitset(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitset
takes one Int64
and one Nat
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 127;
let p : Nat = 7;
Int64.bitset(x, p)
func bitclear(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitclear
takes one Int64
and one Nat
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Int64.bitclear(x, p)
func bitflip(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
The function bitflip
takes one Int64
and one Nat
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let p : Nat = 7;
Int64.bitflip(x, p)
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
The function bitcountNonZero
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
The function bitcountLeadingZero
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 255;
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
The function bitcountTrailingZero
takes one Int64
value and returns a Int64
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 128;
func addWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function addWrap
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
value.It is equivalent to the +%
Bitwise operators.
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
let y : Int64 = 1;
Int64.addWrap(x, y)
func subWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function subWrap
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
value.It is equivalent to the -%
Bitwise operators.
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = -9_223_372_036_854_775_808;
let y : Int64 = 1;
Int64.subWrap(x, y)
func mulWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function mulWrap
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
value.It is equivalent to the *%
Bitwise operators.
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807;
let y : Int64 = 2;
Int64.mulWrap(x, y)
func powWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
The function powWrap
takes two Int64
value and returns a Int64
value.It is equivalent to the **%
Bitwise operators.
import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
let x : Int64 = 4294967296;
let y : Int64 = 2;
Int64.powWrap(x, y)
A blob is an immutable sequences of bytes. Blobs are similar to arrays of bytes [Nat8]
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
Function fromArray
Function toArray
Function toArrayMut
Function fromArrayMut
Utility Function
Function compare
Function equal
Function notEqual
Function less
Function lessOrEqual
Function greater
Function greaterOrEqual
func fromArray(bytes : [Nat8]) : Blob
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let a : [Nat8] = [253, 254, 255];
func toArray(blob : Blob) : [Nat8]
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob : Blob = "\0a\0b\0c" : Blob;
func toArrayMut(blob : Blob) : [var Nat8]
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob : Blob = "\0a\0b\0c" : Blob;
func fromArrayMut(bytes : [var Nat8]) : Blob
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let a : [var Nat8] = [var 253, 254, 255];
func hash(blob : Blob) : Nat32
The function hash
takes one Blob
value and returns a Nat32
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
func compare(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
The function compare
takes two Blob
value and returns an Order value.
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;, blob2);
func equal(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function equal
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
Blob.equal(blob1, blob2);
func notEqual(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function notEqual
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
Blob.notEqual(blob1, blob2);
func less(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function less
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
Blob.less(blob1, blob2);
func lessOrEqual(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function lessOrEqual
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
Blob.lessOrEqual(blob1, blob2);
func greater(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function greater
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
Blob.greater(blob1, blob2);
func greaterOrEqual(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : Bool
The function greaterOrEqual
takes two Blob
value and returns a Bool
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
let blob1 : Blob = "\00\ff\00" : Blob;
let blob2 : Blob = "\00\ef\00" : Blob;
Blob.greaterOrEqual(blob1, blob2);
Utility Modules
The Motoko Base Library provides several modules like
for conveniently working with functions and data. Other modules expose IC system functionality like
module provides useful classes and public functions for iteration on data sequences.
An iterator in Motoko is an object with a single method next
. Calling next
returns a ?T
where T
is the type over which we are iterating. An Iter
object is consumed by calling its next
function until it returns null
We can make an Iter<T>
from any data sequence. Most data sequences in Motoko, like Array
, List
and Buffer
provide functions to make an Iter<T>
, which can be used to iterate over their values.
The type Iter<T>
is an object type with one single function:
type Iter<T> = { next : () -> ?T }
The next
function takes no arguments and returns ?T
where T
is the type of the value being iterated over.
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let a : [Nat] = [1, 2, 3];
let iter = Array.vals(a);
assert(?1 ==;
assert(?2 ==;
assert(?3 ==;
assert(null ==;
We use the vals
function from the
module to make an Iter<Nat>
from our array. We call its next
function three times. After that the iterator is consumed and returns null
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
This module includes two classes range
and revRange
to make ranges (and reversed ranges) of Nat
or Int
respectively. Ranges may be used in a for loop:
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
for (i in Iter.range(0,4)) {
// do something 5 times
for (i in Iter.revRange(4,0)) {
// do something 5 times
We use the in
keyword to iterate over the Iter<Nat>
and bind the values to i
in a for loop. The second for loop iterates over a Iter<Int>
On this page
Function iterate
Function size
Function map
Function filter
Function make
Function fromArray
Function fromArrayMut
Function fromList
Function toArray
Function toArrayMut
Function toList
Function sort
Class range
class range(x : Nat, y : Int)
func next() : ?Nat
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
let num1 =; // returns 1
let num2 =; // returns 2
let num3 =; // returns 3
let num4 =; // returns null
Class revRange
class revRange(x : Int, y : Int)
func next() : ?Int
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRevRange = Iter.revRange(5, 8);
let number1 =; // returns 8
let number2 =; // returns 7
let number3 =; // returns 6
let number4 =; // returns 5
let number5 =; // returns null
func iterate<A>(
xs : Iter<A>,
f : (A, Nat) -> ()
) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Function argument | f : (A, Nat) -> () |
Return type | () |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
var sum = 0;
func update(a : Nat, b : Nat) {
sum += a;
Iter.iterate(myRange, update);
func size<A>(xs : Iter<A>) : Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Return type | Nat |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
func map<A, B>(
xs : Iter<A>,
f : A -> B
) : Iter<B>
Parameters | |
Generic parameter | A, B |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Function argument | f : A -> B |
Return type | Iter<B> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
func change(n : Nat) : Int {
n * -1;
let mapedIter =<Nat, Int>(myRange, change);
func filter<A>(
xs : Iter<A>,
f : A -> Bool
) : Iter<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Function argument | f : A -> Bool |
Return type | Iter<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
func change(n : Nat) : Bool {
n > 1;
let filterIter = Iter.filter<Nat>(myRange, change);
func make<A>(x : A) : Iter<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | x : A |
Return type | Iter<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.make(3);
assert (?3 ==;
assert (?3 ==;
assert (?3 ==;
func fromArray<A>(xs : [A]) : Iter<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : [A] |
Return type | Iter<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let array = ["bitcoin", "ETH", "ICP"];
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Text> = Iter.fromArray(array);
func fromArrayMut<A>(xs : [var A]) : Iter<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : [var A] |
Return type | Iter<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let array = [var "bitcoin", "ETH", "ICP"];
let iter = Iter.fromArrayMut(array);
func fromList(xs : List<T>) : Iter
Parameters | |
Variable argument | xs : List<T> |
Return type | Iter |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let list : List.List<Nat> = ?(0, ?(1, null));
let iter = Iter.fromList(list);
func toArray<A>(xs : Iter<A>) : [A]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Return type | [A] |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
func toArrayMut<A>(xs : Iter<A>) : [var A]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Return type | [var A] |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
func list<A>(xs : Iter<A>) : List.List<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Return type | List.List<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import List "mo:base/List";
let myRange : Iter.Iter<Nat> = Iter.range(1, 3);
let list : List.List<Nat> = Iter.toList(myRange);
func sort<A>(
xs : Iter<A>,
compare : (A, A) -> Order.Order
) : Iter<A>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A |
Variable argument | xs : Iter<A> |
Function argument | compare : (A, A) -> Order.Order |
Return type | Iter<A> |
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let a : [Int] = [5, 2, -3, 1];
let i : Iter.Iter<Int> = a.vals();
let sorted : Iter.Iter<Int> = Iter.sort(i,;
See the official docs for an up to date reference of hashing functions.
The Option module in the official reference contains several functions for working with Option types.
For an explanation of Options in Motoko see this chapter of this book..
This is a subset of functions available in the official reference for working with Result
variants. See this chapter of this book for more information on Result
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Result "mo:base/Result";
On this page
Function fromOption
Function toOption
Function isOk
Function isErr
Public type
The Result<Ok, Err>
type is a variant with two generic parameters. It can be used as the return type for functions to indicate either success or error. Both cases can be handled programmatically.
type Result<Ok, Err> = { #ok : Ok; #err : Err }
A Result<Ok, Err>
could either be
is of generic typeOk
is of generic typeErr
We usually import, rename and instantiate Result
with types for our own purpose and use it as the return type of a function.
import Result "mo:base/Result";
type MyResult = Result.Result<Nat, Text>;
func doSomething(b : Bool) : MyResult {
switch (b) {
case true #ok(0);
case false #err("false");
switch (doSomething(true)) {
case (#ok(nat)) {};
case (#err(text)) {};
We import Result
and declare our own custom type MyResult
by instantiating the Result<Ok, Err>
with types Nat
and Text
Our function doSomething
could either return a #ok
with a Nat
value or a #err
with a Text
Both cases are handled programmatically in the last switch expression. The return values associated with both cases are locally named nat
and text
and could be used inside the switch case body.
func fromOption<R, E>(x : ?R, err : E) : Result<R, E>
import Result "mo:base/Result";
Result.fromOption<Nat, Text>(?100, "error")
func toOption<R, E>(r : Result<R, E>) : ?R
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let ok : Result.Result<Nat, Text> = #ok 100;
let opt : ?Nat = Result.toOption(ok);
func isOk(r : Result<Any, Any>) : Bool
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let ok : Result.Result<Nat, Text> = #ok 100;
func isErr(r : Result<Any, Any>) : Bool
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let err : Result.Result<Nat, Text> = #err "this is wrong";
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Order "mo:base/Order";
On this page
Function isLess
Function isEqual
Function isGreater
Function equal
Public Type
The Order
variant type is used to represent three possible outcomes when comparing the order two values.
type Order = {
When comparing the order of two values, we could either return:
when the first value is less than the second value.#equal
when both values are equal.#greater
when the first value is greater than the second value.
Some types are naturally ordered like number types Nat
and Int
. But we may define an order for any type, even types for which there is no obvious natural order.
type Color = {
func sortColor(c1 : Color, c2 : Color) : Order {
switch ((c1, c2)) {
case ((#Red, #Blue)) { #greater };
case ((#Red, #Red)) { #equal };
case ((#Blue, #Blue)) { #equal };
case ((#Blue, #Red)) { #less };
Here we define an order for our Color
variant by defining a function that compares two values of Color
and returns an Order
. It treats #Red
to be #greater
than #Blue
func isLess(order : Order) : Bool
import Order "mo:base/Order";
let order : Order.Order = #less;
func isEqual(order : Order) : Bool
import Order "mo:base/Order";
let order : Order.Order = #less;
func isGreater(order : Order) : Bool
import Order "mo:base/Order";
let order : Order.Order = #less;
func equal(o1 : Order, o2 : Order) : Bool
import Order "mo:base/Order";
let icpToday : Order.Order = #less;
let icpTomorrow : Order.Order = #greater;
Order.equal(icpToday, icpTomorrow);
See the Error
module in the official reference and Async Programming for an example of working with Errors.
See the Debug
module in the official reference and Async Programming for an example of working with Debug.
Data Structures
This chapter covers the most important data structures in Motoko.
What is an array?
An immutable or mutable array of type [T]
or [var T]
is a sequence of values of type T
. Each element can be accessed by its index, which is a Nat
value that represents the position of the element in the array. Indexing starts at 0
. Some properties of arrays are:
Memory layout
Arrays are stored in contiguous memory, meaning that all elements are stored next to each other in memory. This makes arrays more memory-efficient than some other data structures, like lists, where elements can be scattered throughout memory. -
Fast indexing
Arrays provide constant-time access to elements by index. This is because the memory address of any element can be calculated directly from its index and the starting memory address of the array. -
Fixed size
Once an array is created, its size cannot be changed. If you need to add or remove elements, you will have to create a new array of the desired size and copy the elements. This is different from other sequence data structures like lists or buffers that can grow or shrink dynamically. -
Computational cost of copying
Since arrays are stored in a contiguous block of memory, copying an array requires copying all its elements to a new memory location. This can be computationally expensive, especially for large arrays.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Array "mo:base/Array";
module public functions
Function init
Function make
Function tabulate
Function tabulateVar
Function freeze
Function thaw
Function sort
Function sortInPlace
Function reverse
Function flatten
Function map
Function filter
Function mapEntries
Function mapFilter
Function mapResult
Function vals
Function keys
Function find
Function chain
Function foldLeft
Function foldRight
The size of an array can be accessed my the .size()
let array : [Nat] = [0, 1, 2];
The module also provides a dedicated function for the size of an array.
func size<X>(array : [X]) : Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | Nat |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array : [Text] = ["ICP", "ETH", "USD", "Bitcoin"];
Initialize a mutable array of type [var X]
with a size
and an initial value initValue
of generic type X
func init<X>(
size : Nat,
initValue : X
) : [var X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument 1 | size : Nat |
Variable argument 2 | initValue : X |
Return type | [var X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let size : Nat = 3;
let initValue : Char = 'A';
let a : [var Char] = Array.init<Char>(size, initValue);
Make an immutable array with exactly one element of generic type X
func make<X>(element : X) : [x]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | element : X |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let a : [Text] = Array.make<Text>("ICP");
The tabulate
function generates an immutable array of generic type X
and predefined size
by using a generator function that takes the index of every element as an argument and produces the elements of the array.
func tabulate<X>(
size : Nat,
generator : Nat -> X
) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | size : Nat |
Function argument | generator : Nat -> X |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let size : Nat = 3;
func generator(i : Nat) : Nat { i ** 2 };
let a : [Nat] = Array.tabulate<Nat>(size, generator);
The tabulateVar
function generates a mutable array of generic type X
and predefined size
by using a generator function that takes the index of every element as an argument and produces the elements of the array.
func tabulateVar<X>(
size : Nat,
generator : Nat -> X
) : [var X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | size : Nat |
Function argument | generator : Nat -> X |
Return type | [var X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let size : Nat = 3;
func generator(i : Nat) : Nat { i * 5 };
let a : [var Nat] = Array.tabulateVar<Nat>(size, generator);
Freeze converts a mutable array of generic type X
to a immutable array of the same type.
func freeze<X>(varArray : [var X]) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | varArray : [var X] |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let varArray : [var Text] = [var "apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry"];
varArray[1] := "kiwi";
let a : [Text] = Array.freeze<Text>(varArray);
Thaw converts an immutable array of generic type X
to a mutable array of the same type.
func thaw<X>(array : [X]) : [var X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | [var X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array : [Char] = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'];
let varArray : [var Char] = Array.thaw<Char>(array);
Sort takes an immutable array of generic type X
and produces a second array which is sorted according to a comparing function compare
. This comparing function compares two elements of type X
and returns an Order
type that is used to sort the array.
We could use a comparing function from the Base Library, like in the example below, or write our own custom comparing function, as long as its type is (X, X) -> Order.Order
func sort<X>(
array : [X],
compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order
) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let ages : [Nat] = [50, 20, 10, 30, 40];
let sortedAges : [Nat] = Array.sort<Nat>(ages,;
Index | ages : [Nat] | sortedAges : [Nat] |
0 | 50 | 10 |
1 | 20 | 20 |
2 | 10 | 30 |
3 | 30 | 40 |
4 | 40 | 50 |
We can also 'sort in place', which behaves the same as sort
except we mutate a mutable array in stead of producing a new array. Note the function returns unit type ()
func sortInPlace<X>(
array : [var X],
compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order
) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [var X] |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order |
Return type | () |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
var ages : [var Nat] = [var 50, 20, 10, 30, 40];
Index | ages : [var Nat] | ages : [var Nat] |
0 | 50 | 10 |
1 | 20 | 20 |
2 | 10 | 30 |
3 | 30 | 40 |
4 | 40 | 50 |
Takes an immutable array and produces a second array with elements in reversed order.
func reverse<X>(array : [X]) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let rank : [Text] = ["first", "second", "third"];
let reverse : [Text] = Array.reverse<Text>(rank);
Index | rank : [Text] | reverse : [Text] |
0 | "first" | "third" |
1 | "second" | "second" |
2 | "third" | "first" |
Takes an array of arrays and produces a single array, while retaining the original ordering of the elements.
func flatten<X>(arrays : [[X]]) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | arrays : [[X]] |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let arrays : [[Char]] = [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e']];
let newArray : [Char] = Array.flatten(arrays);
Index | arrays : [[Char]] | newArray : [Char] |
0 | ['a', 'b'] | 'a' |
1 | ['c', 'd'] | 'b' |
2 | ['e'] | 'c' |
3 | 'd' | |
4 | 'e' |
Compare each element of two arrays and check whether they are all equal according to an equal
function of type (X, X) -> Bool
func equal<X>(
array1 : [X],
array2 : [X],
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | array1 : [X] |
Variable argument2 | array2 : [X] |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let class1 = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"];
let class2 = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Eve"];
func nameEqual(name1 : Text, name2 : Text) : Bool {
name1 == name2;
let isNameEqual : Bool = Array.equal<Text>(class1, class2, nameEqual);
The mapping function map
iterates through each element of an immutable array, applies a given transformation function f
to it, and creates a new array with the transformed elements. The input array is of generic type [X]
, the transformation function takes elements of type X
and returns elements of type Y
, and the resulting array is of type [Y]
func map<X>(
array : [X],
f : X -> Y
) : [Y]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | f : X -> Y |
Return type | [Y] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array1 : [Bool] = [true, false, true, false];
func convert(x : Bool) : Nat {
if x return 1 else 0;
let array2 : [Nat] =<Bool, Nat>(array1, convert);
Index | array1 : [Bool] | array2 : [Nat] |
0 | true | 1 |
1 | false | 0 |
2 | true | 1 |
3 | false | 0 |
The filter
function takes an immutable array of elements of generic type X
and a predicate function predicate
(that takes a X
and returns a Bool
) and returns a new array containing only the elements that satisfy the predicate condition.
func filter<X>(
array : [X],
predicate : X -> Bool
) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | [X] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let ages : [Nat] = [1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 7];
func isEven(x : Nat) : Bool {
x % 2 == 0;
let evenAges : [Nat] = Array.filter<Nat>(ages, isEven);
Index | ages : [Nat] | evenAges : [Nat] |
0 | 1 | 2 |
1 | 2 | 6 |
2 | 5 | |
3 | 6 | |
4 | 9 | |
5 | 7 |
The mapEntries
function takes an immutable array of elements of generic type [X]
and a function f
that accepts an element and its index (a Nat
value) as arguments, then returns a new array of type [Y]
with elements transformed by applying the function f
to each element and its index.
func mapEntries<X,Y>(
array : [X],
f : (X, Nat) -> Y
) : [Y]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | f : (X, Nat) -> Y |
Return type | [Y] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let array1 : [Int] = [-1, -2, -3, -4];
func map(x : Int, y : Nat) : Text {
Int.toText(x) # "; " # Nat.toText(y);
let array2 : [Text] = Array.mapEntries<Int, Text>(array1, map);
Index | array1 : [Int] | array2 : [Text] |
0 | -1 | "-1; 0" |
1 | -2 | "-2; 1" |
2 | -3 | "-3; 2" |
3 | -4 | "-4; 3" |
func mapFilter<X,Y>(
array : [X],
f : X -> ?Y
) : [Y]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | f : X -> ?Y |
Return type | [Y] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
func filter(x : Nat) : ?Text {
if (x > 3) null else ?Nat.toText(100 / x);
let array2 = Array.mapFilter<Nat, Text>(array1, filter);
Index | array1 : [Nat] | array2 : [Text] |
0 | 1 | "100" |
1 | 2 | "50" |
2 | 3 | "33" |
3 | 4 | |
3 | 5 |
func mapResult<X, Y, E>(
array : [X],
f : X -> Result.Result<Y, E>
) : Result.Result<[Y], E>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y, E |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | f : X -> Result.Result<Y, E> |
Return type | Result.Result<[Y], E> |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let array1 = [4, 5, 2, 1];
func check(x : Nat) : Result.Result<Nat, Text> {
if (x == 0) #err "Cannot divide by zero" else #ok(100 / x);
let mapResult : Result.Result<[Nat], Text> = Array.mapResult<Nat, Nat, Text>(array1, check);
Index | array1 : [Nat] | mapResult : #ok : [Nat] |
0 | 4 | 25 |
1 | 5 | 20 |
2 | 2 | 50 |
3 | 1 | 100 |
func vals<X>(array : [X]) : I.Iter<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | I.Iter<X> |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array = ["ICP", "will", "grow", "?"];
var sentence = "";
for (value in array.vals()) {
sentence #= value # " ";
func keys<X>(array : [X]) : I.Iter<Nat>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | I.Iter<Nat> |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let array = [true, false, true, false];
let iter = array.keys();
func find<X>(
array : [X],
predicate : X -> Bool
) : ?X
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | ?X |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let ages = [18, 25, 31, 37, 42, 55, 62];
func isGreaterThan40(ages : Nat) : Bool {
ages > 40;
let firstAgeGreaterThan40 : ?Nat = Array.find<Nat>(ages, isGreaterThan40);
func chain<X, Y>(
array : [X],
k : X -> [Y]
) : [Y]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Function argument | k : X -> [Y] |
Return type | [Y] |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array1 = [10, 20, 30];
func chain(x : Nat) : [Int] { [x, -x] };
let array2 : [Int] = Array.chain<Nat, Int>(array1, chain);
Index | array1 : [Nat] | array2 : [Int] |
0 | 10 | 10 |
1 | 20 | -10 |
2 | 30 | 20 |
3 | -20 | |
4 | 30 | |
5 | -30 |
func foldLeft<X, A>(
array : [X],
base : A,
combine : (A, X) -> A
) : A
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, A |
Variable argument1 | array : [X] |
Variable argument2 | base : A |
Function argument | combine : (A, X) -> A |
Return type | A |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
let array = [40, 20, 0, 10];
func add(a : Nat, b : Nat) : Nat {
a + b;
let base : Nat = 30;
let sum : Nat = Array.foldLeft<Nat, Nat>(array, base, add);
func foldRight<X, A>(
array : [X],
base : A,
combine : (X, A) -> A
) : A
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, A |
Variable argument1 | array : [X] |
Variable argument2 | base : A |
Function argument | combine : (X, A) -> A |
Return type | A |
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
let array1 = [7, 8, 1];
func concat(a : Nat, b : Text) : Text {
b # Nat.toText(a);
let base : Text = "Numbers: ";
Array.foldRight<Nat, Text>(array1, base, concat);
The difference between a list and an array is that an array is stored as one contiguous block of bytes in memory and a list is 'scattered' around without the elements having to be adjacent to each other. The advantage is that we can use memory more efficiently by filling the memory more flexibly. The downside is that for operations on the whole list, we have to visit each element one by one which may be computationally expensive.
For more on the List data structures visit recursive types.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import List "mo:base/List";
On this page
Function nil
Function isNil
Function push
Function last
Function pop
Function size
Function get
Function reverse
Function iterate
Function map
Function filter
Function partition
Function mapFilter
Function mapResult
Function append
Function flatten
Function take
Function drop
Function foldLeft
Function foldRight
Function find
Function some
Function all
Function merge
Function compare
Function equal
Function tabulate
Function make
Function replicate
Function zip
Function zipWith
Function split
Function chunks
Function fromArray
Function fromVarArray
Function toArray
Function toVarArray
Function toIter
func nil<T>() : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
func isNil<T>(l : List<T>) : Bool
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Return type | Bool |
import List "mo:base/List";
let nil : List.List<Int> = List.nil<Int>();
func push<T>(
x : T
l : List<T>
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | x : T |
Variable argument2 | l : List<T> |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let nil : List.List<Int> = List.nil<Int>();
List.push(-1, nil);
func last<T>(l : List<T>) : ?T
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Return type | ?T |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(0, ?(-1, null));
func pop<T>(l : List<T>) : (?T, List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Return type | (?T, List<T>) |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(0, ?(-1, null));
func size<T>(l : List<T>) : Nat
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Return type | Nat |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, null)));
func get<T>(
l : List<T>
n : Nat
) : ?T
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | n : Nat |
Return type | ?T |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(0, ?(-1, null));
List.get(list, 0);
func reverse<T>(l : List<T>) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, null)));
func iterate<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> ()
) : ()
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> () |
Return type | () |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
var number : Int = 5;
func edit(x : Int) : () {
number += x;
let iterate : () = List.iterate(list, edit);
func map<T, U>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> U
) : List<U>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, U |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> U |
Return type | List<U> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
func change(x : Int) : Text {
};<Int, Text>(list, change);
func filter<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> Bool
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Bool |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, null)));
func change(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 0;
List.filter<Int>(list, change);
func partition<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> Bool
) : (List<T>, List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Bool |
Return type | (List<T>, List<T>) |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, ?(-2, null))));
func change(x : Int) : Bool {
x >= 0;
List.partition<Int>(list, change);
func mapFilter<T, U>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> ?U
) : List<U>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, U |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> ?U |
Return type | List<U> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, null)));
func change(x : Int) : ?Text {
if (x >= 0) {
} else {
List.mapFilter<Int, Text>(list, change);
func mapResult<T, R, E>(
xs : List<T>
f : T -> Result.Result<R, E>
) : Result.Result<List<R>, E>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, R, E |
Variable argument | xs : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Result.Result<R, E> |
Return type | Result.Result<List<R>, E> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, ?(-1, null)));
func result(x : Int) : Result.Result<Int, Text> {
if (x >= 0) {
} else {
#err("it is negative list element");
List.mapResult<Int, Int, Text>(list, result);
func append<T>(
l : List<T>
m : List<T>
) : (List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | m : List<T> |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let listN : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let listP : List.List<Int> = ?(2, ?(1, ?(0, null)));
List.append<Int>(listP, listN);
func flatten<T>(
l : List<List<T>>
) : (List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<List<T>> |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let listN : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let listP : List.List<Int> = ?(2, ?(1, ?(0, null)));
let listOflists : List.List<List.List<Int>> = ?(listN, ?(listP, null));
func take<T>(
l : List<T>
n : Nat
) : (List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | n : Nat |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
List.take<Int>(list, 2);
func drop<T>(
l : List<T>
n : Nat
) : (List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | n : Nat |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
List.drop<Int>(list, 2);
func foldLeft<T, S>(
list : List<T>
base : S
combine : (S, T) -> S
) : S
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, S |
Variable argument1 | list : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | base : S |
Function argument | combine : (S, T) -> S |
Return type | S |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let base : Int = 10;
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x + y;
List.foldLeft<Int, Int>(list, 2, change);
func foldRight<T, S>(
list : List<T>
base : S
combine : (T, S) -> S
) : S
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, S |
Variable argument1 | list : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | base : S |
Function argument | combine : (T, S) -> S |
Return type | S |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let base : Int = 10;
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x + y;
List.foldRight<Int, Int>(list, 2, change);
func find<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> Bool
) : ?T
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Bool |
Return type | ?T |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let base : Int = 10;
func change(x : Int) : Bool {
x > -2;
List.find<Int>(list, change);
func some<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> Bool
) : Bool
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let base : Int = 10;
func change(x : Int) : Bool {
x == -2;
List.some<Int>(list, change);
func all<T>(
l : List<T>
f : T -> Bool
) : Bool
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | l : List<T> |
Function argument | f : T -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let base : Int = 10;
func change(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 0;
List.all<Int>(list, change);
func merge<T>(
l1 : List<T>
l2 : List<T>
lessThanOrEqual : (T, T) -> Bool
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l1 : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | l2 : List<T> |
Function argument | lessThanOrEqual : (T, T) -> Bool |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list1 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let list2 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool {
x <= y;
List.merge<Int>(list1, list2, change);
func compare<T>(
l1 : List<T>
l2 : List<T>
compare : (T, T) -> Order.Order
) : Order.Order
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l1 : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | l2 : List<T> |
Function argument | compare : (T, T) -> Order.Order |
Return type | Order.Order |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
import Order "mo:base/Order";
let list1 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let list2 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));<Int>(list1, list2,;
func equal<T>(
l1 : List<T>
l2 : List<T>
equal : (T, T) -> Bool
) : Bool
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | l1 : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | l2 : List<T> |
Function argument | equal : (T, T) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let list1 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let list2 : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
List.equal<Int>(list1, list2, Int.equal);
func tabulate<T>(
n : Nat
f : Nat -> T
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | n : Nat |
Function argument | f : Nat -> T |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
func change(x : Int) : Int {
x * 2;
List.tabulate<Int>(3, change);
func make<T>(n : T) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | n : T |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
func replicate<T>(
n : Nat
x : T
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | n : Nat |
Variable argument2 | x : T |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
List.replicate<Int>(3, 3);
func zip<T, U>(
xs : List<T>
ys : List<U>
) : List<(T, U)>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, U |
Variable argument1 | xs : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | ys : List<U> |
Return type | List<(T, U)> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let listN : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let listP : List.List<Int> = ?(1, ?(0, null));<Int, Int>(listN, listP);
func zipWith<T, U, V>(
xs : List<T>
ys : List<U>
f : (T, U) -> V
) : List<V>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T, U, V |
Variable argument1 | xs : List<T> |
Variable argument2 | ys : List<U> |
Function argument2 | f : (T, U) -> V |
Return type | List<V> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let listN : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let listP : List.List<Int> = ?(0, ?(0, null));
func edit(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x * y;
List.zipWith<Int, Int, Int>(listN, listP, edit);
func split<T>(
n : Nat
xs : List<T>
) : (List<T>, List<T>)
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | n : Nat |
Variable argument2 | xs : List<T> |
Return type | (List<T>, List<T>) |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
List.split<Int>(2, list);
func chunks<T>(
n : Nat
xs : List<T>
) : List<List<T>>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument1 | n : Nat |
Variable argument2 | xs : List<T> |
Return type | List<List<T>> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
List.chunks<Int>(1, list);
func fromArray<T>(xs : [T]) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | xs : [T] |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let array : [Int] = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
func fromVarArray<T>(
xs : [var T]
) : List<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | xs : [var T] |
Return type | List<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
let varArray : [var Int] = [var -2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
func toArray<T>(xs : List<T>) : [T]
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | xs : List<T> |
Return type | [T] |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
func toVarArray<T>(xs : List<T>) : [var T]
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | xs : List<T> |
Return type | [var T] |
import List "mo:base/List";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
func toIter<T>(xs : List<T>) : Iter.Iter<T>
parameters | |
Generic parameters | T |
Variable argument | xs : List<T> |
Return type | Iter.Iter<T> |
import List "mo:base/List";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let list : List.List<Int> = ?(-3, ?(-2, ?(-1, null)));
let iter : Iter.Iter<Int> = List.toIter<Int>(list);
var number : Int = 10;
for (i in iter) {
number += i;
A Buffer in Motoko is a growable data structure that houses elements of generic type X
. The Buffer
Base Module contains a class Buffer
(same name as module) with class methods. The module also offers many public functions.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
On this page
Type Buffer.Buffer<X>
Class Buffer.Buffer<X>(initCapacity : Nat)
Class methods
Method size
Method add
Method get
Method getOpt
Method put
Method removeLast
Method remove
Method clear
Method filterEntries
Method capacity
Method reserve
Method append
Method insert
Method insertBuffer
Method sort
Method vals
Module public functions
Function isEmpty
Function contains
Function clone
Function max
Function min
Function equal
Function compare
Function toText
Function hash
Function indexOf
Function lastIndexOf
Function indexOfBuffer
Function binarySearch
Function subBuffer
Function isSubBufferOf
Function isStrictSubBufferOf
Function prefix
Function isPrefixOf
Function isStrictPrefixOf
Function suffix
Function isSuffixOf
Function isStrictSuffixOf
Function forAll
Function forSome
Function forNone
Function toArray
Function toVarArray
Function fromArray
Function fromVarArray
Function fromIter
Function trimToSize
Function map
Function iterate
Function mapEntries
Function mapFilter
Function mapResult
Function chain
Function foldLeft
Function foldRight
Function first
Function last
Function make
Function reverse
Function merge
Function removeDuplicates
Function partition
Function split
Function chunk
Function groupBy
Function flatten
Function zip
Function zipWith
Function takeWhile
Function dropWhile
Type Buffer.Buffer<X>
The Buffer
module contains a public type Buffer<X>
with the same name. It's convenient to rename the type locally:
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
type Buffer<X> = Buffer.Buffer<X>;
type BufNat = Buffer.Buffer<Nat>;
In the first line we declare a local type alias Buffer<X>
by referring to the type inside the module. This new local type name takes in a generic type parameter <X>
In the second line we declare another local alias BufNat
which takes no parameters. It is always a Buffer
of Nat
Class Buffer.Buffer<X>
Buffer.Buffer<X>(initCapacity : Nat)
The Buffer<X>
class takes one argument initCapacity
of type Nat
, which represent the initial capacity of the buffer.
To construct a buffer object, we use the Buffer
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
type Buffer<X> = Buffer.Buffer<X>;
let myBuffer : Buffer<Nat> = Buffer.Buffer<Nat>(100);
We construct an object myBuffer
of type Buffer<Nat>
by calling the class Buffer.Buffer
with type parameter Nat
and initial capacity 100
Class methods
func size() : Nat
The function size
takes no argument and returns a Nat
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func add(element : X) : ()
The function add
takes one generic type X
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func get(index : Nat) : X
The function get
takes one Nat
argument and returns a generic type value X
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func getOpt(index : Nat) : ?X
The function getOpt
takes one Nat
argument and returns a generic type value ?X
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func put(index : Nat, element : X) : ()
The function put
takes one Nat
and one generic type x
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(3);
intStorage.put(3, 2);
func removeLast() : ?X
The function removeLast
takes no argument and returns a generic type value ?X
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let removeLast : ?Int = intStorage.removeLast();
func remove(index : Nat) : X
The function remove
takes one Nat
argument and returns a generic type value X
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let remove : Int = intStorage.remove(1);
func clear() : ()
The function clear
takes no argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func filterEntries(predicate : (Nat, X) -> Bool) : ()
Parameters | |
Function argument | (Nat, X) -> Bool |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(index : Nat, value : Int) : Bool {
value % 2 == 0;
func capacity() : Nat
The function capacity
takes no argument and returns a Nat
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func reserve(capacity : Nat) : ()
The function reserve
takes one Nat
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func append(buffer2 : Buffer<X>) : ()
The function append
takes one generic type Buffer<X>
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorage2 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func insert(index : Nat, element : X) : ()
The function insert
takes one Nat
and one generic type X
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
intStorage.insert(3, 2);
func insertBuffer(index : Nat, buffer2 : Buffer<X>) : ()
The function insertBuffer
takes one Nat
and one generic type Buffer<X>
argument and returns a ()
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(2);
intStorage.insertBuffer(3, buffer1);
func sort(compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order) : ()
Parameters | |
Function argument | (X, X) -> Order.Order |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func vals() : { next : () -> ?X }
The function vals
takes no argument and returns a Iter
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let iter : Iter.Iter<Int> = intStorage.vals();
Module public functions
func isEmpty<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func contains<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
element : X
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | element : X |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let element : Int = 2;
Buffer.contains(intStorage, element, Int.equal);
func clone<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let clone = Buffer.clone(intStorage);
func max<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order
) : ?X
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order |
Return type | ?X |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func min<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order
) : ?X
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order |
Return type | ?X |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func equal<X>(
buffer1 : Buffer<X>
buffer2 : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer1 : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer2 : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorage2 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.equal(intStorage1, intStorage2, Int.equal);
func compare<X>(
buffer1 : Buffer<X>
buffer2 : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order
) : Order.Order
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer1 : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer2 : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order) |
Return type | Order.Order |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Order "mo:base/Order";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorage2 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
intStorage2.add(1);<Int>(intStorage1, intStorage2,;
func toText<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
toText : X -> Text
) : Text
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | toText : X -> Text |
Return type | Text |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.toText(intStorage, Int.toText)
func indexOf<X>(
element : X
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : ?Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | element : X |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | ?Nat |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.indexOf<Int>(1, intStorage, Int.equal);
func indexOf<X>(
element : X
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : ?Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | element : X |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | ?Nat |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.lastIndexOf<Int>(0, intStorage, Int.equal)
func indexOfBuffer<X>(
subBuffer : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : ?Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | subBuffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | ?Nat |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorage2 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.indexOfBuffer<Int>(intStorage2, intStorage1, Int.equal)
func binarySearch<X>(
element : X
buffer : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order
) : ?Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | element : X |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order.Order |
Return type | ?Nat |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.binarySearch<Int>(-1, intStorage,;
func subBuffer<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
start : Nat
length : Nat
) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | start : Nat |
variable argument3 | lenght : Nat |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let subBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.subBuffer(intStorage, 2, 2);
Buffer.toText<Int>(subBuffer, Int.toText)
func isSubBufferOf<X>(
subBuffer : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | subBuffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let subIntStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isSubBufferOf(subIntStorage, intStorage, Int.equal)
func isSubBufferOf<X>(
subBuffer : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | subBuffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let subIntStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isStrictSubBufferOf(subIntStorage, intStorage, Int.equal)
func prefix<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
length : Nat
) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
variable argument2 | lenght : Nat |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let prefix : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.prefix(intStorage, 3);
Buffer.toText(prefix, Int.toText)
func isPrefixOf<X>(
prefix : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | prefix : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let prefix = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isPrefixOf(prefix, intStorage, Int.equal)
func isStrictPrefixOf<X>(
prefix : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | prefix : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let prefix = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isStrictPrefixOf(prefix, intStorage, Int.equal)
func suffix<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
length : Nat
) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
variable argument2 | lenght : Nat |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let suffix : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.suffix(intStorage, 3);
Buffer.toText(suffix, Int.toText)
func isSuffixOf<X>(
suffix : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | suffix : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let suffix = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isSuffixOf(suffix, intStorage, Int.equal)
func isSuffixOf<X>(
suffix : Buffer<X>
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | suffix : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let suffix = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
Buffer.isStrictSuffixOf(suffix, intStorage, Int.equal)
func forAll<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 0;
Buffer.forAll<Int>(intStorage, check);
func forSome<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 0;
Buffer.forSome<Int>(intStorage, check);
func forNone<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : Bool
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | Bool |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 1;
Buffer.forNone<Int>(intStorage, check);
func toArray<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : [X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | [X] |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func toVarArray<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : [var X]
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | [var X] |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func fromArray<X>(array : [X]) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [X] |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let array : [Int] = [-1, 0, 1];
let buffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.fromArray<Int>(array);
Buffer.toText(buffer, Int.toText);
func fromArray<X>(array : [var X]) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | array : [var X] |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let array : [Int] = [-1, 0, 1];
let buffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.fromArray<Int>(array);
Buffer.toText(buffer, Int.toText);
func fromIter<X>(iter : { next : () -> ?X }) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | iter : { next : () -> ?X } |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let array : [Int] = [-1, 0, 1];
let iter : Iter.Iter<Int> = array.vals();
let buffer = Buffer.fromIter<Int>(iter);
Buffer.toText(buffer, Int.toText);
func trimToSize<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func map<X, Y>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
f : X -> Y
) : Buffer<Y>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | f : X -> Y |
Return type | Buffer<Y> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func change(x : Int) : Int {
x ** 2;
let newBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> =<Int, Int>(intStorage, change);
Buffer.toText(newBuffer, Int.toText)
func iterate<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
f : X -> ()
) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | f : X -> () |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func change(x : Int) : () {
number += x;
var number : Int = 10;
Buffer.iterate<Int>(intStorage, change)
func mapEntries<X, Y>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
f : (Nat, X) -> Y
) : Buffer<Y>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | f : (Nat, X) -> Y |
Return type | Buffer<Y> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x + y + 1;
let newBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.mapEntries<Int, Int>(intStorage, change);
func mapFilter<X, Y>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
f : X -> ?Y
) : Buffer<Y>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | f : X -> ?Y |
Return type | Buffer<Y> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func filter(x : Int) : ?Int {
if (x > 0) {
?(x * 10);
} else {
let newBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.mapFilter<Int, Int>(intStorage, filter);
func mapResult<X, Y, E>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
f : X -> Result.Result<Y, E>
) : Result.Result<Buffer<Y>, E>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y, E |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | f : X -> Result.Result<Y, E> |
Return type | Result.Result<Buffer<Y>, E> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Result "mo:base/Result";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(10);
func filter(x : Int) : Result.Result<Int, Text> {
if (x > 0) {
#ok(x * 10);
} else {
#err("got negative number");
let result : Result.Result<Buffer.Buffer<Int>, Text> = Buffer.mapResult<Int, Int, Text>(intStorage, filter);
func toArray(arg : Buffer.Buffer<Int>) : [Int] {
let array : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(arg);
Result.mapOk<Buffer.Buffer<Int>, [Int], Text>(result, toArray)
func chain<X, Y>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
k : X -> Buffer<Y>
) : Buffer<Y>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | k : X -> Buffer<Y> |
Return type | Buffer<Y> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorageA = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func change(x : Int) : Buffer.Buffer<Int> {
let intStorageB = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(2);
intStorageB.add(x ** 3);
let chain = Buffer.chain<Int, Int>(intStorageA, change);
func foldLeft<A, X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
base : A
combine : (A, X) -> A
) : A
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A, X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | base : A |
Function argument | combine : (A, X) -> A |
Return type | A |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x + y;
Buffer.foldLeft<Int, Int>(intStorage, 0, change)
func foldLeft<A, X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
base : A
combine : (X, A) -> A
) : A
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | A, X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | base : A |
Function argument | combine : (X, A) -> A |
Return type | A |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func change(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x + y;
Buffer.foldRight<Int, Int>(intStorage, 0, change);
func first<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : X
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | X |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func last<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : X
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | X |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func make<X>(element : X) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | element : X |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let make : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.make<Int>(2);
func reverse<X>(buffer : Buffer<X>) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let reverse : () = Buffer.reverse<Int>(intStorage);
func merge<X>(
buffer1 : Buffer<X>
buffer2 : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order
) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer1 : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer2 : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | combine : (X, X) -> Order |
Return type | BufferX |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage1 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorage2 = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let merged : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.merge<Int>(intStorage1, intStorage2,;
func removeDuplicates<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
compare : (X, X) -> Order
) : ()
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | compare : (X, X) -> Order |
Return type | () |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let removeDuplicates : () = Buffer.removeDuplicates<Int>(intStorage,;
func partition<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : (Buffer<X>, Buffer<X>)
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | (Buffer<X>, Buffer<X>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func part(x : Int) : Bool {
x > 0;
let partitions = Buffer.partition<Int>(intStorage, part);
let tuple : ([Int], [Int]) = (Buffer.toArray(partitions.0), Buffer.toArray(partitions.1))
func split<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
index : Nat
) : (Buffer<X>, Buffer<X>)
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | index : Nat |
Return type | (Buffer<X>, Buffer<X>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let splits = Buffer.split<Int>(intStorage, 2);
let tuple : ([Int], [Int]) = (Buffer.toArray<Int>(splits.0), Buffer.toArray<Int>(splits.1))
func chunk<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
size : Nat
) : Buffer<Buffer<X>>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument1 | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | size : Nat |
Return type | (Buffer<Buffer<X>>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let chunk : Buffer.Buffer<Buffer.Buffer<Int>> = Buffer.chunk<Int>(
let array : [Buffer.Buffer<Int>] = Buffer.toArray<Buffer.Buffer<Int>>(chunk);
let array0 : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(array[0]);
let array1 : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(array[1]);
(array0, array1);
func groupBy<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
equal : (X, X) -> Bool
) : Buffer<Buffer<X>>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | equal : (X, X) -> Bool |
Return type | (Buffer<Buffer<X>>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func edit(x : Int, y : Int) : Bool {
x == y;
let grouped : Buffer.Buffer<Buffer.Buffer<Int>> = Buffer.groupBy<Int>(
let array : [Buffer.Buffer<Int>] = Buffer.toArray<Buffer.Buffer<Int>>(grouped);
let array0 : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(array[0]);
let array1 : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(array[1]);
let array2 : [Int] = Buffer.toArray<Int>(array[2]);
(array0, array1, array2);
func flatten<X>(buffer : Buffer<Buffer<X>>) : Buffer<X>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<Buffer<X>> |
Return type | Buffer<X> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorageN = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorageP = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let bufferStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Buffer.Buffer<Int>>(1);
let flat : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.flatten<Int>(bufferStorage);
func zip<X, Y>(
buffer1 : Buffer<X>
buffer2 : Buffer<X>
) : Buffer<(X, Y)>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument1 | buffer1 : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer2 : Buffer<X> |
Return type | Buffer<(X, Y)> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorageN = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorageP = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let zipped : Buffer.Buffer<(Int, Int)> =<Int, Int>(
Buffer.toArray<(Int, Int)>(zipped)
func zipWith<X, Y, Z>(
buffer1 : Buffer<X>
buffer2 : Buffer<Y>
zip : (X, Y) -> Z
) : Buffer<Z>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y, Z |
Variable argument1 | buffer1 : Buffer<X> |
Variable argument2 | buffer2 : Buffer<Y> |
Function argument | zip : (X, Y) -> Z |
Return type | Buffer<Z> |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorageN = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
let intStorageP = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func edit(x : Int, y : Int) : Int {
x * y;
let zipped : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.zipWith<Int, Int, Int>(
func takeWhile<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : (Buffer<X>)
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | (Buffer<X>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(x : Int) : Bool {
x < 0;
let newBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.takeWhile<Int>(
func dropWhile<X>(
buffer : Buffer<X>
predicate : X -> Bool
) : (Buffer<X>)
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X |
Variable argument | buffer : Buffer<X> |
Function argument | predicate : X -> Bool |
Return type | (Buffer<X>) |
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
let intStorage = Buffer.Buffer<Int>(0);
func check(x : Int) : Bool {
x < 0;
let newBuffer : Buffer.Buffer<Int> = Buffer.dropWhile<Int>(
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
On this page
Type HashMap.HashMap<K, V>
Class HashMap.HashMap<K, V>
Class methods
Method get
Method size
Method put
Method replace
Method delete
Method remove
Method keys
Method vals
Method entries
Module public functions
Function clone
Function fromIter
Function map
Function mapFilter
Type HashMap.HashMap<K, V>
The HashMap
module contains a public type HashMap<K, V>
with the same name. It's convenient to rename the type locally:
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
type HashMap<K, V> = HashMap.HashMap<K, V>;
type MapTextInt = HashMap<Text, Int>;
In the second line we declare a local type alias HashMap<K, V>
by referring to the type inside the module. This new local type name takes in two generic type parameters <K, V>
In the third line we declare another local alias MapTextInt
which takes no parameters. It is always a HashMap<Text, Int>
Class HashMap.HashMap<K, V>
HashMap.HashMap<K, V>(
initCapacity : Nat,
keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool,
keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash
To construct a hashmap object, we use the HashMap
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
type HashMap<K, V> = HashMap.HashMap<K, V>;
let hashmap : HashMap<Text, Int> = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
Class methods
func size() : Nat
The function size
takes no argument and returns a Nat
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
func get(key : K) : (value : ?V)
The function get
takes one argument of type K
and returns a value of type ?V
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
func put(key : K, value : V)
The function put
takes one argument of type K
and returns a value of type V
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
map.put("Surya", 26)
func replace(key : K, value : V) : (oldValue : ?V)
The function replace
takes one argument of type K
and one of type v
returns a value of type ?V
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
map.replace("Rohit", 29)
func delete(key : K)
The function delete
takes one argument of type K
and returns nothing.
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
func remove(key : K) : (oldValue : ?V)
The function remove
takes one argument of type K
and returns a value of type ?V
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
func keys() : Iter.Iter<K>
The function keys
takes nothing and returns an Iterator
of type K
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
let iter : Iter.Iter<Text> = map.keys();
func vals() : Iter.Iter<V>
The function vals
takes nothing and returns an Iterator
of type V
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
let iter : Iter.Iter<Int> = map.vals();
func entries() : Iter.Iter<(K, V)>
The function entries
takes nothing and returns an Iterator
of type tuple (K, V)
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("Rohit", 30);
map.put("Kohli", 28);
map.put("Rahul", 27);
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = map.entries();
Iter.toArray<(Text, Int)>(iter);
Module public functions
func clone<K, V>(
map : HashMap<K, V>,
keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool,
keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash
) : HashMap<K, V>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | K, V |
Variable argument | map : HashMap<K, V> |
Function argument 1 | keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool |
Function argument 2 | keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash |
Return type | HashMap<K, V> |
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("sachin", 100);
map.put("kohli", 74);
map.put("root", 50);
let copy = HashMap.clone(map, Text.equal, Text.hash);
func fromIter<K, V>(
iter : Iter.Iter<(K, V)>,
initCapacity : Nat,
keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool,
keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash
) : HashMap<K, V>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | K, V |
Variable argument1 | iter : Iter.Iter<(K, V)> |
Variable argument2 | initCapacity : Nat |
Function argument 1 | keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool |
Function argument 2 | keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash |
Return type | HashMap<K, V> |
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let array : [(Text, Int)] = [("bitcoin", 1), ("ETH", 2), ("ICP", 20)];
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = array.vals();
let size : Nat = array.size();
let map : HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int> = HashMap.fromIter<Text, Int>(
func map<K, V1, V2>(
hashMap : HashMap<K, V1>,
keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool,
keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash,
f : (K, V1) -> V2
) : HashMap<K, V2>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | K, V1, V2 |
Variable argument1 | hashMap : HashMap<K, V1> |
Function argument 1 | keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool |
Function argument 2 | keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash |
Function argument 3 | f : (K, V1) -> V2 |
Return type | HashMap<K, V2> |
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("sachin", 100);
map.put("kohli", 74);
map.put("root", 50);
func edit(k : Text, v : Int) : Int {
v * 2;
let mapping : HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int> =<Text, Int, Int>(
func mapFilter<K, V1, V2>(
hashMap : HashMap<K, V1>,
keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool,
keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash,
f : (K, V1) -> ?V2
) : HashMap<K, V2>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | K, V1, V2 |
Variable argument1 | hashMap : HashMap<K, V1> |
Function argument 1 | keyEq : (K, K) -> Bool |
Function argument 2 | keyHash : K -> Hash.Hash |
Function argument 3 | f : (K, V1) -> ?V2 |
Return type | HashMap<K, V2> |
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let map = HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int>(5, Text.equal, Text.hash);
map.put("sachin", 100);
map.put("kohli", 74);
map.put("root", 50);
func edit(k : Text, v : Int) : ?Int {
if (v > 0) {
?(v * 2);
} else {
let mapFilter : HashMap.HashMap<Text, Int> = HashMap.mapFilter<Text, Int, Int>(
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
On this page
Type RBTree.Color
Type RBTree.Tree<K, V>
Class RBTree.RBtree<K, V>
Class methods
Method share
Method unShare
Method get
Method replace
Method put
Method delete
Method remove
Method entries
Method entriesRev
Module public functions
Function iter
Function size
Type RBTree.Color
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
type Color = RBTree.Color;
type RedBlue = Color;
Type RBTree.Tree<K, V>
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
type Tree<Text, Int> = RBTree.Tree<Text, Int>;
type MyTree = Tree<Text, Int>;
Class RBTree.RBtree<K,V>
class RBTree<K, V>(compare : (K, K) -> O.Order)
To construct a rbtree object, we use the RBTree
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
Class methods
func share() : Tree<K, V>
The function share
takes no argument and returns an value of type Tree<K, V>
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
let share : RBTree.Tree<Text, Int> = textIntTree.share();
let treeSize : Nat = RBTree.size(share)
func unShare(t : Tree<K, V>) : ()
Parameters | |
Variable argument | t : Tree<K, V> |
Return type | () |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
let share : RBTree.Tree<Text, Int> = textIntTree.share();
let unshare : () = textIntTree.unshare(share);
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entries();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(iter)
func get(key : K) : ?V
Parameters | |
Variable argument | key : K |
Return type | ?V |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
let get : ?Int = textIntTree.get("bitcoin");
func replace(key : K, value : V) : ?V
Parameters | |
Variable argument1 | key : K |
Variable argument2 | value : V |
Return type | ?V |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
let replace : ?Int = textIntTree.replace("bitcoin", 2);
func put(key : K, value : V) : ()
Parameters | |
Variable argument1 | key : K |
Variable argument2 | value : V |
Return type | () |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entries();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(iter)
func delete(key : K) : ()
Parameters | |
Variable argument | key : K |
Return type | () |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let delete : () = textIntTree.delete("bitcoin");
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entries();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(iter)
func remove(key : K) : ?V
Parameters | |
Variable argument | key : K |
Return type | ?V |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let remove : ?Int = textIntTree.remove("bitcoin");
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entries();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(iter)
func entries() : I.Iter<(K, V)>
The function entries
takes no argument and returns an value of type I.Iter<(K, V)>
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let entries : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entries();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(entries)
func entriesRev() : I.Iter<(K, V)>
Parameters | |
Variable argument | () |
Return type | I.Iter<(K, V)> |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let entriesRev : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = textIntTree.entriesRev();
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(entriesRev)
Module public functions
func iter<X, Y>(
tree : Tree<X, Y>,
direction : {#fwd; #bwd}
) : I.Iter<(X, Y)>
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument1 | tree : Tree<X< Y> |
Variable argument2 | direction : {#fwd; #bwd} |
Return type | I.Iter<(X, Y)> |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
textIntTree.put("ICP", 3);
let share : RBTree.Tree<Text, Int> = textIntTree.share();
let iter : Iter.Iter<(Text, Int)> = RBTree.iter<Text, Int>(share, #bwd);
let array : [(Text, Int)] = Iter.toArray(iter)
func size<X, Y>(
t : Tree<X, Y>
) : Nat
Parameters | |
Generic parameters | X, Y |
Variable argument | t : Tree<X< Y> |
Return type | Nat |
import RBTree "mo:base/RBTree";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
let textIntTree = RBTree.RBTree<Text, Int>(;
textIntTree.put("bitcoin", 1);
textIntTree.put("ETH", 2);
let share : RBTree.Tree<Text, Int> = textIntTree.share();
let treeSize : Nat = RBTree.size(share)
More Data Structures
Besides the more common data structures, the Motoko Base Library also includes other useful data structures.
We will not cover them in this book, but we include them as a reference to the official docs.
The AssocList
module provides a linked-list of key-value pairs of generic type (K, V)
The Deque
module provides a double-ended queue of a generic element type T
The Stack
module provides a class Stack<X>
for a minimal Last In, First Out stack of elements of type X
An overview of modules for the Internet Computer System API's.
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in.
The time module exposes one function now
that returns the IC system time represented as nanoseconds since 1970-01-01 as an Int
import Time "mo:base/Time";
let currentTime : Int =;
Time is constant within async
The system time is constant within one async
function call and any sub calls.
import Time "mo:base/Time";
actor {
type Time = Time.Time;
func time1() : Time { };
public shared query func time2() : async Time { };
public shared func time() : async (Time, Time, Time) {
let t1 = time1();
let t2 = await time2();
let t3 =;
(t1, t2, t3);
We import the module and declare an actor. The Time module exposes one type Time
that that is equal to Int
. We bring it into scope by renaming it.
We then declare a private function time1
and a query function time2
that both return the system Time
. And we declare a third update function time
that calls the first function, awaits the second function and request the system time once more.
All three time values returned in the tuple will be equal.
Monotonically increasing time
The time, as observed by the canister smart contract, is monotonically increasing after each function call. This is also the case across canister upgrades.
This means that we are guaranteed to get an increasingly larger Time
value when calling our function time
multiple times.
Timers on the IC can be set to schedule one-off or periodic tasks using the setTimer
and recurringTimer
functions respectively.
These functions take a Duration
variant that specifies the time in either seconds or nanoseconds. Also, a callback function (the job to be performed) with type () -> async ()
is passed to the timer functions that will be called when the timer expires.
and recurringTimer
return a TimerId
that can be used to cancel the timer before it expires. Timers are canceled with cancelTimer
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in.
import Timer "mo:base/Timer";
On this page
Function setTimer
Function recurringTimer
Function cancelTimer
Type Duration
type Duration = {#seconds : Nat; #nanoseconds : Nat}
Type TimerId
type TimerId = Nat
func setTimer(d : Duration, job : () -> async ()) : TimerId
func recurringTimer(d : Duration, job : () -> async ()) : TimerId
func cancelTimer : TimerId -> ()
Certified Data
Recall that query calls do not have the same security guarantees as update calls because query calls do not 'go through' consensus.
To verify the authenticity of data returned by a query call, we can use the CertifiedData
API. This is an advanced feature that we are mentioning here for completeness, but we will not cover it in depth.
For more information visit:
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in.
import CertifiedData "mo:base/CertifiedData";
On this page
Function set
Function getCertificate
func set : (data : Blob) -> ()
func getCertificate : () -> ?Blob
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in.
import Random "mo:base/Random";
On this page
Function blob
Function byte
Function coin
Function range
Function binomial
Function byteFrom
Function coinFrom
Function rangeFrom
Function binomialFrom
Randomness on the IC
The IC provides a source of randomness for use in canister smart contracts. For non-cryptographic use cases, it is relatively simple to use, but for cryptographic use case, some care is required, see the Official Base Library Reference and the Official Docs for more information.
To obtain random numbers you need a source of entropy. Entropy is represented as a 32 byte Blob
value. You may provide your own entropy Blob
as a seed for random numbers or request 'fresh' entropy from the IC. Requesting entropy from the IC can only be done from within a shared
After obtaining a blob of entropy, you may use the Finite
class to instantiate an object with methods to 'draw' different forms of randomness, namely:
- A random
value withbyte
- A random
value withcoin
- A random
value within a (possibly) large range withrange
- A random
value of the number of heads in a series ofn
coin flips withbinomial
When your entropy is 'used up', the Finite
class methods will return null
Alternatively, you may use byteFrom
, coinFrom
, rangeFrom
and binomialFrom
to obtain a single random value from a given Blob
Class Finite
class Finite(entropy : Blob)
func blob : shared () -> async Blob
func byte() : ?Nat8
func coin() : ?Bool
func range(p : Nat8) : ?Nat
func binomial(n : Nat8) : ?Nat8
func byteFrom(seed : Blob) : Nat8
func coinFrom(seed : Blob) : Bool
func rangeFrom(p : Nat8, seed : Blob) : Nat
func binomialFrom(n : Nat8, seed : Blob) : Nat8
Experimental Motoko Modules
We reference these modules for completeness, but will not cover them in depth.
These system APIs are experimental and may change in the future.
This module allows for working with cycles during canister calls.
See the official docs and the Base Library Reference for more information.
This module exposes low-level system functions for calling other canisters and instruction counting.
See the Base Library Reference for more information.
This module exposes low-level system functions for working with stable memory.
See Stable Storage and the Base Library Reference for more information.
Advanced Concepts
This chapter covers advanced concepts in Motoko and the Internet Computer (IC). After this chapter you will have enough knowledge to build fully on-chain Web3 applications!
Motoko and the Internet Computer
Motoko is a programming language that is designed to write advanced smart contracts on the IC. As a programmer, you don't need to understand the deeper details of how the IC blockchain functions. But since Motoko code is written for the IC, it is important for an advanced programmer to be familiar with some concepts of the IC.
Actors written in Motoko have direct access to system functionality on the IC. We have already seen dedicated syntax for IC features, like stable variables and caller authentication.
In this chapter we will dive deeper into Motoko and the features that allow us to utilize many important features of the IC.
Async Programming
The asynchronous programming paradigm of the Internet Computer is based on the [actor model] (
Actors are isolated units of code and state that communicate with each other by calling each others' shared functions where each shared function call triggers one or more messages to be sent and executed.
To master Motoko programming on the IC, we need to understand how to write asynchronous code, how to correctly handle async calls using try-catch and and how to safely modify state in the presence of concurrent activity.
From now on, we will drop the optionalshared
keyword in the declaration of shared functions and refer to these functions as simply 'shared functions'.
On this page
Inter-Canister Calls
Importing other actors
Inter-Canister Query Calls
Messages and Atomicity
Atomic functions
Shared functions that await
Atomic functions that send messages
State commits and message sends
Messaging restrictions
Message ordering
Async* and Await*
and await*
Atomic await*
Non-atomic await*
Keeping track of state commits and message sends
Table of asynchronous functions in Motoko
Async and Await
A call to a shared function immediately returns a future of type async T
, where T is a shared type.
A future is a value representing the (future) result of a concurrent computation. When the computation completes (with either a value of type T
or an error), the result is stored in the future.
A future of type async T
can be awaited using the await
keyword to retrieve the value of type T
. Execution is paused at the await until the future is complete and produces the result of the computation, by returning the value of type T
or throwing the error.
- Shared function calls and awaits are only allowed in an asynchronous context.
- Shared function calls immediately return a future but, unlike ordinary function calls, do not suspend execution of the caller at the call-site.
- Awaiting a future using
suspends execution until the result of the future, a value or error, is available.
While execution of a shared function call is suspended at anawait
, other messages can be processed by the actor, possibly changing its state.
Actors can call their own shared functions. Here is an actor calling its own shared function from another shared function:
actor A {
public query func read() : async Nat { 0 };
public func call_read() : async Nat {
let future : async Nat = read();
let result = await future;
result + 1
The first call to read
immediately returns a future of type async Nat
, which is the return type of our shared query function read
. This means that the caller does not wait for a response from read
and immediately continues execution.
To actually retrieve the Nat
value, we have to await
the future. The actor sends a message to itself with the request and halts execution until a response is received.
The result is a Nat
value. We increment it in the code block after the await
and use as the return value for call_read
Shared functions thatawait
are not atomic.call_read()
is executed as several separate messages, see shared functions thatawait
Inter-Canister Calls
Actors can also call the shared functions of other actors. This always happens from within an asynchronous context.
Importing other actors
To call the shared functions of other actors, we need the actor type of the external actor and an actor reference.
actor B {
type ActorA = actor {
read : query () -> async Nat;
let actorA : ActorA = actor ("7po3j-syaaa-aaaal-qbqea-cai");
public func callActorA() : async Nat {
The actor type we use may be a supertype of the external actor type. We declare the actor type actor {}
with only the shared functions we are interested in. In this case, we are importing the actor from the previous example and are only interested in the query function read
We declare a variable actorA
with actor type ActorA
and assign an actor reference actor()
to it. We supply the principal id of actor A to reference it. We can now refer to the shared function read
of actor A as
Finally, we await
the shared function read
of actor A yielding a Nat
value that we use as a return value for our update function callActorA
Inter-Canister Query Calls
Calling a shared function from an actor is currently (May 2023) only allowed from inside an update function or oneway function, because query functions don't yet have message send capability.
'Inter-Canister Query Calls' will be available on the IC in the future. For now, only ingress messages (from external clients to the IC) can request a fast query call (without going through consensus).
Messages and atomicity
From the official docs:
A message is a set of consecutive instructions that a subnet executes for a canister.
We will not cover the terms 'instruction' and 'subnet' in this book. Lets just remember that a single call to a shared function can be split up into several messages that execute separately.
A call to a shared function of any actor A, whether from an external client, from itself or from another actor B (as an Inter-Canister Call), results in an incoming message to actor A.
A single message is executed atomically. This means that the code executed within one message either executes successfully or not at all. This also means that any state changes within a single message are either all committed or none of them are committed.
These state changes also include any messages sent as calls to shared functions. These calls are queued locally and only sent on successful commit.
An await
ends the current message and splits the execution of a function into separate messages.
Atomic functions
An atomic function is one that executes within one single message. The function either executes successfully or has no effect at all. If an atomic function fails, we know for sure its state changes have not been committed.
If a shared function does not await
in its body, then it is executed atomically.
actor {
var state = 0;
public func atomic() : async () {
state += 11; // update the state
let result = state % 2; // perform a computation
state := result; // update state again
public func atomic_fail() : async () {
state += 1; // update the state
let x = 0 / 0; // will trap
state += x; // update state again
Our function atomic
mutates the state, performs a computation and mutates the state
again. Both the computation and the state mutations belong to the same message execution. The whole function either succeeds and commits its final state or it fails and does not commit any changes at all. Moreover, the intermediate state changes are not observable from other messages. Execution is all or nothing (i.e. transactional).
The second function atomic_fail
is another atomic function. It also performs a computation and state mutations within one single message. But this time, the computation traps and both state mutations are not committed, even though the trap happened after the first state mutation.
Unless an Error
is thrown intentionally during execution, the order in which computations and state mutations occur is not relevant for the atomicity of a function. The whole function is executed as a single message that either fails or succeeds in its entirety.
Shared functions that await
The async-await example earlier looks simple, but there is a lot going on there. The function call is executed as several separate messages:
The first line let future : async Nat = read()
is executed as part of the first message.
The second line let result = await future;
keyword ends the first message and any state changes made during execution of the message are committed. The await
also calls read()
and suspends execution until a response is received.
The call to read()
is executed as a separate message and could possibly be executed remotely in another actor, see inter-canister calls. The message sent to read()
could possibly result in several messages if the read()
function also await
s in its body.
In this case read()
can't await
in its body because it is a query function, but if it were an update or oneway function, it would be able to send messages.
If the sent message executes successfully, a callback is made to call_read
that is executed as yet another message as the last line result + 1
. The callback writes the result into the future, completing it, and resumes the code that was waiting on the future, i.e. the last line result + 1
In total, there are three messages, two of which are executed inside the calling actor as part of call_read
and one that is executed elsewhere, possibly a remote actor. In this case actor A
sends a message to itself.
Even if we don'tawait
a future, a message could still be sent and remote code execution could be initiated and change the state remotely or locally, see state commits.
Atomic functions that send messages
An atomic function may or may not mutate local state itself, but execution of that atomic function could still cause multiple messages to be sent (by calling shared functions) that each may or may not execute successfully. In turn, these callees may change local or remote state, see state commits.
actor {
var s1 = 0;
var s2 = 0;
public func incr_s1() : async () {
s1 += 1;
public func incr_s2() : async () {
s2 += 1;
ignore 0 / 0;
// A call to this function executes succesfully
// and increments `s1`, but not `s2`
public func atomic() : async () {
ignore incr_s1();
ignore incr_s2();
We have two state variables s1
and s2
and two shared functions that mutate them. Both functions incr_s1
and incr_s2
are each executed atomically as single messages. (They do not await
in their body).
should execute successfully, while incr_s2
will trap and revert any state mutation.
A call to atomic
will execute successfully without mutating the state during its own execution. When atomic
exits successfully with a result, the calls to incr_s1
and incr_s2
are committed (without await
) and two separate messages are sent, see state commits.
Now, incr_s1
will mutate the state, while incr_s2
does not. The values of s1
and s2
, after the successful atomic execution of atomic
will be 1
and 0
These function calls could have been calls to shared function in remote actors, therefore initiating remote execution of code and possible remote state mutations.
We are using theignore
keyword to ignore return types that are not the empty tuple()
. For example,0 / 0
should in principle return aNat
, whileincr_s1()
returns a future of typeasync ()
. Both are ignored to resume execution.
State commits and message sends
There are several points during the execution of a shared function at which state changes and message sends are irrevocably committed:
- Implicit exit from a shared function by producing a result
The function executes until the end of its body and produces the expected return value with which it is declared. If the function did notawait
in its body, then it is executed atomically within a single message and state changes will be committed once it produces a result.
var x = 0;
public func mutate_atomically() : async Text {
x += 1;
"changed state and executed till end";
- Explicit exit via return
Think of an early return like:
var y = 0;
public func early_return(b : Bool) : async Text {
y += 1; // mutate state
if (b) return "returned early";
y += 1; // mutate state
"executed till end";
If condition b
is true
, the return
keyword ends the current message and state is committed up to that point only. If b
is true, y
will only be incremented once.
Explicit throw expressions
When an error is thrown, the state changes up until the error are committed and execution of the current message is stopped. -
Explicit await expressions
As we have seen in the shared functions thatawait
example, anawait
ends the current message, commits state up to that point and splits the execution of a function into separate messages.
Messaging Restrictions
The Internet Computer places restrictions on when and how canisters are allowed to communicate. In Motoko this means that there are restrictions on when and where the use of async expressions is allowed.
An expression in Motoko is said to occur in an asynchronous context if it appears in the body of an async
or async*
Therefore, calling a shared function from outside an asynchronous context is not allowed, because calling a shared function requires a message to be sent. For the same reason, calling a shared function from an actor class constructor is also not allowed, because an actor class is not an asynchronous context and so on.
Examples of messaging restrictions:
Canister installation can execute code (and possibly trap), but not send messages.
A canister query method cannot send messages (yet)
constructs are only allowed in an asynchronous context. -
expression (to throw an error) is only allowed in an asynchronous context. -
expression is only allowed in an asynchronous context. This is because error handling is supported for messaging errors only and, like messaging itself, confined to asynchronous contexts.
Message ordering
Messages in an actor are always executed sequentially, meaning one after the other and never in parallel. As a programmer, you have no control over the order in which incoming messages are executed.
You can only control the order in which you send messages to other actors, with the guarantee that, for a particular destination actor, they will be executed in the order you sent them. Messages sent to different actors may be executed out of order.
You have no guarantee on the order in which you receive the results of any messages sent.
Consult the official docs for more information on this topic.
Errors and Traps
During the execution of a message, an error may be thrown or a trap may occur.
An Error is thrown intentionally using the throw
keyword to inform a caller that something is not right.
- State changes up until an error within a message are committed.
- Code after an error within a message is NOT executed, therefore state changes after an error within a message are NOT committed.
- Errors can be handled using
expressions. - Errors can only be thrown in an asynchronous context.
- To work with errors we use the
module in the base library.
import Error "mo:base/Error";
actor {
var state = 0;
public func incrementAndError() : async () {
state += 1;
throw Error.reject("Something is not quite right, but I'm aware of it");
state += 1;
We import the Error
We have a shared functions incrementAndError
that mutates state
and throws an Error
. We increment the value of state
once before and once after the error throw. The function does not return ()
. Instead it results in an error of type Error
(see Error module).
The first state mutation is committed, but the second is not.
After incrementAndError
, our mutable variable state
only incremented once to value 1
A trap is an unintended non-recoverable runtime failure caused by, for example, division-by-zero, out-of-bounds array indexing, numeric overflow, cycle exhaustion or assertion failure.
- A trap during the execution of a single message causes the entire message to fail.
- State changes before and after a trap within a message are NOT committed.
- A message that traps will return a special error to the sender and those errors can be caught using
, like other errors, see catching a trap. - A trap may occur intentionally for development purposes, see Debug.trap()
- A trap can happen anywhere code runs in an actor, not only in an asynchronous context.
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
actor {
var state = 0;
public func incrementAndTrap() : async () {
state += 1;
Debug.trap("Something happpened that should not have happened");
state += 1;
We import the Debug
The shared function incrementAndTrap
fails and does not return ()
. Instead it causes the execution to trap (see Debug module).
Both the first and second state mutation are NOT committed.
After incrementAndTrap
, our mutable variable state
is not changed at all.
Usually a trap occurs withoutDebug.trap()
during execution of code, for example at underflow or overflow of bounded types or other runtime failures, see traps.Assertions also generate a trap if their argument evaluates to
Async* and Await*
Recall that 'ordinary' shared functions with async
return type are part of the actor type and therefore publicly visible in the public API of the actor. Shared functions provide an asynchronous context from which other shared functions can be called and awaited, because awaiting a shared function requires a message to be sent.
Private non-shared functions with async*
return type provide an asynchronous context without exposing the function as part of the public API of the actor.
A call to an async*
function immediately returns a delayed computation of type async* T
. Note the *
that distinguishes this from the future async T
. The computation needs to be awaited using the await*
keyword (in any asynchronous context async
or async*
) to produce a result. This was not the case with un-awaited async
calls, see atomic functions that send messages.
For demonstration purposes, lets look at an example of a private async*
function, that does not use its asynchronous context to call other async
or async*
functions, but instead only performs a delayed computation:
actor {
var x = 0;
// non-shared private func with `async*` return type
private func compute() : async* Nat {
x += 1001;
x %= 3;
// non-shared private func that `await*` in its body
private func call_compute() : async* Nat {
let future = compute(); // future has no effect until `await*`
await* future; // computation is performed here
// public shared func that `await*` in its body
public func call_compute2() : async Nat {
await* compute(); // computation is performed here
is a private function with async* Nat
return type. Calling it directly yields a computation of type async* Nat
and resumes execution without blocking. This computation needs to be awaited using await*
for the computation to actually execute (unlike the case with 'ordinary' async
atomic functions that send messages).
also suspends execution, until a result is obtained. We could also pass around the computation within our actor code and only await*
it when we actually need the result.
We await*
our function compute
from within an asynchronous context.
We await*
our function compute
from within an 'ordinary' shared async
function call_compute
or from within another private async*
like call_compute2
In the case of call_compute
we obtain the result by first declaring a future and then await*
ing it. In the case of call_compute2
we await*
the result directly.
and call_compute
are not part of the actor type and public API, because they are private functions.
and await*
Private non-shared async*
functions can both await
and await*
in their body.
always commits the current state and triggers a new message send, where await*
- does not commit the current state
- does not necessarily trigger new message sends
- could be executed as part of the current message
An async*
function that only uses await*
in its body to await computations of other async*
functions (that also don't 'ordinarily' await
in their body), is executed as a single message and is guaranteed to be atomic. This means that either all await*
expressions within a async*
function are executed successfully or non of them have any effect at all.
This is different form 'ordinary' await
where each await
triggers a new message and splits the function call into several messages. State changes from the current message are then committed each time a new await
The call to a private non-shared async*
function is split up into several messages only when it executes an ordinary await
on a future, either directly in its body, or indirectly, by calling await*
on a computation that itself executes an ordinary await
on a future.
You can think of await*
as indicating that this await*
may perform zero or more ordinary await
s during the execution of its computation.
One way to keep track of possibleawait
s and state mutations withinasync*
functions is to use
library, which is not covered in this book, but recommended.
actor {
var x = 0;
public func incr() : async () { x += 1 };
private func incr2() : async* () { x += 1 };
private func call() : async* () {
x += 1; // first state muation
await incr(); // current state is comitted, new message send occurs
x += 1; // third state mutation
await* incr2(); // state is not comitted, no message send occurs
// state is comitted when function exits successfully
We await
and await*
from within a private non-shared async*
function named call
The await
suspends execution of the current message, commits the first state mutation and triggers a new message send. In this case the actor sends a message to itself, but it could have been a call to a remote actor.
The sent message is executed, mutating the state again.
When a result is returned we resume execution of call
within a second message. We mutate the state a third time.
The await*
acts as if we substitute the body of incr2
for the line await* incr2()
. The third state mutation is not committed before execution of incr2()
. No message is sent.
The third and fourth state mutation are committed when we successfully exit call()
, see state commits.
Atomic await*
Here's an example of a nested await*
within an async*
function calls:
actor {
var x = 0;
private func incr() : async* () {
await* incr2();
private func incr2() : async* () { x += 1 };
private func atomic() : async* () {
await* incr();
Because incr()
and incr2()
do not 'ordinarily' await
in their body, a call to atomic()
is executed as a single message. It behaves as if we substitute the body of incr()
for the await* incr()
expression and similarly substitute the body of incr2()
for the await* incr2()
Non-atomic await*
The asynchronous context that incr()
provides could be used to await
'ordinary' async
The key difference is that await
commits the current message and triggers a new message send, where await*
Here's an example of a 'nested' await
actor {
var x = 0;
private func incr() : async* () {
await incr2();
public func incr2() : async () { x += 1 };
private func non_atomic() : async* () {
await* incr();
This time incr2()
is a public shared function with async ()
return type.
Our function non_atomic()
performs an await*
in its body. The await*
to incr()
contains an 'ordinary' await
and thus suspends execution until a result is received. A commit of the state is triggered up to that point and a new message is sent, thereby splitting the call to non_atomic()
into two messages like we discussed earlier.
This happens because incr2()
uses an 'ordinary' await
in its body.
Keeping track of state commits and message sends
Consider the following scenario's:
- an
for anasync*
function that performed an 'ordinary'await
in its body. - an
for anasync*
function that performed anawait*
in its body (for anasync*
function that does not 'ordinarily'await
s in its body) or performs no awaits at all.
In every case, our code should handle state commits and message sends correctly and only mutate the state when we intend to do so.
library declares a result type that is useful for handlingasync*
functions. We highly recommend it, but will not cover it here.
Table of asynchronous functions in Motoko
Visibility | Async context | Return type | Awaited with | CS and TM** |
public | yes | async future | await | yes |
private | yes | async future | await | yes |
private | yes | async* computation | await* | maybe |
** Commits state and triggers a new message send.
The private function with 'ordinary' async
return type is not covered in this chapter. It behaves like a public function with 'ordinary' async
return type, meaning that when await
ed, state is committed up to that point and a new message send is triggered. Because of its private visibility, it is not part of the actor type.
Try-Catch Expressions
To correctly handle awaits for async
and async*
functions, we need to write code that also deals with scenario's in which functions do not execute successfully. This may be due to an Error
or a trap.
In both cases, the failure can be 'caught' and handled safely using a try-catch expression.
Consider the following failure scenario's:
- an
for anasync
function that throws anError
. - an
for anasync
function that traps during execution.
In every case, our code should handle function failures (errors or traps) correctly and only mutate the state when we intend to do so.
In the following examples, we will use Result<Ok, Err>
from the base library as the return type of our functions.
Lets try
to await*
a private async*
function and catch
any possible errors or traps:
import Result "mo:base/Result";
import Error "mo:base/Error";
actor {
type Result = Result.Result<(), (Error.ErrorCode, Text)>;
var state = 0;
// should return `async ()`, but in some cases throws an Error
private func error() : async* () {
state += 1;
if (state < 10) throw Error.reject("intentional error");
public func test_error() : async Result {
// try to `await*` or catch any error or trap
let result : Result = try {
await* error();
} catch (e) {
let code = Error.code(e);
let message = Error.message(e);
#err(code, message);
We start by importing Result
and Error
from the base library and declare a Result
type with associated types for our purpose.
Note that our private async*
function error()
should, in normal circumstances, return a ()
when await*
ed. But it performs a check and intentionally throw
s an Error
in exceptional circumstances to alert the caller that something is not right.
To account for this case, we try
the function first in a try-block try {}
, where we await*
for it. If that succeeds, we know the function returned a ()
and we return the #ok
variant as our Result
But in case an error is thrown, we catch
it in the catch-block and give it a name e
. This error has type Error
, which is a non-shared type that can only happen in an asynchronous context.
We analyze our error e
using the methods from the Error module to obtain the ErrorCode
and the error message as a Text
. We return this information as the associated type of our #err
variant for our Result
Note, we bind the return value of the whole try-catch block expression to the variable result
to demonstrate that it is indeed an expression that evaluates to a value. In this case, the try-catch expression evaluates to a Result
Catching a trap
The same try-catch expression can be used to catch a trap that occurs during execution of an async
or async*
In the case of an async*
function, you will only be able to catch traps that occur after a proper await
(in another message). Any traps before that cannot be caught and will roll back the entire computation up to the previous commit point.
A trap would surface as an Error
with variant #canister_error
from the type ErrorCode
. This error could be handled in the catch block.
Actor Classes
In the same way classes are constructor functions for objects, similarly actor classes are constructors for actors. An actor class is like a template for programmatically creating actors of a specific actor type.
But unlike ordinary public classes (that are usually declared inside a module), a single actor class is written in its own separate .mo
file and is imported like a module.
See 'Actor classes' and 'Actor classes generalize actors' in the official documentation for more information.
For programmatically managing actor classes, also check out Actor class management
A simple actor class
// Actor class in separate source file ``
actor class User(username : Text) {
var name = username;
public query func getName() : async Text { name };
public func setName(newName : Text) : async () {
name := newName
We use the actor class
keywords followed by a name with parentheses User()
and an optional input argument list, in this case username : Text
The body of the actor class, like any actor, may contain variables, private or shared functions, type declarations, private async*
functions, etc.
Actor class import
We import the actor class like we would import a module.
// ``
import User "actor-class";
We import the actor class from
, a file in the same directory. We chose the name User
for the module to represent the actor class.
The module type of User
now looks like this:
module {
type User = {
getName: query () -> async Text;
setName: Text -> async ();
User : (Text) -> async User;
This module contains two fields:
The type of the actor that we can 'spin up' with this actor class.
In this case, the actor typeUser
consists of two shared functions, one of which is a query function. -
The constructor function that creates an actor of this type.
The functionUser
takes aText
argument and returns a futureasync User
for an actor of typeUser
In the module above, the nameUser
is used as the name of a type and a function, see imports. The lineUser : (Text) -> async User;
first uses the nameUser
as function name and then as a type name inasync User
Installing an instance of an actor class
The function User : (Text) -> async User
can be called and await
ed from an asynchronous context from within a running actor. Lets refer to this actor as the Parent actor.
The await
for User
initiates an install of a new instance of the actor class as a new 'Child' actor running on the IC.
let instance = await User.User("Alice");
A new canister is created with the Parent actor as the single controller of the new canister.
The await
yields an actor actor {}
with actor type User
. This actor can be stored locally in the Parent actor and used as a reference to interact with the Child actor.
Multi-canister scaling
Whenever you need to scale up your application to multiple actors (running in multiple canisters), you could use actor classes to repeatedly install new instances of the same actor class.
// ``
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import User "actor-class";
actor {
let users = Buffer.Buffer<User.User>(1);
public func newUser(name : Text) : async Principal {
let instance = await User.User(name);
This actor declares a Buffer of type Buffer<User.User>
with User.User
(our actor type from our actor class module) as a generic type parameter. The buffer is named users
and has initial capacity of 1
. We can use this buffer to store instances of newly created actors from our actor class.
The shared function newUser
takes a Text
and uses that as the argument to await
the function User.User
. This yields a new actor named instance
We add the new actor to the buffer (users.add(instance)
) to be able to interact with it later.
Finally, we return the principal of the new actor by calling Principal.fromActor(instance)
On the IC we actually need to provide some cycles with the call to the actor constructorUser.User()
. On Motoko Playground, this code may work fine for testing purposes.
Calling child actors
The last example is not very useful in practice, because we can't interact with the actors after they are installed. Lets add some functionality that allows us to call the shared functions of our Child actors.
// ``
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Error "mo:base/Error";
import User "actor-class";
actor {
let users = Buffer.Buffer<User.User>(1);
public func newUser(name : Text) : async Principal {
let instance = await User.User(name);
public func readName(index : Nat) : async Text {
switch (users.getOpt(index)) {
case (?user) { await user.getName() };
case (null) { throw (Error.reject "No user at index") };
public func writeName(index : Nat, newName : Text) : async () {
switch (users.getOpt(index)) {
case (?user) { await user.setName(newName) };
case (null) { throw (Error.reject "No user at index") };
We added two shared functions readName
and writeName
. They both take a Nat
to index into the users
buffer. They use the getOpt
function ('method' from the Buffer Class) in a switch expression to test whether an actor exists at that index in the buffer.
If an actor exists at that index, we bind the name user
to the actor instance and so we can call and await
the shared functions of the Child actor by referring to them like user.getName()
. Otherwise, we throw an Error.
Stable Storage
Every canister on the Internet Computer (IC) currently (May 2023) has 4GB of working memory. This memory is wiped out each time the canister is upgraded.
On top of that, each canister currently (May 2023) gets an additional 48GB of storage space, which is called stable storage. This storage is persistent and is not wiped out during reinstallation or upgrade of a canister.
We can directly use this memory by interacting with experimental the low-level API from base library, but this is not ideal in many cases.
Work is underway for so called stable data structures that are initiated and permanently stored in stable memory. See for example this library for a Stable Hashmap.
Stable memory and upgrades
To preserve the working memory during upgrades, we may use system functions like pre_upgrade
and post_upgrade
to temporarily store the data in stable storage during the upgrade and copied back over to the working memory after the upgrade.
System API's
An overview of the Internet Computer System API's.
Message Inspection
A running canister on the Internet Computer (IC) can receive calls to its public shared functions that may take a message object that contains information about the function call. The function could for example implement caller authentication based on the information provided in the message object.
Additionally, the IC provides message inspection functionality to inspect update or oneway calls (and even update calls to query functions) and either accept or decline the call before running a public shared function.
Message inspection is executed by a single replica and does not provide the full security guarantees of going through consensus.
The inspect
system function
In Motoko, this functionality can be implemented as a system function called inspect
. This function takes a record as an argument and returns a Bool
value. If we name the record argument args
, then the function signature looks like this:
system func inspect(args) : Bool
Note that the return type is NOT async
. Also, this function CANNOT update the state of the actor.
How it works
The inspect
function is run before any external update call (via an IC ingress message) to an update, oneway or query function of an actor. The call to the actor is then inspected by the inspect
system function.
The most common way to call aquery
function is through a query call, but query functions could also be called by an update call (less common). The latter calls are slower but more trustworthy: they require consensus and are charged in cycles. Update calls to query methods are protected by message inspection too, though query call to query methods are not!
The argument to the inspect
function (an object we call args
in the function signature above) is provided by the IC and contains information about:
- The name of the public shared function that is being called and a function to obtain its arguments
- The caller of the function
- The binary content of the message argument.
The inspect
function may examine this information about the call and decide to either accept or decline the call by returning either true
or false
Ingress query calls to query functions and any calls from other canisters are NOT inspected by theinspect
system function.
The inspect
function argument
The argument to the inspect
system function is provided by the IC. The type of this argument depends on the type of the actor. Lets consider an actor of the following actor type:
type myActor = actor {
f1 : shared () -> async ();
f2 : shared Nat -> async ();
f3 : shared Text -> ();
The functions f1
and f2
are update functions and f3
is a oneway function. Also, f2
takes a Nat
argument and f3
takes a Text
The argument to the inspect
system function (which we call args
in this example) for this specific actor will be a record of the following type:
type CallArgs = {
caller : Principal;
arg : Blob;
msg : {
#f1 : () -> ();
#f2 : () -> Nat;
#f3 : () -> Text;
This record contains three fields with predefined names:
- The
field is always of typePrincipal
. - The
field is always of typeBlob
. - The
field is always a variant type and its fields will depend on the type of the actor that thisinspect
function is defined in.
The msg
variant and 'function-argument-accessor' functions
The msg
variant inside the argument for the inspect
system function will have a field for every public shared function of the actor. The variant field names #f1
, #f2
and #f3
correspond the the function names f1
, f2
and f3
But the associated types for the variant fields ARE NOT the types of the actor functions. Instead, the types of the variant fields #f1
, #f2
and #f3
are 'function-argument-accessor' functions that we can call (if needed) inside the inspect
system function.
In our example these 'function-argument-accessor' function types are:
() -> ();
() -> Nat;
() -> Text;
These functions return the arguments that were supplied during the call to the public shared function. They always have unit argument type but return the argument type of the corresponding shared function. The return type of each accessor thus depends on the shared function that it is inspecting.
For example function f2
takes a Nat
. If we wanted to inspect this value, we could call the associated function of variant #f2
, which is of type () -> Nat
. This function will provide the actual argument passed in the call to the public shared function.
Actor with Message Inspection
Lets implement the inspect
system function for the example actor given above:
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
actor {
public shared func f1() : async () {};
public shared func f2(n : Nat) : async () {};
public shared func f3(t : Text) {};
type CallArgs = {
caller : Principal;
arg : Blob;
msg : {
#f1 : () -> ();
#f2 : () -> Nat;
#f3 : () -> Text;
system func inspect(args : CallArgs) : Bool {
let caller = args.caller;
if (Principal.isAnonymous(caller)) { return false };
let msgArg = args.arg;
if (msgArg.size() > 1024) { return false };
switch (args.msg) {
case (#f1 _) { true };
case (#f2 f2Args) { f2Args() < 100 };
case (#f3 f3Args) { f3Args() == "some text" };
We implemented an actor that inspects any call to its public shared functions and performs checks on update and oneway functions before they are called.
First, the Principal
module is imported and the actor is declared with three public shared functions f1
, f2
and f3
Then, we defined CallArgs
as the record type of the expected argument to the inspect
system function. We then declare the system function and use CallArgs
to annotate the args
We can now access all the information for any function call inside the inspect
function through the chosen name args
. (We could have chosen any other name)
Inside inspect
we first check whether the caller
field of args
, which is a Principal
, is equal to the anonymous principal. If so, then inspect
returns false
and the call is rejected. Anonymous principals can't call any functions of this actor.
Another check is performed on the size of the arg
field value of our args
record. If the binary message argument is larger than 1024
bytes, then the call is rejected by returning false
once more.
Our inspect
implementation ends with a switch expression that checks every case of the msg
variant inside args
In the case function f1
is called, we ignore the possible arguments supplied to it by using the wildcard _
for the 'function-variable-accessor' function and always accept the call by always returning true
In case function f2
is called, we bind the 'function-argument-accessor' function to the local name f2Args
and run it to get the value of the argument to f2
, which is a Nat
. If this value is smaller then 100
, we accept the call, otherwise we reject.
In case function f3
is called, we bind the 'function-argument-accessor' function to the local name f3Args
and run it to get the value of the argument to f3
, which is a Text
. If this value is equal to "some text"
, we accept the call, otherwise we reject.
Pattern matching and field renaming
Instead of defining the type CallArgs
beforehand and referring to the object argument args
by name, we could use pattern matching and rename the fields in the function signature:
system func inspect({
caller : Principal = id;
msg : {
#f1 : Any;
#f2 : () -> Nat;
#f3 : () -> Text;
}) : Bool {
switch (msg) {
case (#f2 f2Args) { f2Args() < 100 };
case _ { not Principal.isAnonymous(id) };
We now declared inspect
with a record pattern as the argument.
We pattern match on the caller
field and rename it to id
. We could now just refer to id
inside the function.
By subtyping, we are allowed to ignore the arg
field all together.
And notice that we use the Any
type as the associated type of the #f1
variant, because we don't care about the variable values supplied in calls to the f1
Inside the function, we switch on msg
and only handle the case where function f2
is called. If the variable value to f2
is less than 100
, we accept, otherwise we reject the call.
In all other cases, we check whether id
is the anonymous principal. If it is, we reject, otherwise we accept the call.
Message inspection vs Caller identifying functions
The inspect
system function should not solely be used for secure access control to actors. It may be used to reject possibly unwanted calls to an actor before they are executed. Without message inspection, all calls are accepted by default, executed and charged for in cycles.
Message inspection is executed by a single replica (without full consensus, like a query call) and its result could be spoofed by a malicious boundary node.
Secure access control checks can only be performed by:
- Implementing public shared functions in an actor which implement the caller identification pattern.
- Additionally guard incoming calls by the
system function.
Timers on the IC can be set to schedule one-off or periodic tasks.
For more information go to:
- The Base Library page on Timers in this book
- The official documentation on timers
- The Official Base Library Reference for more information.
Certified Variables
Recall that query calls do not have the same security guarantees as update calls because query calls do not 'go through' consensus.
To verify the authenticity of data returned by a query call, we can use the CertifiedData
API. This is an advanced feature that we are mentioning here for completeness, but we will not cover it in depth.
For more information visit:
- The Base Library Page of this book
- The Official Docs
- The Official Base library Reference
Pre-upgrade and Post-upgrade
For a demonstration of the use of the preupgrade
and postupgrade
system functions, see the tokenized comments example.
system functions may trap during execution and data may be lost in the process. Work is underway to improve canister upgrades by working with stable storage.
Cryptographic Randomness
The IC provides a source of cryptographic randomness for use in canister smart contracts. For more information checkout:
- The Base Library Page in this Book
- The Official Base Library Reference
- The Official Docs
Project Deployment
While Motoko Playground is very convenient for trying out small snippets of Motoko code, developing canisters requires a development environment with more features.
In this chapter we will look at:
- Installing the SDK
- Compile Motoko code into WASM modules
- Configure and deploy canisters locally
- Managing identities
- Setup a cycles wallet
- Deploy to mainnet
In this chapter we only cover the most essential commands in dfx
. For a full overview of dfx
commands, see the official docs.
Remember that all dfx
commands and subcommands allow us to add the --help
flag to print out useful information about the use of the command.
Installing the SDK
The SDK (Software Development Kit) or sometimes called the CDK (Canister Development Kit) is a command-line program (and related tools) that you can run on your personal computer to develop canisters on the Internet Computer (IC).
After installing, the main program you will use (to manage and deploy canisters from the command-line) is called dfx
As of April 2023: Work is underway for a Graphical User Interface fordfx
The official docs provide more information on installing the SDK on all platforms
Install steps
On Linux, MacOS or Windows WSL, we can install and configure the SDK in four steps.
Step 1: Install
Run this script in the terminal:
sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
This will download and install the dfx
binary in /home/USER/bin
Step 2: Add to PATH
Add the /home/USER/bin
directory to your PATH variable by editing your /home/USER/.bashrc
file. Add these lines to the end of .bashrc.
export PATH="/home/xps/bin/:$PATH"
Then run this command to activate the previous step
source .bashrc
If everything went well, then you can check your installation with
dfx --version
This should print the version of dfx
that is installed.
Step 3: Configure networks.json
To configure the local and mainnet networks used by dfx
create a networks.json
file in /home/USER/.config/dfx/networks.json
with the following
"local": {
"bind": "",
"type": "ephemeral",
"replica": {
"subnet_type": "application"
"ic": {
"providers": [""],
"type": "persistent"
Step 4: Run for the first time
Now run dfx
for the first time
dfx start
This should create a version cache for dfx
located at /home/USER/.cache/dfinity/versions/
For dfx
to work correctly, you need to have Node.js v16.0.0 (or higher) installed on your system.
To uninstall dfx
and related files you can run the
script. From your home directory run
The official docs provide more information on installing the SDK on all platforms
Local Deployment
We will setup a new project for a Motoko canister from scratch and demonstrate core functionality of the SDK. To deploy a "Hello World", you may consult the official docs.
project from scratch
After installing the SDK you can make a new folder for your project. We will call our project motime
. Make sure your project has the following folder structure:
├── dfx.json
└── src/
The main configuration file is dfx.json
. Lets make a custom configuration for our project. Copy and paste the following into the dfx.json
in the root of your project.
"canisters": {
"motime": {
"type": "motoko",
"main": "src/"
This defines one single canister called motime
. We specify that this canister is based an actor written in Motoko by setting type
field to "motoko"
. We also specify the Motoko file path in the main
This is enough for a basic canister build from one single Motoko source code file.
Inside the src
folder, make a file called
and put the following actor code inside.
actor {
public query func hello(name : Text) : async Text {
return "Hello, " # name # "!";
Starting the local replica
After setting up project files, we need to start a local replica that serves as a local 'testnet' for development purposes. Start the replica by running
dfx start
Two things should be outputted in your terminal:
- An indication that
is used - A link to a locally running dashboard to monitor your replica
Create empty canister
Now the local replica is running, lets create an empty canister.
dfx canister create motime
This creates a temporary .dfx
folder in the root of your project. After this step, you should have a canister_ids.json
under .dfx/local/
. This file contains a canister id (which is a principal) of the empty canister now running on your local replica.
Build Motoko code
Now we can compile the Motoko code into a wasm file by running
dfx build motime
If the build succeeds, the outputs will be stored in .dfx/local/canisters/motime/
. This folder contains, amongst other things, a motime.wasm
file (the compiled Motoko actor) and a motime.did
file (the Interface Description).
Installing the wasm in the canister
Now we can install the wasm module in the canister we created.
dfx canister install motime
If this succeeds, you now have a canister running on your local replica.
Calling the canister
To interact with the running canister from the command line, run this command
dfx canister call motime hello motoko
The output should be ("Hello, motoko!")
indicating that the function inside
was called successfully.
dfx deploy
There is a command that combines the previous steps into one step. You need a running replica before running this command.
dfx deploy motime
This command creates a canister (if it doesn't exist already), compiles the code and installs the wasm module in one step.
For a full overview of dfx commands, see the official docs
Canister Status
Once we have a (locally) running canister, we can interact with it from the command-line using dfx
. We can query call the management canister for example to retrieve information about the status of a canister.
Once you have a (locally) running canister, you can run the following command to get its status (assuming our canister is called motime
in dfx.json
dfx canister status motime
This should return information about our canister, like
- Controllers A list of principals that control the canister
- Memory size The working memory used by the canister
- Balance The cycles balance of the canister
- Module hash The wasm module hash of the canister
The canister status response contains more information, which we didn't describe here. For a full overview of the canister status response and other functions we could call on the management canister, we need to consider the Candid interface and corresponding Motoko code for that interface.
In chapter 8, we will look at how to call the management canister from within Motoko.
Identities and PEM Files
When we interact with the Internet Computer (IC), we use a principal for authentication. In fact, a principal is just a transformed version of a public key that is derived from a private key according to a Digital Signature Scheme.
For more detailed information about digital signatures, consult the IC Interface specification
Users of applications on the IC, will typically use Internet Identity (or some other authentication tool like a hardware of software wallet) to manage and store private keys and generate signatures to sign calls and authenticate to services.
As a developer and user of dfx
, you will work with private keys directly. This maybe for testing purposes, where you might want to generate many private keys to emulate many identities, or for deployment purposes, where you may want to have several developer identities that you control, store and backup.
Default identity in dfx
automatically generates a default private key and stores it in a file .config/dfx/identity/default/identity.pem
. The private key inside looks like this:
This private key is stored in either encrypted or unencrypted form on your hard disk. In the case of an encrypted private key, you need to enter a password each time you want to use the key. Otherwise, the private key is stored in 'raw' form. Be careful, this is very insecure!
Generating a new identity
We can generate a new identity with dfx
by running
dfx identity new NAME
where NAME
is the new name for your new identity. You will be prompted for a password.
For development, it might be useful to have 'throw away keys' without a password for easy testing of dfx
features. For this we could run
dfx identity new NAME --storage-mode=plaintext
This will immediately generate a new private key and store it in folder in .config/dfx/identity/
Managing identities
Once we have multiple identities, we can list them by running
dfx identity list
This gives us a list of identities that are stored in .config/dfx/identity/
. The currently selected identity will have an asterisk *
We could switch between them by running
dfx identity use NAME
where name is the identity we want to switch to.
Anonymous identity
Besides the default identity (which is unique), dfx
also allows us to use the anonymous identity to interact with our canisters. To switch to the anonymous identity we run
dfx identity use anonymous
Cycles and ICP
Canisters are charged by the Internet Computer (IC) for using resources (like memory and computation) in a token called cycles. The more resources a canister uses, the more cycles it has to pay.
Cycles can only be held by canisters. User principals can't directly own cycles on the system.
There are different ways a service can associate a cycles balance with a user principal. Each user could get a dedicated cycles canister or cycles balances are accounted for separately while the service keeps the client's cycles in a 'treasury' canister.
Converting ICP into cycles
ICP is the main token of the IC ecosystem. It's price varies and is subject to market fluctuations. ICP is used as a governance token inside neurons to vote on proposals in the system. Governance is outside of the scope of this book.
Another use of ICP is the ability to convert it into cycles. There is a cycles minting canister (CMC) that accepts ICP in exchange for cycles. The CMC is also aware of the current market price of ICP and ensures that 1 trillion cycles (1T) always costs 1 SDR.
This mechanism ensures that the price of cycles remains stable over time. The tokenomics of ICP are outside the scope of this book. For more information on this, see the official docs.
Cycles wallet
As a developer, you need to hold and manage cycles to deploy canisters and pay for resources. For that you need to setup a cycles wallet.
Cycles Wallet
Until now, we have been using the default identity in dfx
to deploy a project locally on our machine. When we deployed our project, dfx
automatically created a local cycles wallet with some test cycles to deploy and run canisters locally.
When we want to create and deploy canisters on the Internet Computer Mainnet, we need real cycles. For that we can use a cycles wallet canister.
We recommend to make use of several services that work together to create and manage your cycles wallet:
Step 1: Create an Internet Identity anchor
Internet Identity (II) is outside the scope of this book. For more info on how to securely create an II Anchor and use it, please refer to this page.
Step 2: Transfer ICP to your NNS Dapp Wallet
Once you have an II Anchor, you can use it to log in into the NNS Dapp. The NNS Dapp features an ICP Wallet to securely store ICP tokens. To obtain ICP tokens, one typically purchases them on an exchange like Binance or Coinbase and then transfers them from an exchange into the NNS Dapp wallet.
We will not cover the steps for obtaining ICP tokens and will assume that you have some ICP in your NNS Dapp.
Step 3: Create a new canister in the NNS Dapp
In the NNS Dapp, select the 'My Canisters' tab. There you have the option to create a new canister.
A new canister needs an initial amount of cycles. When creating a new canister, you may choose an amount of ICP to convert into cycles to fuel the canister. The conversion rate of ICP / Cycles is determined by the real world price of ICP. When you choose an amount of ICP, the corresponding amount of cycles you get is shown. Currently, April 2023, the minimum amount of cycles for creating a new canister is 2T cycles plus a small fee.
Choose an amount of your liking and create a new canister. You should now see your canister in the NNS Dapp. It should say that your canister is using 0 MB of storage, which is correct since your canister is empty and has no wasm module installed.
We will use this canister to install a cycles wallet.
Step 4: Add your developer identity as a controller of the canister
Now create a developer identity on your computer using dfx
. If you plan on using this identity with significant amounts of cycles and/or ICP, you should back it up first.
Now get your developer identity principal by selecting your identity using dfx identity use
and running
dfx identity get-principal
should print out the textual representation of your principal. Copy this principal and head back to your NNS Dapp.
Click on your canister and you should see one 'controller' of your canister. This controller is the principal tied to your Internet Identity. We want to add the developer identity from dfx
to the list of controllers of the canister. To do so, click on 'add controller' and paste your developer identity principal.
You should now see two principals that control your new canister.
Step 5: Deploy a cycles wallet to the canister
Now your developer identity has control over the new canister, we can actually install wasm modules on it. In this case, we will install a cycles wallet wasm module in the canister using dfx
. To do this, you need to copy the principal of your canister from the NNS Dapp and run
dfx identity deploy-wallet CANISTER_PRINCIPAL --network ic
where 'CANISTER_PRINCIPAL' is the principal of your newly created canister in NNS Dapp.
If the command is successful, you should now have a cycles wallet on the IC Mainnet which is controlled by two principals, namely your:
- Developer Identity
- Internet Identity
will add a wallets.json
file in your identity folder at
where 'IDENTITY' is your developer identity that you used during the deployment of the cycles wallet. This file associates your cycles wallet with your developer identity. To check this you can:
- Open the file and check whether the canister id in
matches the canister principal in NNS Dapp. - Run
dfx identity get-wallet --network ic
which should print out the same canister principal
Additionally you may run
dfx wallet balance --network ic
which should retrieve the cycles balance of what is now your cycles wallet canister. This amount should correspond to the initial amount you converted in step 3.
Using your cycles wallet
Since your cycles wallet on the mainnet is now linked to your developer identity, dfx
will use it whenever you run commands with the --network ic
flag. In particular, when you deploy a new canister to the IC Mainnet, your cycles wallet will be used to fuel the canister with cycles. It is therefore important to have a sufficient balance of cycles in your cycles wallet.
You can fuel your cycles wallet with additional cycles by:
- Using the 'add cycles' function in the NNS Dapp. You will need ICP in your NNS Dapp Wallet for that.
- Manually 'top up' your cycles canister wallet using
. You need ICP on an account in the ICP Ledger controlled by your developer principle for that. - Programmatically send ICP to the cycles minting canister and request a cycles top-up to your canister.
IC Deployment
Now we have our wallet canister setup on the Internet Computer (IC) with some cycles, we are ready to deploy our first canister to the IC Mainnet.
Assuming the same project that we deployed locally, we can now use the same commands that we used to create, install and call a canister, only this time we add the --network ic
flag to indicate to dfx
that we want to execute these commands on the IC Mainnet.
Using the--network ic
will cost cycles that will be payed with your cycles wallet
IC Mainnet Deployment
Make sure you have the same setup as in the local deployment example.
Create empty canister
First check your cycles balance on your cycles wallet by running dfx wallet balance --network ic
. Now create a new canister on the IC Mainnet by running
dfx canister create motime --network ic
If successful, you should see a canister_ids.json
file in the root of your project. This will contain the canister principal id of your new canister on the IC Mainnet.
will attempt to fuel the new canister with a default amount of cycles. In case your wallet does not have enough cycles to cover the default amount, you may choose to add the--with-cycles
flag and specify a smaller amount.
Now, check you wallet balance again (by running dfx wallet balance --network ic
) to confirm that the amount of cycles for the canister creation has been deducted.
Also, check the cycles balance of the new canister by running
dfx canister status motime --network ic
Build Motoko code
Now we can compile the Motoko code into a wasm file by running
dfx build motime --network ic
If the build succeeds, the outputs will be stored in .dfx/ic/canisters/motime/
. This folder contains, amongst other things, a motime.wasm
file (the compiled Motoko actor) and a motime.did
file (the Interface Description).
Installing the wasm in the canister
Now we can install the wasm module in the canister we created.
dfx canister install motime --network ic
If this succeeds, you now have a canister with an actor running on the IC Mainnet.
Calling the canister
To interact with the running canister from the command line, run this command
dfx canister call motime hello motoko --network ic
The output should be ("Hello, motoko!")
indicating that the function inside
was called successfully.
dfx deploy
There is a command that combines the previous steps into one step.
dfx deploy motime --network ic
This command creates a canister (if it doesn't exist already), compiles the code and installs the wasm module in one step.
Deleting a canister
To delete a canister and retrieve its cycles back to your cycles wallet, we need to first stop the canister by updating its status.
dfx canister stop motime --network ic
This should stop the canister from running and will allow us now to delete it by running
dfx canister delete motime --network ic
This should delete the canister and send the remaining cycles back to your cycles wallet. Check this by running dfx wallet balance --network ic
. Also check that the canister_ids.json
file in the root of your project has been updated and the old canister principal has been removed.
For a full overview of dfx commands, see the official docs
Common Internet Computer Canisters
In this chapter, we will cover common Internet Computer canisters, namely the:
Local deployment of ledger
and cmc
To follow along and run the examples in this chapter, you need to deploy local instances of the ledger
and cmc
The IC Management Canister is not installed locally, because it's actually a 'pseudo-canister' that does not really exist with code and state on the IC.
Make sure you are using an identity for development and testing (optionally with encryption disabled for running commands without a password).
Using dfx 0.14.0
, follow these steps:
Step 1
Open .config/dfx/networks.json
and change the subnet_type
to system. The network configuration should look like this:
"local": {
"bind": "",
"type": "ephemeral",
"replica": {
"subnet_type": "system"
"ic": {
"providers": [""],
"type": "persistent"
Save and close the file.
Step 2
Run dfx
in any directory with the --clean
dfx start --clean
The replica should start and a link to the replica dashboard should be shown in the terminal.
Step 3
Open a new terminal window (leaving dfx
running in the first terminal) and run:
dfx nns install --ledger-accounts $(dfx ledger account-id)
We are adding the --ledger-accounts
flag with the default account of your identity as the argument. This way, the Ledger Canister is locally initialized with a certain amount of ICP to use for testing.
This command should install many common canisters on your local replica. We will use two of those in this chapter and you should verify that they were installed in the last step. The output should contain (among other canisters)
nns-ledger ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai
nns-cycles-minting rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai
The canister ids don't change over time and are the same in local replicas and mainnet.
Step 4
Verify the balance of the default account for your identity by running:
dfx ledger balance
In dfx 0.14.0
this should print 1000000000.00000000 ICP
IC Management Canister
The Internet Computer (IC) provides a management canister to manage canisters programmatically. This canister, like any other canister, has a Candid Interface and can be called by other canisters or ingress messages.
In this chapter, we will only look at a subset of the interface for canister management.
Motoko Interface
This is a subset of the interface as a Motoko module. It only includes canister management related types and functions. It is available as
Public functions
module {
public type canister_id = Principal;
public type canister_settings = {
freezing_threshold : ?Nat;
controllers : ?[Principal];
memory_allocation : ?Nat;
compute_allocation : ?Nat;
public type definite_canister_settings = {
freezing_threshold : Nat;
controllers : [Principal];
memory_allocation : Nat;
compute_allocation : Nat;
public type wasm_module = [Nat8];
public type Self = actor {
canister_status : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async {
status : { #stopped; #stopping; #running };
memory_size : Nat;
cycles : Nat;
settings : definite_canister_settings;
idle_cycles_burned_per_day : Nat;
module_hash : ?[Nat8];
create_canister : shared { settings : ?canister_settings } -> async {
canister_id : canister_id;
delete_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
deposit_cycles : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
install_code : shared {
arg : [Nat8];
wasm_module : wasm_module;
mode : { #reinstall; #upgrade; #install };
canister_id : canister_id;
} -> async ();
start_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
stop_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
uninstall_code : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
update_settings : shared {
canister_id : Principal;
settings : canister_settings;
} -> async ();
We import the management canister by importing the interface file and declaring an actor by principle aaaaa-aa
and type it as the Self
(which is declared in the interface).
import Interface "ic-management-interface";
import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
actor {
// The IC Management Canister ID
let IC = "aaaaa-aa";
let ic = actor(IC) : Interface.Self;
We can now reference the canister as ic
We also imported ExperimentalCycles
because some of our function calls require cycles to be added.
Public functions
The source file with function calls is available here including a test to run all functions. You can deploy it locally for testing.
Create canister
To create a new canister, we call the create_canister
create_canister : shared { settings : ?canister_settings } -> async {
canister_id : canister_id;
The function may take an optional canisters_settings
record to set initial settings for the canister, but this argument may be null
The function returns a record containing the Principal
of the newly created canister.
To create a new canister, you must add cycles to the call using theExperimentalCycles
var canister_principal : Text = "";
func create_canister() : async* () {
Cycles.add(10 ** 12);
let newCanister = await ic.create_canister({ settings = null });
canister_principal := Principal.toText(newCanister.canister_id);
Canister status
To get the current status of a canister we call canister_status
. We only provide a simple record with a canister_id
(principal) of the canister we are interested in. Only controllers of the canister can ask for its settings.
canister_status : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async {
status : { #stopped; #stopping; #running };
memory_size : Nat;
cycles : Nat;
settings : definite_canister_settings;
idle_cycles_burned_per_day : Nat;
module_hash : ?[Nat8];
The function returns a record containing the status
of the canister, the memory_size
in bytes, the cycles
balance, a definite_canister_settings
with its current settings, the idle_cycles_burned_per_day
which indicates the average cycle consumption of the canister and a module_hash
if the canister has a wasm module installed on it.
var controllers : [Principal] = [];
func canister_status() : async* () {
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
let canisterStatus = await ic.canister_status({ canister_id });
controllers := canisterStatus.settings.controllers;
Deposit cycles
To deposit cycles into a canister we call deposit_cycles
. Anyone can call this function.
We only need to provide a record with the canister_id
of the canister we want to deposit into.
deposit_cycles : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
To deposit cycles into a canister, you must add cycles to the call using theExperimentalCycles
func deposit_cycles() : async* () {
Cycles.add(10 ** 12);
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.deposit_cycles({ canister_id });
Update settings
To update the settings of a canister, we call update_settings
and provide the canister_id
together with the new canister_settings
update_settings : shared {
canister_id : Principal;
settings : canister_settings;
} -> async ();
func update_settings() : async* () {
let settings : Interface.canister_settings = {
controllers = ?controllers;
compute_allocation = null;
memory_allocation = null;
freezing_threshold = ?(60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.update_settings({ canister_id; settings });
Uninstall code
To uninstall (remove) the wasm module from a canister we call uninstall_code
with a record containing the canister_id
. Only controllers of the canister can call this function.
uninstall_code : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
func uninstall_code() : async* () {
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.uninstall_code({ canister_id });
Stop canister
To stop a running canister we call stop_canister
with a record containing the canister_id
. Only controllers of the canister can call this function.
stop_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
func stop_canister() : async* () {
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.stop_canister({ canister_id });
Start canister
To start a stopped canister we call start_canister
with a record containing the canister_id
. Only controllers of the canister can call this function.
start_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
func start_canister() : async* () {
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.start_canister({ canister_id });
Delete canister
To delete a stopped canister we call delete_canister
with a record containing the canister_id
. Only stopped canisters can be deleted and only controllers of the canister can call this function.
delete_canister : shared { canister_id : canister_id } -> async ();
func delete_canister() : async* () {
let canister_id = Principal.fromText(canister_principal);
await ic.delete_canister({ canister_id });
Install code
To install a wasm module in a canister, we call install_code
. Only controllers of a canister can call this function.
We need to provide a wasm module install arguments as [Nat8]
arrays. We also pick a mode to indicate whether we are freshly installing or upgrading the canister. And finally, we provide the canister id (principal) that we want to install code into.
install_code : shared {
arg : [Nat8];
wasm_module : wasm_module;
mode : { #reinstall; #upgrade; #install };
canister_id : canister_id;
} -> async ();
This function is atomic meaning that it either succeeds and returns ()
or it has no effect.
To test all the functions, we await*
all of them in a try-catch
block inside a regular shared public function. This test is available in
public func ic_management_canister_test() : async { #OK; #ERR : Text } {
try {
await* create_canister();
await* canister_status();
await* deposit_cycles();
await* update_settings();
await* uninstall_code();
await* stop_canister();
await* start_canister();
await* stop_canister();
await* delete_canister();
} catch (e) {
Our function either returns #OK
or #ERR
with a caught error message that is converted into text.
ICP Ledger
ICP tokens are held on a canister that implements a token ledger. We refer to it as the Ledger Canister. This ICP Ledger Canister exposes a Candid Interface with ledger functionality, like sending tokens and querying balances.
We will only focus on the icrc1
part of the interface. The full interface is available as a file here and online in a 'ledger explorer'.
For detailed information about the icrc1
standard, you may review chapter 9.
Motoko Interface
This is a subset of the interface as a Motoko module. It only includes icrc1
related types and functions. It is available as
Note, that the types are slightly different from the icrc1 standard, but the functions are the same.
Public functions
module {
public type Account = { owner : Principal; subaccount : ?[Nat8] };
public type MetadataValue = {
#Int : Int;
#Nat : Nat;
#Blob : [Nat8];
#Text : Text;
public type Result = { #Ok : Nat; #Err : TransferError };
public type StandardRecord = { url : Text; name : Text };
public type TransferArg = {
to : Account;
fee : ?Nat;
memo : ?[Nat8];
from_subaccount : ?[Nat8];
created_at_time : ?Nat64;
amount : Nat;
public type TransferError = {
#GenericError : { message : Text; error_code : Nat };
#BadBurn : { min_burn_amount : Nat };
#Duplicate : { duplicate_of : Nat };
#BadFee : { expected_fee : Nat };
#CreatedInFuture : { ledger_time : Nat64 };
#InsufficientFunds : { balance : Nat };
public type Self = actor {
icrc1_balance_of : shared query Account -> async Nat;
icrc1_decimals : shared query () -> async Nat8;
icrc1_fee : shared query () -> async Nat;
icrc1_metadata : shared query () -> async [(Text, MetadataValue)];
icrc1_minting_account : shared query () -> async ?Account;
icrc1_name : shared query () -> async Text;
icrc1_supported_standards : shared query () -> async [StandardRecord];
icrc1_symbol : shared query () -> async Text;
icrc1_total_supply : shared query () -> async Nat;
icrc1_transfer : shared TransferArg -> async Result;
We import the ICP ledger canister by importing the interface file and declaring an actor by principle ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai
and type it as the Self
type (which is declared in the interface).
If you are testing locally, you should have the Ledger Canister installed locally.
import Interface "icp-ledger-interface";
actor {
// The Ledger Canister ID
let ICP = "ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai";
let icp = actor(ICP) : Interface.Self;
We can now reference the icp ledger canister as icp
Public functions
These functions are available in
together with a test function. To test these functions, please read the test section.
icrc1_name : shared query () -> async Text;
func name() : async* Text {
await icp.icrc1_name();
icrc1_symbol : shared query () -> async Text;
func symbol() : async* Text {
await icp.icrc1_symbol();
icrc1_decimals : shared query () -> async Nat8;
func decimals() : async* Nat8 {
await icp.icrc1_decimals();
icrc1_fee : shared query () -> async Nat;
func fee() : async* Nat {
await icp.icrc1_fee();
icrc1_metadata : shared query () -> async [(Text, MetadataValue)];
func metadata() : async* [(Text, Interface.MetadataValue)] {
await icp.icrc1_metadata();
icrc1_minting_account : shared query () -> async ?Account;
func minting_account() : async* ?Interface.Account {
await icp.icrc1_minting_account();
icrc1_supported_standards : shared query () -> async [StandardRecord];
func supported_standards() : async* [Interface.StandardRecord] {
await icp.icrc1_supported_standards();
icrc1_total_supply : shared query () -> async Nat;
func total_supply() : async* Nat {
await icp.icrc1_total_supply();
icrc1_balance_of : shared query Account -> async Nat;
func balance(acc : Interface.Account) : async* Nat {
await icp.icrc1_balance_of(acc);
icrc1_transfer : shared TransferArg -> async Result;
func transfer(arg : Interface.TransferArg) : async* Interface.Result {
await icp.icrc1_transfer(arg);
Before we can run the test, we have to
- have a local instance of the Ledger Canister
- deploy the
actor locally and name the canistericp-ledger
in yourdfx.json
. - transfer some ICP to the canister
If you followed the steps for local ledger canister deployment, you should have ICP on the default account of your identity. Then you can send ICP to your canister with these steps.
Step 1
First export your canister id to an environment variable. Assuming your canister name in dfx.json
is icp-ledger
export CANISTER_ID=$(dfx canister id icp-ledger)
Step 2
Then export your the default account id belonging to your canister principal by using the dfx ledger account-id
command with the --of-principal
export ACCOUNT_ID=$(dfx ledger account-id --of-principal $CANISTER_ID)
Step 3
Check the ICP balance on your local Ledger of the default accounts of your identity and canister id with these commands.
Identity balance:
dfx ledger balance
Canister balance:
dfx ledger balance $ACCOUNT_ID
Step 4
Finally, send ICP to your canister with the dfx ledger transfer
dfx ledger transfer --amount 1 $ACCOUNT_ID --memo 0
Now check your balances again to check the transfer.
Step 5
To test all the Ledger public functions, we run this test. (Available in
For testing the icrc1_balance_of
function, you need to replace the principal with your own principal.
For the icrc1_transfer
function, we use a specific subaccount by making a 32 byte [Nat8] array with the first byte set to 1
public func test() : async { #OK : Interface.Result; #ERR : Text } {
try {
// Query tests
ignore await* name();
ignore await* symbol();
ignore await* decimals();
ignore await* fee();
ignore await* metadata();
ignore await* minting_account();
ignore await* supported_standards();
ignore await* total_supply();
// Balance_of test
// Replace with your principal
let principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("gfpvm-mqv27-7sz2a-nmav4-isngk-exxnl-g73x3-memx7-u5xbq-3alvq-dqe");
let account : Interface.Account = {
owner = principal;
subaccount = null;
ignore await* balance(account);
// Transfer test
var sub = Array.init<Nat8>(32, 0);
sub[0] := 1;
let subaccount = Array.freeze(sub);
let account2 : Interface.Account = {
owner = principal;
subaccount = ?subaccount;
let arg : Interface.TransferArg = {
from_subaccount = null;
to = account2;
amount = 100_000_000; // 1 ICP;
fee = null;
memo = null;
created_at_time = null;
let result = await* transfer(arg);
#OK result
} catch (e) {
After running this test locally, you should check your canister balance again to verify that the icrc1_transfer
function was successful and thus the whole test was executed.
Cycles Minting Canister
The Cycles Minting Canister (CMC) can mint cycles by converting ICP into cycles. We can 'top up' a canister with cycles by sending ICP to the CMC and receiving cycles in return.
Top up a canister locally
The easiest way to top up a canister with cycles is to use the dfx
command line tool.
For this, we need a locally running test canister to top up. We can use the canister motime
that we deployed in this chapter.
Assuming your canister name in dfx.json
is motime
, run
dfx canister status motime
This should print your canister status. Please note your cycles balance.
Now top up the canister by running:
dfx ledger top-up $(dfx canister id motime) --amount 1
This command will automatically convert 1 ICP into cycles and deposit the cycles into your canister.
Now check your canister status again, to see that your cycles balance has increased.
Top up a canister on mainnet
The same dfx top-up
command can be used to top up a canister running on mainnet. For this to work, you must use an identity that holds ICP on the mainnet Ledger Canister.
Step 1
Make sure you have a identity set up and print its default account with:
dfx ledger account-id
Send real ICP to this account. Now check your balance with:
dfx ledger balance --network ic
Step 2
Assuming you deployed motime
on mainnet, check its cycle balance:
dfx canister status motime --network ic
And top it up with:
dfx ledger top-up $(dfx canister id motime) --amount 1 --network ic
Now check the cycle balance again to verify that it has increased.
Internet Computer Standards
This chapter covers common Internet Computer Community Standards.
Checkout the official documentation for ICRC1
ICRC1 is a standard for fungible tokens on the Internet Computer (IC). The standard specifies the types of data, the interface and certain functionality for fungible tokens on the IC.
The standard is defined in a Candid file accompanied by an additional description of the intended behavior of any ICRC1 token.
ICRC is an abbreviation of 'Internet Computer Request for Comments' and is chosen for historical reasons related to token developments in blockchains such as Ethereum and the popular ERC standards (Ethereum Request for Comments)
On this page
ICRC1 Types
General Types
Account Types
Transaction Types
ICRC1 Interface
General token info
Ledger functionality
Metadata and Extensions
Transaction deduplication
IC time and Client time
Deduplication algorithm
How it works
In essence, an ICRC1 token is an actor that maintains data about accounts and balances.
The token balances are represented in Motoko as simple Nat
values belonging to certain accounts. Transferring tokens just comes down to subtracting from one balance of some account and adding to another balance of another account.
Because an actor runs on the IC blockchain (and is therefore is tamperproof), we can trust that a correctly programmed actor would never 'cheat' and that it would correctly keep track of all balances and transfers.
If the token actor is controlled by one or more entities (its controllers), then its security depends on the trustworthiness of the controllers. A fully decentralized token actor is one that is controlled by eiter a DAO or no entity at all!
ICRC1 types
The required data types for interacting with an ICRC1 token are defined in the official ICRC-1.did file. We will cover their Motoko counterparts here. We have grouped all ICRC1 types in three groups: general, account and transaction types.
General types
The standard defines three simple types that are used to define more complex types.
type Timestamp = Nat64;
type Duration = Nat64;
type Value = {
#Nat : Nat;
#Int : Int;
#Text : Text;
#Blob : Blob;
The Timestamp
type is another name for a Nat64
and represents the number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in UTC timezone. It is used in the definition of transaction types.
The Duration
type is also a Nat64
. It does not appear anywhere else in the specification but it may be used to represent the number of nanoseconds between two Timestamp
The Value
type is a variant that could either represent a Nat
, an Int
, a Text
or a Blob
value. It is used in the icrc1_metadata
Account types
A token balance always belongs to one Account
type Account = {
owner : Principal;
subaccount : ?Subaccount;
type Subaccount = Blob;
An Account
is a record with two fields: owner
(of type Principal
) and subaccount
. This second field is an optional Subaccount
type, which itself is defined as a Blob
. This blob has to be exactly 32 bytes in size.
This means that one account is always linked to one specific Principal
. The notion of a subaccount allows for every principal on the IC to have many ICRC1 accounts.
Default account
Each principal has a default account associated with it. The default account is constructed by setting the subaccount
field to either null
or supplying a ?Blob
with only 0
Account examples
Here's how we declare some accounts:
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
// Default account
let account1 : Account = {
owner = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
subaccount = null;
// Account with specific subaccount
let subaccount : ?Blob = ?Blob.fromArray([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let account2 : Account = {
owner = Principal.fromText("un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai");
is the default account for the principal un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai
. It is constructed by first making a Principal
from the textual representation and making subaccount
equal to null
For account2
we make a custom Blob
from a [Nat8]
array with 32 bytes. For no particular reason, we set the first four bytes to 1
. We also used name punning for the subaccount
We use the same principal (un4fu-tqaaa-aaaab-qadjq-cai
) for both accounts. A principal can have many accounts.
One principal, many accounts
In our last example, we used a ?Blob
with 32 bytes for our subaccount
. The first 4 bytes already allow for 256 * 256 * 256 * 256 = 4_294_967_296 different subaccounts.
The maximum amount of subaccounts for each principal is much much larger and equals 256^32 = 2^256 = 1.16 * 10^77, a natural number with 78 digits! A number like that can be represented in Motoko by a single Nat
Textual representation of an Account
Transaction types
The standard specifies two data types for the execution of token transfers (transactions) from one account to another. These are the TransferArgs
record and the TransferError
variant, which are used as the argument and part of the return type of the icrc1_transfer
type TransferArgs = {
from_subaccount : ?Subaccount;
to : Account;
amount : Nat;
fee : ?Nat;
memo : ?Blob;
created_at_time : ?Timestamp;
type TransferError = {
#BadFee : { expected_fee : Nat };
#BadBurn : { min_burn_amount : Nat };
#InsufficientFunds : { balance : Nat };
#CreatedInFuture : { ledger_time : Timestamp };
#Duplicate : { duplicate_of : Nat };
#GenericError : { error_code : Nat; message : Text };
The TransferArgs
record has six fields, four of which are optional types. Only the to
and amount
fields have to be specified for the most basic transaction.
is an optionalSubaccount
) and specifies whether to use a specific 32 byte subaccount to send from. The senderAccount
(containing aPrincipal
) is NOT specified because this will be inferred from the transfer function, which is a caller identifying function. This ensures that no one can spend tokens except the owner of the
is anAccount
and specifies the recipients accounts.amount
is aNat
and specifies the amount of tokens to be svariantent measured by the smallest subunits possible of the token (defined by the token decimals).fee
is a?Nat
that specifies an optional fee to be payed by the sender for a transaction measured by the smallest subunits possible of the token (defined by the token decimals).memo
is a?Blob
and specifies optional 32 byte binary data to include with a transaction.created_at_time
is a?Timestamp
which specifies an optional transaction time for a transaction which maybe used for transaction deduplication.
The TransferError
variant is used as the possible error type in the return value of the icrc1_transfer
function. It specifies several failure scenarios for a transaction.
is returned when something is wrong with the senders fee inTransferArgs
and informs about the expected fee through its associated type{ expected_fee : Nat }
is returned when a burn transaction tries to burn a too small amount of tokens and informs about the minimal burn amount through{ min_burn_amount : Nat }
is returned when the senderAccount
balance is smaller than theamount
to be sent plus fee (if required). It returns the senders balance through{ balance : Nat }
are returned if a transaction is not made within a specific time window. They are used for transaction deduplication.#TemporarilyUnavailable
is returned when token transfers are temporarily halted, for example during maintenance.#GenericError
allows us to specify any other error that may happen by providing error info through{ error_code : Nat; message : Text }
The records in the associated types of TransferError
may contain even more information about the failure by subtyping the records. The same applies for the fields of TransferArgs
. An implementer of a token may choose to add more fields for their application and still be compliant with the standard.
ICRC1 Interface
For a token to comply with ICRC1 it must implement a set of specified public shared functions as part of the actor type. The token implementation may implement more functions in the actor and still remain compliant with the standard, see actor subtyping.
We have grouped the functions into three groups and used an actor type alias ICRC1_Interface
which is not part of the standard:
import Result "mo:base/Result";
type Result<Ok, Err> = Result.Result<Ok, Err>;
type ICRC1_Interface = actor {
// General token info
icrc1_name : shared query () -> async (Text);
icrc1_symbol : shared query () -> async (Text);
icrc1_decimals : shared query () -> async (Nat8);
icrc1_fee : shared query () -> async (Nat);
icrc1_total_supply : shared query () -> async (Nat);
// Ledger functionality
icrc1_minting_account : shared query () -> async (?Account);
icrc1_balance_of : shared query (Account) -> async (Nat);
icrc1_transfer : shared (TransferArgs) -> async (Result<Nat, TransferError>);
// Metadata and Extensions
icrc1_metadata : shared query () -> async ([(Text, Value)]);
icrc1_supported_standards : shared query () -> async ([{
name : Text;
url : Text;
General token info
The standard specifies five query functions that take no arguments and return general info about the token.
returns the name of the token as aText
return the ticker symbol as aText
returns the maximum number of decimal places of a unit token as aNat8
. Most tokens have 8 decimal places and the smallest subunit would be 0.00_000_001.icrc1_fee
returns the fee to be paid for transfers of the token as aNat
measured in smallest subunits of the token (defined by the token decimals). The fee may be 0 tokens.icrc1_total_supply
returns the current total supply as aNat
measured in smallest subunits of the token (defined by the token decimals). The total supply may change over time.
Ledger functionality
ICRC1 intentionally excludes some ledger implementation details and does not specify how an actor should keep track of token balances and transaction history. It does specify three important shared functions to interact with the ledger, regardless of how the implementer of the standard chooses to implement the ledger.
is a query function that takes no arguments and returns?Account
, an optional account. The token ledger may have a special account called the minting account. If this account exists, it would serve two purposes:- Token amounts sent TO the minting account would be burned, thus removing them from the total supply. This makes a token deflationary. Burn transactions have no fee.
- Token amounts sent FROM the minting account would be minted, thus freshly created and added to the total supply. This makes a token inflationary. Mint transactions have no fee.
is a query function that takes anAccount
as an argument and returns the balance of that account as aNat
measured in smallest subunits of the token (defined by the token decimals). -
is the main and most important function of the standard. It is the only update function that identifies its caller and is meant to transfer token amounts from one account to another. It takes theTransferArgs
record as an argument and returns a resultResult<Nat, TransferError>
This function should perform important checks before approving the transfer:
- Sender and receiver account are not the same
- Sender has a balance bigger than amount to be sent plus fee
- Sender fee is not too small
- The subaccounts and memo are exactly 32 bytes
- The transaction is not a duplicate of another transaction
- The amount is larger than the minimum burn amount (in case of a burn transaction)
- And any other logic that we may want to implement...
If anything fails, the function returns #Err(txError)
where txError
is a TransferError
indicating what has gone wrong.
If all checks are met, then the transfer is recorded and the function returns #Ok(txIndex)
where txIndex
is a Nat
that represents the transaction index for the recorded transaction.
Metadata and Extensions
is a query function that takes no arguments and returns an array of tuples(Text, Value)
. The array may be empty. The tuples represent metadata about the token that may be used for client integrations with the token. The tuple represents a key-value store. The data does not have to be constant and may change in time. Notice that we use theValue
variant in the tuple.- The
is namespaced and consists of two parts separated by a colon:namespace:key
. The first partnamespace
may not contain colons (:
) and represents a 'domain' of metadata. The second partkey
is the actual key which is a name for theValue
. - The
namespace is reserved is reserved for keys from the ICRC1 standard itself, likeicrc1:name
. Other keys could be added as part of theicrc1
metadata domain, for exampleicrc1:logo
. - Another domain of metadata could be
for providing statistics about the distribution of tokens. Some keys could bestats:total_accounts
- The
is a query function that returns an array of records{ name : Text; url : Text }
. Each record contains info about another standard that may be implemented by this ICRC1 token. The ICRC1 token standard is intentionally designed to be very simple with the expectation that it will be extended by other standards. This modularity of standards allows for flexibility. (Not every token needs all capabilities of advanced token ledgers)
Transaction deduplication
Usually, when a client makes a transfer, the token canister responds with a Result<Nat, TransferError>
. This way, the client knows whether the transfer was successful or not.
If the client fails to receive the transfer response (for some reason, like a network outage) from the canister, it has no way of knowing whether the transaction was successful or not. The client could implement some logic to check the balance of the account, but that's not a perfect solution because it would still not know why a transfer may have been rejected.
To offer a solution for this scenario (a client misses the response after making a transfer and doesn't know whether the transaction was successful), ICRC1 specifies transaction deduplication functionality. An identical transaction submitted more than once within a certain time window is will not be accepted a second time.
The time window could be a period of say 24 hours. This way, a frequent user (like an exchange or trader perhaps) could label their transactions with a created_at_time
and a (possibly unique) memo
. The client could, in the case of a missed response, send the same transaction again within the allowed time window and learn about the status of the transaction.
If the initial transaction was successful, a correct implementation of ICRC1 would not record the transfer again and notify the client about the existing transaction by returning an error #Duplicate : { duplicate_of : Nat }
with an index of the existing transaction (a Nat
IC time and Client time
An actor (the host) who receives a transaction can get the current IC time through the Time Base Module.
A client could be a canister and in that case it would also get its time from the IC. But a client could also be a browser. In both cases, the host time and client time are not perfectly synced.
The client may specify a created_at_time
which is different from the IC time as perceived by an actor who receives a transactions at some point in time.
The token canister may even receive a transaction that appears to have been made in the future! The reason for this is that client and IC are not in perfect time sync.
Deduplication algorithm
If a transaction contains both a valid memo
and a created_at_time
, then a correct implementation of ICRC1 should make two checks before accepting the transaction:
- The transaction should fall within a specific time window
- The transaction is not a duplicate of another transaction within that time window
This time window is measured relative to IC time. Lets declare the IC time and relevant Duration
import Time "mo:base/Time";
let now =;
let window : Duration = 24 * 60 * 60 * 10**9;
let drift : Duration = 60 * 10**9;
The time window spans from now - (window + drift)
to now + drift
- If the
is smaller thannow - (window + drift)
, the response should an error#TooOld
. - If the
is larger thannow + drift
, the response should be an error#CreatedInFuture: { ledger_time : Timestamp }
is equal tonow
. - If the transaction falls within the time window, then there must not exist a duplicate transaction in the ledger within the same window. If its does exist, an error
#Duplicate : { duplicate_of : Nat }
should be returned. A duplicate transaction is one with all parameters equal to the current transaction that is awaiting approval, including the exactmemo
. - Otherwise
falls within the time window and has no duplicates and thus should be accepted by returning#Ok(TxIndex)
is the index at which the transaction is recorded.
Tokenized Comments Example
This chapters demonstrates how one can reward user interaction with virtual tokens. Its a simple comment section where users (after logging in) can leave a comment and like other comments.
The purpose is to demonstrate how to use common programming language features in Motoko.
We use a virtual token with a capped supply, but we intentionally don't allow transfers. This way, the token can be used to reward users, but it can't be traded on exchanges.
This is NOT a digital crypto currency. Tokens can not be sent. The tokenomics model is not economically sound. The model is for code writing demonstrations only.
The token is not an ICRC1 compliant token
Rules are simple:
- You can only comment and like interact after logging in with Internet Identity.
- You may only comment once per 10 minutes and like once per minute.
- You earn 10 tokens for a posted comment
- You earn 1 token for every like you receive.
We start with a total supply of 10 000 tokens. When all tokens are given out, no more tokens can be earned.
Project setup
The source code is available here. The project consists of two canisters:
- a backend canister written in Motoko
- a frontend UI built with Vite-SvelteKit-Tailwind.
The frontend is uploaded to a separate frontend assets canister that can serve the website to a browser. The frontend canister calls the backend canister's shared functions to interact with the backend.
The frontend, the authentication with Internet Identity and the interaction with the backend from within Javascript code are outside the scope of this book.
Backend canister source code
The backend canister source code is setup with the following files:
contains the main actor, datastores, shared functions and system upgrade
contains the constants used in the
contains the types used in the
contains utility functions used in the
contains the the implementations of the main shared functions
We use a state
object of type State
to hold the datastores:
public type State = object {
users : Users;
commentStore : CommentStore;
var commentHistory : CommentHistory;
var treasury : Treasury;
The datastore types are:
public type Users = HashMap.HashMap<Principal, User>;
public type CommentStore = HashMap.HashMap<CommentHash, Comment>;
public type CommentHistory = List.List<CommentHash>;
public type Treasury = Nat;
The hashmaps Users
and CommentStore
are immutable variables in our state
object. This means they hold a hashmap object with callable methods, but they cannot be replaced.
and Treasury
on the other hand are mutable variables. This means they hold a mutable variable that can be replaced with a new value. This happens when we deduct from the treasury or when we add a new comment to the comment history.
Shared functions
contains the public API of the actor. Most of the logic implementation for the shared functions is factored out to
for clear code organization.
We only perform checks for the identity of the caller and pass the datastores as arguments to the functions in
State mutations
The state
object and its stores are only updated by functions in
. The updates always occur within an atomically executed functions. The functions that update the state are register
, postComment
and likeComment
Note that register
always returns QueryUser
, but postComment
and likeComment
return PostResult
and LikeResult
, which may return an error, see Result
performs all the checks before any state is updated. If any check fails, the function returns an error and the state is not updated. If all checks pass, the function updates the state and returns the result. The response tells us whether the state was successfully updated or not.
returns async* LikeResult
. The reason for this is that the function may throw
an Error
if any of its checks fail. (Errors can only be thrown in an asynchronous context).
Errors are only thrown in likeComment
if something unexpected happens, like when a like is submitted to a comment which doesn't exist. Since the frontend is programmed to be able to do that, a call like that should never happen.
Recall that state updates up until an error are persisted in async
and async*
functions. In the case of likeComment
the users
hashmap may be updated before an Error
but balances are only updated if all checks are met.
The state
object initialized in
from stable var arrays which are initially empty. The state
object is used in working memory and filled with data when posts are made. The state
object is not persisted during upgrades, so when the canister is upgraded, the data is lost.
Therefore, we use the preupgrade
system function to copy all the data to the stable
array variables before an upgrade. The datastores then are initialized again from the stable
In the postupgrade
system function, we empty out the stable
arrays to save memory.
system functions may trap during execution and data may be lost in the process. Work is underway to improve canister upgrades by working with stable storage.
All constants used in the project are defined in
. This way, we can easily change the constants in one place and the changes are reflected throughout the project.
The comments canister is live on mainnet.