IC Deployment

Now we have our wallet canister setup on the Internet Computer (IC) with some cycles, we are ready to deploy our first canister to the IC Mainnet.

Assuming the same project that we deployed locally, we can now use the same commands that we used to create, install and call a canister, only this time we add the --network ic flag to indicate to dfx that we want to execute these commands on the IC Mainnet.

Using the --network ic will cost cycles that will be payed with your cycles wallet

IC Mainnet Deployment

Make sure you have the same setup as in the local deployment example.

Create empty canister

First check your cycles balance on your cycles wallet by running dfx wallet balance --network ic. Now create a new canister on the IC Mainnet by running

dfx canister create motime --network ic

If successful, you should see a canister_ids.json file in the root of your project. This will contain the canister principal id of your new canister on the IC Mainnet.

dfx will attempt to fuel the new canister with a default amount of cycles. In case your wallet does not have enough cycles to cover the default amount, you may choose to add the --with-cycles flag and specify a smaller amount.

Now, check you wallet balance again (by running dfx wallet balance --network ic) to confirm that the amount of cycles for the canister creation has been deducted.

Also, check the cycles balance of the new canister by running

dfx canister status motime --network ic

Build Motoko code

Now we can compile the Motoko code into a wasm file by running

dfx build motime --network ic

If the build succeeds, the outputs will be stored in .dfx/ic/canisters/motime/. This folder contains, amongst other things, a motime.wasm file (the compiled Motoko actor) and a motime.did file (the Interface Description).

Installing the wasm in the canister

Now we can install the wasm module in the canister we created.

dfx canister install motime --network ic

If this succeeds, you now have a canister with an actor running on the IC Mainnet.

Calling the canister

To interact with the running canister from the command line, run this command

dfx canister call motime hello motoko --network ic

The output should be ("Hello, motoko!") indicating that the function inside main.mo was called successfully.

dfx deploy

There is a command that combines the previous steps into one step.

dfx deploy motime --network ic

This command creates a canister (if it doesn't exist already), compiles the code and installs the wasm module in one step.

Deleting a canister

To delete a canister and retrieve its cycles back to your cycles wallet, we need to first stop the canister by updating its status.

dfx canister stop motime --network ic

This should stop the canister from running and will allow us now to delete it by running

dfx canister delete motime --network ic

This should delete the canister and send the remaining cycles back to your cycles wallet. Check this by running dfx wallet balance --network ic. Also check that the canister_ids.json file in the root of your project has been updated and the old canister principal has been removed.

For a full overview of dfx commands, see the official docs