If Else Expression

The if else expression starts with the if keyword followed by two sub-expressions (a condition and its associated branch) and ends with the else keyword and a third sub-expression:

if (condition) 1 else 2;

The condition has to be of type Bool. When the condition evaluates to the value true, the second sub-expression 1 is returned. When the condition evaluates to the value false, the third sub-expression 2 is returned.

When the branches are more complex expressions, they require curly braces:

if (condition) {} else {};

Unlike if expressions that lack an else, when the first sub-expression of an if else evaluates to false, the entire if else expression evaluates as the third sub-expression, not the unit value ().

For example, this if else expression evaluates to a value of a certain type Text, and we assign that value to a variable named result:

let result : Text = if (condition) {
    "condition was true";
} else {
    "condition was false";

Generally, the second and third sub-expressions of the if else expression must evaluate to a value of the same type.