
Records are like a collection of named values (variables). These values could be mutable or immutable. We assign a record to a variable name peter:

let peter = {
    name = "Peter";
    age = 18;

The record is enclosed with curly brackets {}. The example above is a record with two field expressions. A field expression consists of a variable name and its assigned value. In this case name and age are the names. Peter and 18 are the values. Field expressions end with a semicolon ;

We could annotate the types of the variables like this:

let peter = {
    name : Text = "Peter";
    age : Nat = 18;

The record now has two type annotated fields. The whole record also has a type. We could write:

type Person = {
    name : Text;
    age : Nat;

This type declaration defines a new name for our type and specifies the type of the record. We could now start using this type to declare several variables of this same type:

let bob : Person = {
    name = "Bob";
    age = 20;

let alice : Person = {
    name = "Alice";
    age = 25;

Another example is a record with mutable contents:

type Car = {
    brand : Text;
    var mileage : Nat;

let car : Car = {
    brand = "Tesla";
    var mileage = 20_000;

car.mileage := 30_000;

We defined a new type Car. It has a mutable field var mileage. This field can be accessed by writing car.mileage. We then mutated the value of the mutable mileage variable to the value 30_000;

Note, we used an underscore _ in the natural number. This is allowed for readability and does not affect the value.

Object literal

Records are sometimes referred to as object literals. They are like the string literals we saw in earlier chapters. Records are a 'literal' value of an object. We will discuss objects and their types in an upcoming chapter.

In our examples above, the literal value for the bob variable was:

    name = "Bob";
    age = 20;